Big week for the plants. The stems are thick and strong save one plant. I've now topped, started pinning them down to spread them out and train the branches out, took out a fair amount of fan leaves as big as my hand of bigger to let light in and just get them out of my way. As I'm working with different genetics and I'm working on 18/6 instead of 24 hour light, my branches haven't reached out far. The day after defiliation and lst, the leaves turned toward the light and spread out to take up the canopy. Once they have had time to recover from the big week I may switch to 24 hour light and let then get a little more leggy. I'll wait a week to see how they fill out and come up on their own. I still have one more topping I may do coming. I've also added cal mag to Once a week, and some root booster that I will probably only use a few times to help the micro biology in the soil. I'm not rushing any vegetative growth and they can take as long as they want to spread.