
Mum's project

6 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 5
No Smell
2+ conditions after
Commented by
PitchDope PitchDope
6 years ago
Everybody is in the place!! Topped and LST'ed. Yeeeeee
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Grow Questions
PitchDopestarted grow question 6 years ago
This is an organic.I feed canna cal+mag full with ro water + silica+kelp+EM + molasses .There is also in the mix ,a spoon/gallon dolomite+silica My first mistake was ph'ing 5.8,like i was used in coco,no other plant affected till i saw my candida today having one spot. Any ideas?
Leaves. Color - Mottling
HighTVanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hey there @PitchDope! I am noticing your bottom right plant appear suffering from a slight case of Interveinal Chlorosis(yellowing) - Primarily this is caused by a Nitrogen or Magnesium Deficiency. To best diagnose your plant we will need to look at exactly how that Chlorosis is spreading on the leaf (your 1st image is the closest to real color so i'm using this). If the yellowing is 'bleeding' from the edges of the tips going inward (this is what it looks like) the you have the starting of a magnesium deficiency. If however the Chlorosis(yellowing) is all over the leaf and not focused on the edge then this is a N deficiency. Given the Chlorosis Bleeding effect I see in the first image I think its safe to say magnesium----- Your plant (backright?) with the dark brown necrosis(death) marks at first glance shows the signs of both Manganese and Phosphorus Deficiency however a Manganese deficiency is accompanies by a chlorosis on the same leaf so We can eliminate that leaving just a Phosphorus Deficiency.. The first thing I am thinking is that you are using RO water and the only the Suggest amount of Canna Cal+mag. However if you read the Canna Cal-Mag label it says to add cal-mag to your RO water to give it normal levels FIRST Then following the suggest feed schedule. This fix is simple - just add some more Canna Cal-Mag to make up for the RO water and fix the Magnesium deficiency at the same time then look to supplementing some more Phosphorous(P) ๐Ÿ˜Ž If you have any more questions feel free to ask them at any time!

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BeefWellingtonsweek 1
Be careful with the rabbit, it will eat all your weed!
@PitchDope, treats, I have Guinea pigs.
@BeefWellingtons, she also loves it when i gave her (non sugar) leaves sometimes , but it is to heavy diet for her maybe as a surprise ;p
@PitchDope, I remember setting up fencing around outdoor plants to keep rabbits from eating them. Forever ago.
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The_Projexxweek 2
Ahhhh yeah Im digging that you can see the roots real real good :D :D :D You're doing a real good job keep up the great work and I'm sure you're going to have a yourself a plentiful harvest ! -Happy Growing!
PitchDopeweek 9
Thank for your kind words. I switched Critical + a bit earlier (i was running out of weed ;p ) , maybe a bad decision due to a hard potassium deficiency this plant suffered but pistils seems to grow nice afterall .We ll see !!
@PitchDope, Things look to be going well from here my friend ๐Ÿ‘ Into bloom now, lots of budsites showing, Now the real fun can begin ๐Ÿ‘Œ Keep the updates coming mate ๐Ÿ‘Š All the best โœŒ๏ธ Mark..
PitchDopeweek 5
This is my first organic grow I feed canna cal+mag full with ro water + silica+kelp+EM + molasses . There is also in the mix ,a spoon/gallon dolomite+silica My first mistake was ph'ing 5.8,now i water till 6.5 . My second was overwatering ,you see the little yellow cookies plant recovering . 1,5 week now i now have watered 3 times with ph 6.3-6.5. The Amnesia Haze you see in the last picture with the defected leave , had its first defection after 3rd node topping. Seems to go nice after some foliar spray calmag+silica 1/5 Then i decided to top again and 2 days after things went worse .Like the first topping. I think it is cal def related to ph but is it ?? 1.Why after toppings ? 2.Why didn't recover after 1.5 week + foliar ? 3.Is it better to flower her if she stabilises a bit if in flower plant uses less calmag or it will be ok to keep it as a mother plant ?
DinafemSeedsweek 9
Hello my friend, are you in flower now as your pictures say flower on them? Some nice growth from all strains ๐Ÿ‘Œ All the best โœŒ๏ธ Mark..
@DinafemSeeds,Potassium def hitted harder the critical + and I decided to put her on flowering a bit earlier, 25days now. I uploaded a stem pic, she seems happy now thank you for your good words!!
Experimentgreenweek 8
Hey just curious but um those spots, the white ones, any chance they rub off or smear? Perhaps powdery mildew? If it is pm it will probably spread more.
@Experimentgreen no ,hit is from the foliar most likely kelp or silica ,i wash with ro water
CRiSPrGrowweek 7
could be bugs bro, try using what i call biological warfare once you identify which bugs are eating your leaves, hit me up when you find out i can help you stay bio no worries.
@CRiSPrGrow .l Probably 2 of a kind!! 2 weeks ago i saw a red one and two days ago a white one . I am spraying totally with neem ,over ,under and topsoil . I am now blowing lots o air and today i moved to quarantine the most problematic plant , trying to control the situation . Turned down the temps a bit ,22,23 C,and i am thinking using more alcohol to clean the room I need more ,so I have ready all my sprayers waiting for your bio warfare !!!
DinafemSeedsweek 1
Nice to see another multiple strain grow up and running on the grow diary platform ๐Ÿ‘ and even better to see our Critical+ in your selection ๐Ÿ‘Š Good luck with the grow. We will follow along with interest and say hello to your rabbit from me โœŒ๏ธ All the best Mark..