Day 23:
watering (monday) 750ml with 1ml/l acti-vera 1,5ml/l fish-mix
Day 25:
( 22 cm - 32 cm )
Three of them were noticeably smaller than the others on start up.
Day 28:
watering (saturday) 1L with 1ml/l acti-vera 2 ml/l fish-mix
@Jim_Nirvana, Not yet, this is some Candy Kush and i have some Grease Monkey coming before the Bubble Kush.
Bubble Kush should come again this autumn, winter.
@Happy_Rakosnicek, to be honest i m not too concerned about it. it annoy me a little but not too much.
Won't arm to do some tolerance break now and before the next harvest, i still have a nice amount of the critical drying since a week with the usual better rh around 50 55%.
this is the first time in 7 years growing and 35 grows, i take it pretty much like food agriculture/farming natural disaster and bad season could just happen, i just won't have any aid from the governement for my loss LOL
Watch out for the buds with yellow leaves bro, the big top with yellow leaves probably have mold already pheno6.. Im finding mold in almost every plant atm too😔
@XII_XII_MrGreen, it's been a week and a half i m pulling suspect leaves from the two biggest phenos (4 & 5) ; ) pheno 6 is fine regarding mold, leaves are dry and cooked due to heat stress this summer,
I'll prolly harvest tomorrow anyway, rh is around 60% to 70% the last few days/weeks, and even what's been harvested two weeks ago isn't yet dry due to high RH last two weeks ... 😑
@XII_XII_MrGreen, Well much better than the last two grow that faded early, i did not really figured out what went wrong, may be a passed out nutrient or additive bottle ...