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Garden Party 2024

4 months ago
Room Type
weeks 12, 14, 16, 18
weeks 4
weeks 4, 11
Grow medium
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Worm Humus
Grow medium
17 L
Pot Size
1 L
9 months ago
Nutrients 1
Root-Juice - BioBizz
Root-Juice 0.5 mll
Here we go again… 😎 It’s near the end of April, temperatures are cool, daylight 7h50/20h10, full moon approaching: this is the right moment to sow my seeds selection for the outdoor season. 4 plants: -Royal Moby (RQS) 65% Sativa / 10 weeks flo -GMO X Zombie Kush (Ripper Seeds) Hybrid 50% / 9 weeks flo -Break Pad Breath (Ripper Seeds) 60% Indica / 9 weeks flo -Flash Back#2 (Sweet Seeds) 60% / 9 weeks flo 🤗 cool strain selection, mixing hybrid Indica+/sativa+, with a reasonable flowering time ….i don’t want to harvest in November Germination in paper towel (rain water) on heat mat — ok: 24/36h 👍
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 2. Vegetation
9 months ago
7 cm
14 hrs
21 °C
3 L
0 L
Nutrients 3
Tarantula - Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 1 mll
Root Booster - Terra Aquatica
Root Booster 1 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 1.5 mll
Week 2 During week one; seedling were placed in mini peat pots, in mini greenhouse with high level of humidity. Now plants are in 3L plastic pots with Light Mix and mycorrhiza (granules). Daylight 6h40 / 21h10 = 14h30 Fresh conditions and lot of humidity for the moment Low watering with roots stimulation Ok for the next stage 🧑‍🌾✌️
Week 3. Vegetation
9 months ago
12 cm
14 hrs
21 °C
3 L
0 L
Nutrients 3
Tarantula - Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 1 mll
Root Booster - Terra Aquatica
Root Booster 1 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 2 mll
Week 3 The 2 first crucial weeks are over. Plants are healthy, vigorous 👌 Daylight 6h35 / 21h20 = 14h45 Sunny days - 26 °C Continue to stimulate the rooting system.
Week 4. Vegetation
9 months ago
20 cm
15 hrs
22 °C
3 L
0 L
Nutrients 3
Tarantula - Advanced Nutrients
Tarantula 1 mll
Root Booster - Terra Aquatica
Root Booster 1 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 2 mll
Week 4 All are growing good. 3 nodes, correct and solid stretch . Daylight 6h30 / 21h25 = 14h55 Rainy days - 19°C … globally bad weather in May Low water Weekend: changing pots — 17L for all + 20L for BreakPadBreath…Geo textile Soil= Patchamama (rich Mix) + Coco + Worm humus Adds = algamycor + guano + mycorrhiza Topping on GMO and Flash Back: 4 nodes Now the plants have a reason to be stressed 😬
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
9 months ago
50 cm
15 hrs
19 °C
14 °C
17 L
1 L
Nutrients 4
Master Grower croissance 2 mll
Bio-pH+ - BioBizz
Bio-pH+ 1 mll
Pure Zym - PLAGRON.
Pure Zym 1.5 mll
Week 6 🌞Daylight 15h20 - 6h20/21h40 🌦️Globally Bad weather conditions during May: no sun, lot of rain and temperatures below the seasonal norm. All country like this except the deep south (Mediterranean climate). However it’s good to have a greenhouse solution and grow in pot to maintain the plants safe in this chaotic environment. The humidity seems encourage pest and diseases proliferation: mildew, botrytis. I have some automatic plants outside and they look really bad 😫 Plants are still growing good since transplantation and topping. Just a problem of probably sunburn during a rare sunny day when I moved the plants inside a tiny closed greenhouse. Good stretch for all, dynamic growth despite the poor conditions. 2 Watering / week : 1L/plant -roots + enzymes + growing nutrients (week 6) + Water rain Spaying Neem oil (dilution) one time week 5 and a boost mixture (Boom Boom Spray—fish base) week 6 I placed yellow sticky traps in the pot and hang in the greenhouse (spiders are doing great job too) Now June is beginning….wiill see
Week 7. Vegetation
9 months ago
55 cm
15 hrs
23 °C
14 °C
17 L
1 L
Nutrients 3
Master Grower croissance 1.5 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 1.5 mll
Rhizoponics - Platinium Hydroponics
Rhizoponics 2 mll
Week 7 Weather conditions stable, relative humidity and some sunny days with low wind. Day Temperature around 23°C. Daylight 15h40 - 6h10/21h50 Good growth: plants are enlarging and stretching in a healthy way. I continue to stimulate the rotting system and start a low fertilization. Sprayed Alga mic for plants vitality and a special mix manure: horsetail (prêle), comfrey (consoude), fern (fougère), nettle (or tie) = fungicide, insecticide, stimulating plant Watering 1.5L/3days Rain water + roots stimulator + Algamic Rain water + roots stimulator + growing nutrients Still waiting for Summer….
Week 8. Vegetation
8 months ago
55 cm
15 hrs
23 °C
14 °C
17 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Pure Zym - PLAGRON.
Pure Zym 1.5 mll
Rhizoponics - Platinium Hydroponics
Rhizoponics 2 mll
Week 8 Growing gradually, healthy. All plants are enlarging; forming structures with lot of branches. Just a difference around 5/10 cm height between the 4 strains. The biggest at this point are the Break pad Breath and the Flash Back#2….the GMO x Zombie Kush is beautiful too. ?I’m questioning about a 2nd topping? Daylight 15h43 : 6h13/22h Bad weather conditions during June: rainy, cold, poor luminosity, with just a few sunny days. The greenhouse is a good solution this days: less humidity with ventilation. Plants are daily controlled for Pests or diseases . Sprayed Neem oil 1 time - mix manure: horsetail (prêle), comfrey (consoude), fern (fougère), nettle (or tie) 1 time. I suspect the presence of “leaf miner flies” around. Low feeding: just roots stimulator and enzymes. I sprayed some fish mix 1 time on all plants.
Week 9. Vegetation
8 months ago
90 cm
15 hrs
86 °C
77 °C
57 °C
17 L
1 L
Nutrients 4
Master Grower croissance 2 mll
Bio-Heaven - BioBizz
Bio-Heaven 2 mll
Pure Zym - PLAGRON.
Pure Zym 1.5 mll
Week 9 All plants are growing vigorously in a healthy way. Side branches are stretching, structure is enlarging since topping. Approximately same size; the bigger are Flash Back #2 & Brake Pad Breath. Daylight 15h40 - 6h20/22h Found some aphids on the Royal Moby: I sprayed Black Soap on every plants and cleaned the infested plant leaf by leaf. I placed sticky traps in each pot: yellow, blue and black for the different type of insects Major parts of the time plants are in the veranda; clean, sunny and ventilated room. It’s easier to control pests and diseases, but the risk is the contamination between plants in this type of closed space. I sprayed Neem oil too. 2 watering: -roots stimulator + enzyme -grow nutrients + Bio Heaven Added more soil in pot (1.5L/plants) : Worm Humus + bat guano + diatomaceous earth (natural mineral insecticide) + vermiculite Sprayed Fish Mix.
Week 11. Vegetation
8 months ago
100 cm
15 hrs
24 °C
67 %
0 °C
14 °C
17 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 1.5 mll
Pure Zym - PLAGRON.
Pure Zym 1.5 mll
Week 11 All is under control: plants are growing correctly, healthy, deep green… perfect size, a few weeks before flowering cycle; I did a second topping week 10 on everyone (+6 nodes): I would have a maximum size around 150 cm for discretion and space. Still Aphids problem on the Royal Moby and I treated leaves by hand with Soap…making a mistake: too late in the morning so the sun burned some leaves. This insects are still there but the infestation is contained for the moment. I sprayed Neem oil on all plants. Added more soil in each pot : 1.5/2L of humus worm + guano bat. I observed a sort of burn on lhe extremity of leaves: possibly a sign of nitrogen excess. I stopped nutrients for a while, adding just enzyme and Alga Mic. Watering around 1.25L/2 days Daylight 15h30 - 6h25/21h55 Sunny days, cloudy sometimes, windy (NNE) T°= 13ºC N / 21°C D Humidity 67%
Used techniques
Week 12. Vegetation
7 months ago
125 cm
15 hrs
30 °C
67 %
0 °C
18 °C
17 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Master Grower croissance 2 mll
Week 14 - July 30 Last vegetation weeks. On 4 plants: 2 healthy / 2 injured. Royal Moby and GMOxZombieK were seriously contaminated with aphids. To stop the propagation I did many washes with black soap and neem oil but may be I treated at the wrong time: morning, even soon; is too late by a hot sunny summer day. I think the 2 plants are suffering from sunburn… and they still have aphids… I stopped soap treatments and try another recipe which seems working very good against aphids and revitalizing all plants: spraying Garlic + Laurel -I cooked separately during 1h garlic (5 cloves) and Lauren leaves (12) in approximately 1L of water -filtered the preparations and wait 4 days -for 1L of water to spray: 15cl garlic mixture + 5 cl laurel BEWARE: checking Ph… last year I burned plants with garlic + chili mixture: it was catastrophic. Brake Pad Breath and Flash Back are beautiful and healthy. Aphids aren’t interested by this 2 plants. I did preventive treatments Neem oil and soap but not so much. Good reaction to the Garlic+Laurel. Plants are bushy, densely ramified. Deep green color, the female sexual signs are visible. Ready for flowering. Watering with a little bit of nutrients 1.5L/plants each 2 or 3 days Defoliation Now I quit the “garden” for 7 days…traveling to Amsterdam (NL) and Prague (CZ) for holidays. I installed automatic watering systems (Blumat) and sticky traps, locked the veranda, programmed the Ventilation and crossed fingers. I’m not afraid about heat or dry…. More about pests and diseases….and rubbery too cause I have 6 auto flowering quasi ready. I’m writing this in Prague, returning in my country to the west side in 2 days. After smoking lot of joints in Amsterdam (3 days) Amnesia haze Tangerine dream Kush Mints Super Lemon Haze Dynamite cookie Intergalactic toad Super Silver Haze In Prague Weed (THC) is prohibited. But I discovered that you can buy pre roll joints (100% pure hemp-Thc-sativa, hybrid etc…) in strange gifts shops for 6€. It’s really not the best weed but it’s Strong and easygoing.
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Used techniques
Week 14. Flowering
7 months ago
140 cm
14 hrs
28 °C
70 %
0 °C
20 °C
17 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Grower Master Floraison-Hydropqssion 2 mll
Week 14 - August 13 Back from holidays. One week without carrying plants. All is Ok ✅ the Blumat irrigation system worked perfectly, Aphids are totally eradicated: the Garlic mixture is a miracle. 🐛I found 5 caterpillars on 2 plants: it makes lot of damage on a Bubble Gum I didn’t mention in the diary, but the other are safely. caterpillars are the Enemy N°1 at this point: must check everyday. I found 5 caterpillars on 2 plants: it makes lot of damage on a Bubble Gum I didn’t mention in the diary, but the other are safely. caterpillars are the Enemy N°1 at this point: must check everyday. Presence of leafminer flies but nothing important. -Royal Moby, seriously injured by sunburn and aphids aggression: recovering good, amazing stretch (sativa dominant) 140cm high , new branches are healthy. Flowering stage not engaged. -GMOxZombie Kush, was pretty shocked by aphids and sunburn too but problems are resolved: the plant is not too bad, starting a pre flowering period. 115cm -Flash Back #2 start flowering. Perfectly healthy, no pests, diseases or deficiency. Gook stretch last weeks, lot of ramifications and booming sites.130cm -Brake Pad Breath is the most advanced with a flowering stage engaged since 2 weeks. Super heathy, efficient bushy structure with lot of branches: my Favorite! 🌞Daylight 14h15 - 7h05 / 21h11 Around 26 to 32°C this week, hot night, sunny day, little bit of humidity. 💦Watering 1,5L / 3 days 💪Nutrients: Master Grower Floraison by Hydropassion
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Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
6 months ago
145 cm
14 hrs
28 °C
70 %
0 °C
20 °C
17 L
1 L
Nutrients 4
Guanodiff- Alguamycor-V2 1.3 mll
Guanodiff Classic’s 1 mll
Grower Master Flo 2 mll
Week 16 Everybody is on Flower! End of August: daylight 13h20: 7h20/20h40. Day temperature max: 26°C - Night temperature : 17°C Sunny weather - 2/3 rainy days in 2 weeks Enriched the soil with seaweed powder and bat guano. Continue to add flowering nutrients: Grower Master I added some Calmag one time. Watering 2L/plant every 3 days (2 days would be better) With humidity growing and the relatives hot temperatures: the predators are attacking plants. Everything appears so fast: Aphids, caterpillars, leaf miner flies. Did a general defoliation before spray my mixture Garlic + laurel (12cl Garlic juice + 5cl laurel infusion + 1L distilled water: beware PH!!). I sprinkled diatomaceous earth on top of soil to protect and minimize the infestation. Brake Pad Breath: still deep green and bushy. Flowering since 4 weeks. The most advanced, pretty good flowers with long pistils are growing. Spared until now: the plant is victim of Aphids, miner leaf flies and caterpillars in a « reasonable way »….try to eradicate the problem without shocking the plant at this stage. Flash Back#2: around 2 weeks flowering, stretched a few centimeters more, well developed plants with lot of blooming sites. Relatively spared by pests, just some aphids. GMO X Zombie Kush: some difficulties to recover….just engaged the flowering process, not to bad if she resist to the second pest’s wave. Royal Moby: uncertain destiny….recovering good, sativa style: 155cm, just starting the flowering stage…super late! Harvested a pretty auto flower: White Russian by Serious Seeds. Well developed plant, a little bit long to be ready but resinous and meaty buds.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 18. Flowering
6 months ago
393.7 cm
12 hrs
22 °C
70 %
0 °C
10 °C
17 L
1 L
Nutrients 4
Grower Master Flo 2 mll
House & Garden PK 13-14 1 mll
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1 mll
Week 18 Daylight 12h40 - ☀️7h40/20h20🌙 🌈Weather changed a lot during this 2 week, alternating sun and rain with medium temperature: low in the morning 8°C and 22/24°C the afternoon. Cold wind: Autumn is coming soon! 🍃 This is the middle of the flowering cycle for 2 plants and the beginning for the others; and it’s harder than I imagined. Interminable war against pests: caterpillars and leafminer flies (+ guest :aphids). However the environment is clean, there is some sticky traps, ventilation and preventives treatments (Neem Oil, Garlic/Laurel) but infestation are a recurring problem 😩. Majors reasons of the proliferation are the hot temperatures in greenhouse, the quasi inexistants natural predators, humidity, plants proximity. September is the reproduction period of the cabbage looper: a butterfly which lays eggs on plants giving some hungry caterpillars. Some others pests are attracted by the nitrogen added in soil (batguano) I did a serious defoliation, continue to check the plants morning and night to catch intruders, sprayed regularly with Neem oil. For the moment the flowering continues. -Brake Pad Breath: plant has definitely changed of physiognomy, branches are covered by a lots of resinous flowers with a pretty good smell. Indica dominance. Around 3 or 4 weeks till the harvest. It will be long: the plant is a victim of pests and caterpillars and lots of leaves are damaged. -Flash Back#2: elegant plant, pretty good flowering since 3 weeks. Globally healthy despite of the pests aggression. Sativa dominance with long internodes distance and a vigorous stretch. -GMO x Zombie Kush: same difficulties against predators, late flowering, just initiated the flowering process but in a good way. -Royal Moby: the tallest one; around 170cm, not really adapted to dimensions of the growing space and not discrete. Plants was really shocked during the first wave of pests and after the sunburn. Late flowering, Sativa. 💦Watering : 2L/plants/48h -grower Master Floraison + Enyme -grower Master Floraison + pk 13/14 -grower Master Floraison + Cal/Mag
Used techniques
Week 21. Flowering
5 months ago
393.7 cm
12 hrs
23 °C
70 %
0 °C
14 °C
17 L
1 L
Nutrients 5
Grower Master Flo 2 mll
House & Garden PK 13-14 1 mll
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
Week 21 Daylight 12h20 - 7h45/20h05 Unstable weather, alternating heavy rain and wind quasi every days and sunny afternoons. Moderate temperatures around 14°C min / 23°C max. Plants are safe in the veranda; the sun is lower on the horizon now and the angle of the light is now perfect for a good finish. I need to test the humidity level in the room but it seems reasonable. No signs of diseases or moisture. Last weeks were hard with multiple aggressions: plants are like War Veterans with some damage and scars. The flowering process look not affected by this episode and harvest is approaching. Brake Pad Breath: almost ready. Pistils are rusty colored, buds are thick and dense, firm and sticky. Subtle fruity aroma: tonic and stimulating. Most advanced plant: will be the first harvested soon. 2L watering / 2 days flowering booster finish + water flawless finish + water Flash Back #2: ending the flowering cycle and starting maturation. Last plant infested by insects, may be the plant is reacting by accelerating the flowering: buds are not so dense compare with the previous plant. Pretty spicy smell and good resin production. flowering booster finish + water flawless finish + water GMO x Zombie Kush: starting the last flowering stage. Recovering good and was less injured by caterpillar than the others. Pistils are long and the flowers will enlarge soon: need almost 3 or 4 weeks to be ready. Grower master flo + bud XL enzyme + pk 13/14 Royal Moby is tall and late flowering but seems producing lot of flower. With the stress the plant become hermaphroditic, I discovered some bag of males flowers. I hope there is no pollination between the other plants. Grower master flo + bud XL enzyme + pk 13/14
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Week 24. Harvest
4 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Solid plant; short, bushy, resistant, easy to grow. Indica dominant, giving pretty flowers, dark, rusty, dense, resinous with a complex and powerful deep smell. Pleasant and delicious tasty smoke. Super strong Indica’s effect: frontal, brain off, inert body.
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Spent 100 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
220 g
Bud wet weight per plant

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Pot size
Break Pad Breath: harvest time October 1st, after 2 weeks flushed and 48h in total obscurity. Ready soon but injured by botrytis inside the meaty and resin buds probably caused by caterpillars and humidity.
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Week 25. Flowering
5 months ago
155 cm
11 hrs
23 °C
75 %
0 °C
14 °C
17 L
1 L
Nutrients 4
House & Garden PK 13-14 1 mll
Overdrive - Advanced Nutrients
Overdrive 1 mll
Pure Zym - PLAGRON.
Pure Zym 1 mll
Week 24 October 10 - Daylight 11h : 8h20 / 19h20 Temperatures 14° C to 23/24°C - globally rainy weather during the end of September and beginning October. Rare sunny moment but cool temperatures: best conditions to develop mold or diseases. Even if the plants are in a protected from rain and ventilated area. It’s why I harvested 2 plants ( Break Pad Breath + Flash Back #2 ) before losing the yield destruct by botrytis. Royal Moby and GMO x Zombie Kush are still flowering. RM: interesting sativa flowering, productive and resilient. Lot of resinous flowers; maybe it will be some seeds inside appearing after an autopollination. No mold for the moment. Impressive refreshing Lemon smell. Ready in 10 days max. GMO x ZK: ending the flowering cycle in a good way: pretty dense flowers, covered by resin. Spicy and flowery aroma. I had to cut a little bud attack by botrytis. Ready soon. Last weeks just add pk13/14 + Bud XL and overdrive + enzymes Start flushing now.


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farahweedcommentedweek 09 months ago
Good luck my friend ♠️🛸👽
JohnnyBarrelcommented9 months ago
@farahweed, It.s a long way….Thanx🤘 🏻‍♂️⚡️
GanjaFarmer101commentedweek 117 months ago
Had some great results with Ripper Seeds Zombie Kush (and KMintz this year) They handle the heat really well :) Good luck with the grow - it's looking great :)
tresplantescommentedweek 49 months ago
Good Luck 🍀im following your Report im very interested in the breakpadbreath im just Running this one as well
VAmulasmokecommentedweek 147 months ago
Honoring her name for sure.
GanjaFarmer101commentedweek 117 months ago
I just salvaged a Papaya Zoap auto a couple of hours ago that was covered in aphids - got real lucky it hasn't spread to the rest of the grow. I would spray them all with neem oil, but they all flowering and right near the end. Not sure it's a good idea at this stage? Nice to see another outdoor grow :) Good luck with the grow - and those pesky aphids!
Sweet_Seedscommentedweek 49 months ago
Thank you very much for sharing a new diary with one of our strains. 😊 We hope you enjoy it. 😋 Sweet smokes, - Apolo
Jamescommentedweek 49 months ago
Enjoy your growing mate! 🌱 Can't wait to see the results!!
the end.
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