Today is day 18 of flower Day 76 total and this girl is rocking and rolling I'm very excited to have my very own one to one that I grew especially one as potent as seedsman says this is.. with 22% THC and 18% CBD potentially this could be a really great strain for the evening and for aches and pains.. I will say she is quite a stretcher and I'm hoping she is about done because she's running out of room.. big shout out the seedsman this is been an extremely stress-free grow showing no deficiencies at any point in time and having extremely vigorous growth.. I hope all is well and happy growing to all ✌️
End flower dimming reduces foxtailing also. Good or bad depends what you grow or want. I have dimmed also now couple years but sometimes not able cause there is also flowers in full bloom in same area.
@Hempface86, i think its s pretty old thing to dim at end. They have tried many kind of lightning schedules. If i remember right i have seen diary where grower adjust lightning day by day depends on when sun rise and set at outside.
Foxtailing is adorable at some landrace sativas. Most of the time in indoor grows you get foxtailing just at the end. Foxtails are not ready when you harvest buds so i dont want that. Other hand if you are going to just make money its good cause you get more yield. If you could foxtail buds at fairly begin of bloom it could be something 🤔
@Hattiwatti, what are your thoughts on foxtailing? Interesting that you've been dimming the last couple of years because this is something I just thought of myself randomly just trying to replicate nature
@Papa_T, I know waiting is the hardest part though what I do is say it 6 oz I'll take a half ounce and put it in one of terp locks smaller half ounce bag and put the rest in a half pound bag that way there if I want to sample it a little early I don't have to open up or disturb the majority of the crop... It's such a nice way and easy way of curing... The thing with those bags though is you have to not open them and keep them completely sealed if you open them up here and there to take some out you're going to screw yourself in the long run which is why I have the personal size ones that cure as well
@Seedsman, thank you much appreciated unfortunately this site is not letting me update any new diaries I've been trying for 2 weeks now nobody has gotten back to me... Fast buds and grow diaries are under the same umbrella and you can tell.. no offense if you're friends with them but fast buds are all hype kind of like the cookies of the breeder world.. and they screw everything up just like their new logo and just like this website.. so I might be shutting this whole page down and starting a new one because they are not letting me use my page anymore.. I was going to run your purple ghost candy from my next photo but it is literally impossible when I upload it doesn't stay on my diary it gets lost in my posts.. hopefully they fix it soon because I'm a couple days away from pulling the plug and restarting I have sponsors like yourself that want their plants grown and this site is inhibiting it from happening
@XII_XII_MrGreen, loved it!! The taste was very true to name.. it was really a pleasure to smoke .. the dry and cure must have been perfect because it was the cleanest tasting flower I've ever had... Il definitely grow it again