We had a troublesome start, mistakes have been made.
Anyways, week 4 starts, everyone is still alive, let's go!
Did flush with 10l of fresh fertilizer solution, finally did note EC and pH
will fertilize as soon as I get time to do it
added 5 l of fresh fertilizer solution, EC is high, but reservoir is full of rainwater
Ok, here's the deal, we are having rain every day, I'd be happy if this was an open ground soil grow, and my garden is happy as can be, but with coco it's a different story.
All the precious nutrients are getting washed away, so I could either hand fertilize at least twice a day, but I am afraid this will lead to a lot of human errors.
I think I will try some leaf spray, let's see what I can come up with.
01.07. evening
I made a spray with
1 ml/l Plagroon Calmag Pro
10 ml/l Primastar Universal fertilizer.
I know I should be using a surfactant, but my polysorbate 80 is somewhere in a buried move box and something is better, than nothing.
I did order some yucca root powder, but for now it's a no wetting agent spray.
I already had the Primastar fertilizer and they advertised their product containing "precious humic acid and growth and vital substances", so I'd decided to give it a try.
So I gave my baby a throughout spray down and I intend to repeat the treatment after every heavy rainfall.
@resi_max, Thanks a lot, I am quite hyped as this will be the first time I'll be able to see my plants in the open, like chill on your roof deck and just look at them 😁
Quite surreal this feeling.
Still the fight for real legalization ain't over, just one example, I will be forced to turn most of the harvest into hash, else I will have more than the 50 grams I am allowed to own on my private property.
Until then I will enjoy our new freedom as much as I can 😀