Day 19 Update! So far so good with week 3, pretty sure they could be a bit bigger, so I turned on the bloom switch on my LED yesturday and had to raise it to 80cm(and even here the 4AM next to these white crack were showing slight signs of light stress(taco'ing leaves). I started with some LST on my girls today, really enjoying this so far. Really looking forward to week 4. I noticed something today with LST'ing. White Crack#1 I think is showing some early signs of CalMag defenciency? Pictures above, 2-3 tiny rust(orange/yellow/brown) colored spots on a few leaves.
If anyone has poiners for me regarding my first try at LST I'm all ears!
Day 21 Update: So far so good with the LST, just that 2 of the White crack(#2 and #3 seem to have really tight internodal spacing, making tying the new growth down for LST quite tricky. It also makes it quite crowded atm with the new shoots coming up so closeto one another. But I'm happy, Moved my light a few inches away, will see if that makes em stretch a bit more. Just trying stuff out. All plants showed sex today, and all are happy ladies. Hope they continue to grow quite a bit more before they go into full on flower. Really looking forward to continuing to LST these girls, even if I get small compact short thick plants I'll be happy. My initial goal was 300g, but I think I'll need to be happy if I get half that. Next year I will get myself a nice QB 😅
Lol thanks! I'm a numbers kinda guy and like to be exact. I could have been even more exact by taking the hours the lights are on into account, but then I think to make it fair I would have to count all the fans etc too lol.
I've got some experience in making mistakes this summer with my first outdoor grow in over 10 years lmao. I've been reading up for the past 6 months, Going to try being ambitious with LST if the lights allow for decent veg growth. Thanks for the comment though, glad to finally be part of this community after missing out on documenting my outdoor grow this summer 😁
Wow! That looks awesome. You must be real happy with this grow. I bet you will be enjoying it for a while. Thanks for sharing and good luck on the next one.
Thanks man! I think my lights might not be enough for the 6 plants, but what I've read about the P300 makes it seem like it might just be enough, if it works and doesn't break that is.(also read bad reviews about faulty products after my purchase). But I'm sure I'll be happy with the outcome either way 😅😁