StonedWolfcommentedweek 66 years ago
A BIG THANKS to all the kind growers who answered my question 😻
By now she is definitly showing buds! 😁
If I could I would select all answers, as they gave me encouragement or new insights...
@Stick, I hope you are right, that would be fair compensation for letting me wait... 😜
@howie & @OutForReal, Yes, time was all that was needed to sort everything out 😎
@CRiSPrGrow & @@Athos, I thought my grow light would be enough for my small growbox, thank you for pointing out that I was wrong. These are very useful informations, maybe I upgrade my lights for the next grow.
But my worries were not for the Dwarfs overall development (I know more light means more vigorous growth), but caused by the Dwarf being almost 2 weeks behind the other girls in my study.
@Experimentgreen, reducing the light schedule would have been difficult as she shares the box with 3 other Ladies, and it was not neccessary as it turned out, but your information is very helpful and noted for future projects.
@HighTV, thank you for the confirmation and reassuring. It helped a lot to keep calm and carry on 😇
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