
Bag-Seed Ultra-Sour Photoperiod Experiment

7 days ago
Ultra Sour
Custom Breeder & Strain
Room Type
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 1
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
21 days ago
Day 1 (& Day 3) - June 6 Seed broke peat pellet surface last night, cotyledons are appearing now and I suspect them to unwrap soon. These are both outdoor. I'm misting multiple times a day as outside humidity is as low as 33F First pot (3 day old seedling) is in living soil with no added nutrients. The Second pot (youngest seedling) has a small amount of worm castings, power bloom and all purpose added to the living soil.. June 7 - 7.25AM Plants are inside tent as overnight temp was below 60F. I'll wait until outdoor temp is a bit warmer before putting them outside again today. June 7 - 9.00AM Added small heater outside to slightly raise temp. Will continue misting throughout the day. June 8 - 9.30AM Watered using turkey baster at perimeter of pot - maintaining misting as humidity drops. Colder weather at 67F. Hoping for a warmer day today. Likely a full turkey baster of water (Day 1) June 8 - 9.30AM Another seed almost germinated (seed shell still stuck). That'll push this grow to 3 plants if successful, putting my odds at having a female higher. June 8 - 9.30AM Added wire to help support the long stem in windy conditions. (Day 1) June 8 - 9.00PM Third seed germinated - Seed shell still stuck on head of cotyledons. Applied saliva, hoping to be unwrapped by the morning. June 9 - 9.30AM Temperature overnight likely 65F. June 9 - 3.00PM Misting throughout the day, will water another turkey baster worth of 6.3PH water. June 9 - 3.00PM Watered with 2 turkey basters each pot + 1 baster at bottom dish, to be absorbed from bottom. June 10 - 09.30AM Watered all plants to runoff at 6.3PH. Another seedling germinated, putting total to 4 plants. Cold evenings and cold days are making this a tricky outdoor grow so far. June 10 - 09.30AM I've listened to GD members wonderful advice on watering, they're now getting water to runoff in their small pots. Once they show sex, I'll 'up-pot' . Don't want to waste soil on males. June 10 - 10.45AM Removed runoff from drip tray to allow soil to dry faster in colder conditions. June 10 - 12.20PM Potted latest germinated seedling into moist soil. June 10 - 05.10PM Pried stuck seed membrane apart (sticking cotyledon leaves together). Cotelydons Immediately unwrapped. June 10 - 06.30PM All seedlings appear to be progressing. Largest seedling is bending significantly in the wind without the support, but I estimate current wind force will strengthen the stalk. June 10 - 07.45PM Brought inside as temps are 57F. They missed tonight's sun-set rays. June 10 - 08.15PM Put oldest 3 plants outside for the sun-set sun - I'll bring them inside the tent after sun-set. June 11 - 09.30PM Looks like discolouration on the seedling with cut membrane. Outside temps are 55F, so keeping in tent until it's warmer. Humidity is low in tent, as shared with flowering plant. (Day 1) June 11 - 03.30PM June 11 - 9.00PM Brought plants inside as temperatures dipped after sun-set. New seedling germinating outside. Added portable heater to help fascilitate healthy growth. June 12 - 10.30AM Potted another germinated seedling from peat pellet. Just Living soil with no added nutrients. Outdoor temperature at 70F. Misting periodically to increase humidity (currently without frost fleece). Watered one pot that was drying. June 12 - 04:20PM Noticing Red stem on one plant - likely due to germinating inside overnight (can't confirm) and perhaps the cold, though also concerned about overwatering. I'll monitor this over the next few days. June 12 - 06.15PM Wrapped towel around black plastic pot as temporary frost fleece. I want to protect black plastic from overheating in the sun consequently burning soil + roots. June 12 - 08.35PM Brought inside. Temps dropping and the sun set.
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Hologramweek 1
Good luck with your grow! but seedling do not need support, she needs more soil.. evry thing under the 'lobe leaves'(the 2 round ones) in this stage is just root. so put it under the soil as much as possible..then she will grow strong (just my advice 😳) happy growing👍
@Hologram, Hi Friend! Thanks so much for taking a look at my diary, and for sharing your advice - I really appreciate it! So when you say more soil - should cover the jiffy puck? I've also heard not to bury too deep to allow for more downward, vertical root growth. As for the support - this was only because it was SUPER windy outside and the seedling was almost bouncing off the soil with the gusts of wind haha. I'll remove and let the stem grow thick!! Thanks again for your support Hologram :D
resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
@resi_max, Thanks growmie! Lets hope they hold on!
2x2MedicineDudeweek 1
Goodluck with the grow! I look forward to seeing how it goes ✌️
@2x2MedicineDude, My friend, thanks so much for your well wishes! I've got these babies inside overnight to ensure humidity + warmth, but want to keep them outside for their life once they've matured a little more.
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