
Bag-Seed Ultra-Sour Photoperiod Experiment

13 hours ago
Room Type
weeks 6
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 3
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Commented by
a month ago
Day 16 - June 20 (Using PLANT B to determine when to update diary - will align diary age to PLANT A age next week). Plant Age Breakdown: PLANT A - Germinated 4 June (Starting Week 4 on 25 June) PLANT B - Germinated 6 June (Starting Week 3 today) PLANT C - Germinated 8 June (Starting Week 3 on 22 June) PLANT D - Germinated 10 June (Starting Week 3 on 24 June) PLANT E - Germinated 11 June (Starting Week 3 on 25 June) PLANT F - Germinated 14 June (Starting Week 3 on 28 June) June 20 - 04.00PM Sticky trap went across a few pots which bent stems. They've also been searching for sunlight on shaded balcony, but will straighten in tent overnight. 5-Finger leaves beginning to grow. June 20 - 06.30PM Went outside again as Temperature dropped to 77.5F with high humidity. Checked soil and 2 pots are practically dry, will water now. June 20 - 07.00PM Brought inside due to thunderstorm winds and dropping temperature. June 20 - 07.50PM I suspect PLANT A is male after inspecting nodes and finding something I can't confirm is a calyx. I should know in the next few days though! June 21 - 08.45AM Put outside - Temperature 72F. Humidity in the 80s. June 21 - 04.10PM Outside temperature is 76F, Humidity is 65% June 21 - 05.50PM Direct sunlight for an hour or so. Temp is 76F, but reads 80F in direct sun. Towels around black plastic pots to avoid heat stress to roots. June 22 - 09.50AM Put outside - Temp is 70F, Humidity is 75% June 22 - 07.30PM Watered 2 younger plants 250ml as soil was dry up to fingernail. In future I'll try not to let them get that dry before watering. June 22 - 07.30PM Noticing some roots at the bottom of a couple pots - I'll need to think on transplanting but want to sex before then. June 22 - 08.15PM Put inside, Temperature 67F. I suspect the cold is what made the leaves droop. June 23 - 06.00AM Put outside, 70F. Humidity 80% June 23 - 04.00PM Wind has broken main stem in a few plants- I topped up with potting soil to reinforce - will need to water the 3 older plants tomorrow, new potting soil will make dry testing difficult. June 23 - 06.15PM Brought all plants inside -they all were stressed with gale force wind - One is dead. June 24 - 09.45AM Plant B seems dead. Put the rest outside. June 24 - 06.00PM Put in direct sunlight, temperature is 82F. Likely too hot and windy, they need to get used to outdoor weather soon as they'll be spending their life outside soon. June 25 - 09.30AM Droopy leaves Perked up overnight, put outside. June 25 - 10.30AM Watered 3 youngest plants 200ml at 6.3PH to runoff. Will monitor the droppy leaves on youngest as the day progresses. June 26 - 08.45AM First night outside, one is droopy after watering (perhaps humidity + wind burn issue) June 26 - 11.40AM Youngest plant is drooping, perhaps too much water, not enough humidity and wind burn. All other plants seem okay with living outside 24/7. Leaves appearing at nodes, no pistils yet so presume the oldest 2 plants will be male. June 26 - 01.20PM Found droopy plant is due to broken stem. I suspect this will also die just as it's younger counterpart. June 26 - 03.00PM Watered two oldest plants to runoff at 6.3PH. New soil is more like clay and takes time for water to penetrate. Hoping to see them perk up tomorrow. Also considering reusing the soil from the two dead plants. June 27 - 12.45PM Temperature has not exceeded 68F. It's a cold day for the girls. Leaf taco-ing has stopped, but now they droop, perhaps to shield themselves from the cold air. Still no sign of sex. June 27 - 01.45PM All plants are a bit droopy - perhaps it's the soil not having enough aeration/drainage, perhaps it's because it's cloudy and cold. June 27 - 01.45PM I'll poke some holes in the soil to aid in getting some oxygen to lower soil. June 27 - 01.45PM Broken stem plant seems to be hanging on as it hasn't declined in health in the same fashion its sibling experienced - though stem is still wobbly. June 27 - 06.00PM Put two oldest plants in direct sunlight. Also higher wind force. June 27 - 06.40AM Less drooping after keeping inside all night at 60F. June 28 - 02.20PM Outside temperature 70F. Watered each plant to runoff at 6.3PH before going on vacation. Overwatered, but they'll have enough moisture to last the weekend outside. July 1 - 09.00PM Sex not easily identified after vacation - broken stem plant is having some deficiencies. Don't see a lot of new growth but will monitor and cross check with pics from before i left. Soil is moist.
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resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
@resi_max, Thanks growmie! Lets hope they hold on!
2x2MedicineDudeweek 1
Goodluck with the grow! I look forward to seeing how it goes ✌️
@2x2MedicineDude, My friend, thanks so much for your well wishes! I've got these babies inside overnight to ensure humidity + warmth, but want to keep them outside for their life once they've matured a little more.
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Hologramweek 1
Good luck with your grow! but seedling do not need support, she needs more soil.. evry thing under the 'lobe leaves'(the 2 round ones) in this stage is just root. so put it under the soil as much as possible..then she will grow strong (just my advice 😳) happy growing👍
@Hologram, Hi Friend! Thanks so much for taking a look at my diary, and for sharing your advice - I really appreciate it! So when you say more soil - should cover the jiffy puck? I've also heard not to bury too deep to allow for more downward, vertical root growth. As for the support - this was only because it was SUPER windy outside and the seedling was almost bouncing off the soil with the gusts of wind haha. I'll remove and let the stem grow thick!! Thanks again for your support Hologram :D
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