
Bag-Seed Ultra-Sour Photoperiod Experiment

2 days ago
Ultra Sour
Room Type
weeks 6-16
weeks 6-13
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 12
18 hrs
Light Schedule
10+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
a month ago
Day 84 - August 27 August 27 - 11.30AM Watered all plants to runoff at 6.3PH. Removed minor signs of PM. August 27 - 13.00PM Windy afternoon after a couple days of low air circulation outside. August 27 - 06.00PM Ammended soil of two oldest plants with higher ratio. August 27 - 06.00PM Tape is unwrapping as knuckles grow in thickness around wounds. August 27 - 06.00PM Noticing some stretch-wounds on some auxilary branches, I'll need to ease on the LST and support with bamboo when buds pack on weight. August 28 - 01.20PM Noticing deficiencies (pale lower leaves - Nitrogen?) in youngest plants - will ammend tomorrow or day after. Less signs of PM today. August 28 - 01.25PM Plants are very bushy, budsites are being shaded by some fan leaves, there are too many sites to count so managing this is difficult. August 28 - 02.25PM Temp 70F and RH 81% August 29 - 10.30AM Minor signs of PM after very humid day yesterday. Added another fan to balcony blowing up at lower canopy (directly aimed at perimeter leaves but from a distance). August 29 - 10.30AM Bud-sites continue to develop August 30 - 01.00PM Amended and watered two youngest plants. Should water two older plants this evening. August 31 - 12.05PM Back was too sore to water older plants, evening rainfall hitting leaves - likely PM tomorrow morning to remove. August 31 - 08.45AM Watered two older plants. August 31 - 18.25PM Flower-stetch is well under way - need more ties. Pistils are emerging and buds are beginning to become recognisable as such with more volume. September 01 - 05.30PM Very windy today. Good for keeping mildew at bay. September 01 - 06.00PM Got frustrated with the plants, took out some anger and defoliated a large number of leaves trailing the soil. September 02 - 11.30AM Poor weather, 62F. Annoyed with PM, ripped leaves off in frustration instead of 'cleaning' the foliage and keeping in tact. Winds are constant, LST ties forced free. September 02 - 01.00PM Underwatered and hydrophic soil. Watered all plants 5L. Runoff after 2L. Watered too fast. I'm expecting them to need watering in 2 days or less. September 02 - 01.30PM Removed tape on oldest plants major stem breakage. September 02 - 09.20PM Very cold overnight temps ahead - 53-55F. Will be interested to see if they survive. Trichomes are developing.
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Grow Questions
MMSC16started grow question 2 months ago
What pest is this? Should I be concerned? Outdoor, photoperiod grow in soil. Temps around 80F (recently used chlorinated tap water PH'd to 6.3 out of necessity). Outdoor spiders live nearby plants - which I hope are killing all the nasty stuff, but perhaps not enough.
001100010010011110answered grow question 2 months ago
the amount of chlorine in tap water is never a concern. you don't have to let it sit out 24h either. that is probably adding to risk of a problem more than solving anything. Cl is a trace element used by the plant. it needs a small amount anyway. Does not look like pest-related. If that showed up the day you brought it into the sun, light damage is definitely possible. Potassium often starts damaging the serated tips before anything else, but i'd wait to see progression before reacting with more K. Also, since that's mobile, it'd be odd that it started up near the top, but exactly where light damage would start. i'd see how it progresses. Plant has a good green to it. It's not overfed or underfed that i can tell. some minor tip burn. Might be 1 element in soil that's a bit hot but not too bad.
MMSC16started grow question 2 months ago
After rainfall, I notice mold on top layer of soil. Approximately 70 days from seed. Photoperiod, outdoor grow in 7G fabric pots. I know powdery mildew and botrytis is a death sentence for plants in flower, but with these girls in veg - is it okay? What should I do?
Other. Mold
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m0useanswered grow question 2 months ago
molds in soil are normal, mix it into the top layer. maybe apply a mulch later like straw to help prevent it from spreading to much, and don't over water. also if you use amendmends they will mold on surface layer if not mixed in well.
MMSC16started grow question a month ago
Should I re-wrap this broken stem? Bent with too much pressure and there was a snap, though not completely severed. I applied two or three layers of duct tape, not sure if the constant pull of ties will allow it to heal and repair. When should I take the tape off?
Plant. Stem - Weak
Plant. Other
Techniques. LST
AsNoriuanswered grow question a month ago
3 lairs tyoo much, take off after two weeks, dont strangle her, extra pump that knuckle will be, shit happens ;)
MMSC16started grow question 6 days ago
I'm about to destroy this plant. Each branch has heavy PM despite having ample airflow. I suspect due to the lack of direct sunshine, but I'm sure it's spread to other plants which will also be destroyed. Is there anything I can do to salvage? What would you do? Thanks!
Other. Mold
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001100010010011110answered grow question 6 days ago
Ther is no amazon product or diy product that will save your plant. All you will do is lie to yourself and smoke moldy weed. Fungus penetrates the leaf and creates a mycelium network below the surface. Cleaning the surface does not rid the plant of the infection, even if it looks clean for a day after you spray it. cornell formula? nope. neem? nope. Milk? no fucking way, lol, just asking for a terrible rotting smell all over your plants and flower. h202? nope. sodium bicarbonate? nope. potassium bicarbonate? nope. you will find all sorts of people claiming these nonsense remedies work. they do not. Nothing out there is effective nor safe for flowers. Also, spraying this ineffective trash on your plant will only spread the WPM all over -- on to stems and underneath buds.. drip down to more leaves... because none of these sprays actually work. I'd be wary of anything that says it is effective and can be sprayed on flowers. things that are safe for vegetables ar not necessarily safe for your lungs. eating and smoking something are slightly different dynamics. you digestive system is techinically outside your body (yeah, soundsn weird but lined with epithilial cells, or 'skin'). Lungs are a permeable membrane away from your your blood. "organic' absolutely does not mean a product is safe to use on flower. If it is riddled with it, either isolate it, send it outside to finish, or kill it. iif it's just a few leaves, try removing the leaves. By the time you can see a colony, it's already propagating spores and spreading. It latches on, it grows for 3-5 days, then it starts producing spores. You can't reliably see the initial infection with the naked eye. Good news -- if this is indoors it'l 99.99% self-inflicted. Either you are getting condensation at a consistent point in your daily cycle, or you are needlessly foliar spraying the plant and consistently have water all over your leaves. Don't do that. RH% can spike after lights out due to temperature drop. This is the most likely time it is happening and you won't notice without a probe to measure RH and you can check it without interrupting dark cycle -- a wireless one that connects to your phone is very useful. I speak from experience. I tried all that stupid shit up at the top and none of it works. Just makes it worse. I was trying to grow too large of a canopy relative to me dehumidifier's ability to keep the humidity in check. I didn't fix the problem until i cut my canopy size down. this allowed my dehum to keep up and also reduced my 'daytime' temps so the drop after lights off was less severe. Check a dewpoint table. if you are 30-32C during the day and 55-60% RH or even high if you shoot for a more proper VPD, you'll hit the dewpoint above 21-22C or thereabouts.. above 70F, which is easy to hit after lights out. Now i'm at 27-28C during the day and my canopy is half the size, so there is significantly less transpiration occuring (plants release moisture), too. All of a sudden my consistent WPM issue that would occur around 4-5weeks into flower stopped. I was so pissy at that time i nearly quite growing. I was fastidious about cleaning during this time, but at the end i was so pissed i didn't bother leading into the grow wiht half the canopy etc... even without cleaning i had no problem. Since then i've obviously wiped my tent down. I haven't had a wpm problem in 1.5 years. Indoors it's almost completely self-inflicted. Find a reason why and look inward, not outward.

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resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
@resi_max, Thanks growmie! Lets hope they hold on!
2x2MedicineDudeweek 1
Goodluck with the grow! I look forward to seeing how it goes ✌️
@2x2MedicineDude, My friend, thanks so much for your well wishes! I've got these babies inside overnight to ensure humidity + warmth, but want to keep them outside for their life once they've matured a little more.
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BrigadeDesTerpsweek 11
you are beautiful young ladies, happy growing and good luck
@MMSC16, I hope for you who will have as little as possible🙏🏻
@BrigadeDesTerps, Thanks very much! They've all been damaged so lets see how many hermaphrodite as a result!
Hologramweek 1
Good luck with your grow! but seedling do not need support, she needs more soil.. evry thing under the 'lobe leaves'(the 2 round ones) in this stage is just root. so put it under the soil as much as possible..then she will grow strong (just my advice 😳) happy growing👍
@Hologram, Hi Friend! Thanks so much for taking a look at my diary, and for sharing your advice - I really appreciate it! So when you say more soil - should cover the jiffy puck? I've also heard not to bury too deep to allow for more downward, vertical root growth. As for the support - this was only because it was SUPER windy outside and the seedling was almost bouncing off the soil with the gusts of wind haha. I'll remove and let the stem grow thick!! Thanks again for your support Hologram :D
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JamesBarreweek 8
Salut mon pote, j'aime aussi tester des graines provenant d'ancienne récolte 👍😊 les résultats sont étonnants !! Viens voir mes expériences à l'occasion 😁
@JamesBarre, Thanks JamesBarre! I had a look and you've got some great looking plants too :D
modmyplantsweek 6
Nice documentation m👍ate, keep it up 👍👍
@modmyplants, Thanks mate! Will do :)
Ghrimweek 14
Looking good great pistils 👍🏻 Happy growing 🌱
@Ghrim, Thanks Ghrim! Much appreciated :)
Legendaryseedthumbweek 11
Looks amazing. Happy growing growmie! I love what I’m seeing, keep on doing your thing! If you have any time to spare please visit my profile, I just started 2 new journals👨🏽‍🌾🌱♥️
@Legendaryseedthumb, Thanks so much! Hopefully the destroyed branches wont cause too heavy a dip in yield!
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Herbie101week 6
Very nice and detailed diary buddy! Good luck and happy growing!
@Herbie101, Hi Herbie! Thanks for your kind words :) Loving the process, and learning as much as I can. All the best Growmie, and thanks for checking out my post!