
Pablo Escobar Indoor 4x4 Single Plant Scrog Summer Divine Seeds

4 days ago
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
Pablo Escobar
Avg. success
Divine Seeds - 97%
Pablo Escobar - 100%
Commented by
Kosyjuana1 Kosyjuana1
4 days ago
I wanted to try a nice Colombian strain so this seemed to be a perfect choice. Also wanted to try somehing with a mid-flowering time 9-11 weeks. My first two grows I did two phenos of same strain but have switched to doing two strains a run and tried to pair with another mod flowering plant but I don't really have any I wanted to grow so I picked white widow even though mine is claiming 8 weeks. I was reading of people taking it up to 11 weeks. Another thing I could do is just stagger my harvest two weeks if my new veg plants do not need to be transplanted into my flower tent. After trimming the last run, it would be nice to not have to trim a whole 4x8 tents worth in one go. Although it is pretty brutal for the two drying weeks as the only good place I have to dry my herb is my studio but is also where I spend most of my time and its freezing Was weird to see my veg tent empty. Harvested the last auto-flower and got all the old moms out and completely cleaned and sterilized everything. Been giving my old moms to my friends to flower out after I get fresh cuttings and need to make room.And I have my new moms in my propagation tent as to not bring fungus gnats to my new plants until i know they are safe. So this run will have a bit more space and light to grow. Germination took 4 days. I let them float in distilled water overnight. Then I gave them a tap to see if they would sink to bottom of cup and once they did I sow directly into my 5 gallon pots. I used pretty much all recycled soil this time with the exception of my seed start mix that I had made up covering the top 2 inches of the pots along with a small crater in the center for for the seedling to be happy in the first two weeks. This method seems to work well for me. Only time it did not work was with the two other Neville's seeds i had but they apparently have a poor germination rate as it is and i did it in a 30-gallon from start to finish. Up until now i have been breaking the 30-gallon pots into a clean trash can and letting them break down the 10 weeks it takes me to get new plants in and by then its more usable and reduces bringing gnats back in.I did re-amend with equal parts gia green 4-4-4 and power bloom, neem seed meal, humic acid and rock dust.
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