The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Pablo Escobar Indoor 4x4 Single Plant Scrog Summer Divine Seeds

Approved by Divine Seeds
5 months ago
9 months ago
I wanted to try a nice Colombian strain so this seemed to be a perfect choice. Also wanted to try somehing with a mid-flowering time 9-11 weeks. My first two grows I did two phenos of same strain but have switched to doing two strains a run and tried to pair with another mod flowering plant but I don't really have any I wanted to grow so I picked white widow even though mine is claiming 8 weeks. I was reading of people taking it up to 11 weeks. Another thing I could do is just stagger my harvest two weeks if my new veg plants do not need to be transplanted into my flower tent. After trimming the last run, it would be nice to not have to trim a whole 4x8 tents worth in one go. Although it is pretty brutal for the two drying weeks as the only good place I have to dry my herb is my studio but is also where I spend most of my time and its freezing Was weird to see my veg tent empty. Harvested the last auto-flower and got all the old moms out and completely cleaned and sterilized everything. Been giving my old moms to my friends to flower out after I get fresh cuttings and need to make room.And I have my new moms in my propagation tent as to not bring fungus gnats to my new plants until i know they are safe. So this run will have a bit more space and light to grow. Germination took 4 days. I let them float in distilled water overnight. Then I gave them a tap to see if they would sink to bottom of cup and once they did I sow directly into my 5 gallon pots. I used pretty much all recycled soil this time with the exception of my seed start mix that I had made up covering the top 2 inches of the pots along with a small crater in the center for for the seedling to be happy in the first two weeks. This method seems to work well for me. Only time it did not work was with the two other Neville's seeds i had but they apparently have a poor germination rate as it is and i did it in a 30-gallon from start to finish. Up until now i have been breaking the 30-gallon pots into a clean trash can and letting them break down the 10 weeks it takes me to get new plants in and by then its more usable and reduces bringing gnats back in.I did re-amend with equal parts gia green 4-4-4 and power bloom, neem seed meal, humic acid and rock dust.
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
9 months ago
7.62 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
65 %
20 °C
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
101.6 cm
Nutrients 1
Mykos - Xtreme Gardening
Mykos 0.23 mll
Moving along nicely. Top dressed with some Mykos then watered the pot once at the beginning of the week to even out the moisture in the pot and let it dry out and let the roots search down for the water. Each plant got about 1/4 gallon. May be another few days still before I water as the pots still have weight (water at the bottom). The seedlings seem to like fairly intense light right from the start like into 300 ppfd range. I had the light slightly dimmed as not to burn them but they stretch for the light anyway to i cranked it back up. Not sure if you noticed, but not going to do individual updates for some weeks in the same run as I do the same thing to all the plants in certain transition weeks its more comprehensible to just have a general update.
Week 2. Vegetation
9 months ago
12.7 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
65 %
20 °C
21 °C
21 °C
19 L
101.6 cm
Nutrients 2
GS Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Not doing too bad. Got one watering this week and forst feeding of cal mag and kelp. Also gave a little coconut water to help the root development. Although a few small issues with her. Looks like she got a little wind burned and notice two tiny holes in one of her leaves. I have no pests in my tent so not sure what caused it. But she is pretty variegated. I hope it goes away in a few weeks. Looking at my other diaries looks like a few if my other plants did a similar thing when they were babies and they grew out to be nice plants
Week 3. Vegetation
9 months ago
20.32 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
350 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
91.44 cm
Nutrients 4
GS Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 0.264 mll
She is looking much better this week. I fed boogie brew compost tea 1/2 cup of each to 5 gallons of water brewed about 20 hours. Diluted to 350 ppm. Variegation is less pronounced and new growth is thick is lush. Older leaves are getting bigger than my hand already. Was about 6 days between waterings this week. Thinking about topping this week but will see how much growth happens I don't want to interrupt too much yet. I still have plenty if veg time, but I would like to keep them as short as i can.
1 like
Week 4. Vegetation
8 months ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
400 PPM
70 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 2
GS Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
I was able to top the main branch and she recovered quickly and started putting all it energy right into the new shoots. Old fan leaves are pretty huge. The bottom shoots are catching up to the top and I tucked the big leaves to help out. They are still drinking slow and only had one watering this week. Thinking about top dressing with some dry amendments this week. And a tea made with finished homemade worm castings/soldier fly frass.
Used techniques
Week 5. Vegetation
8 months ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
400 PPM
70 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 2
GS Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Shes looking great after the topping last week. New growth is expanding out fast and had to defoliate a little to get the new shoots the proper light and space. After defoliation, the canopy is taking shape nicely and looks level and even. I could tell they were going to get hungry soon so I topped dressed with gia green 4-4-4, neem meal, worm castings, pure protein, and a little rock dust. The worm casting bag ripped open so they got a generous amount. Last time I did that the plants looked incredibly healthy the next day. My last batch if homemade worm castings/frass is almost ready for use and she will see some before it said and done. I think i will go for a tea soil soak application just to be sure im not adding any unwanted larvae from the bin.
Used techniques
Week 6. Vegetation
8 months ago
30.48 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
400 PPM
70 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 2
GS Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Plants are in auto pilot this week. Only one watering about 3/4 of a gallon. Seem to be taking nicely to the top dress and growing fast. Might go in for another topping this week they are growing fast. Not sure if im going to take clones yet but the lowers might not make it to the top.
Week 7. Vegetation
8 months ago
60.96 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
No Smell
400 PPM
75 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
19 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 2
GS Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Last week for the plants in the veg tent. I will be transplanting hem this next week into bigger pots in the flower tent. Looks like I have more manageable plants to scrog this time and should turn out really nice. Did not do much this week. Only watered once and checked up in them daily.
Week 8. Vegetation
8 months ago
50.8 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
1300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
86.36 cm
Nutrients 4
GS Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 1.321 mll
Big week for the plants they got moved to the flower tent and transplanted into 65 gallon grassroots pots. The 50 gallon pots seemed to work good but I actually bought these first but they got delayed on the last run so i just bought cheap 50 gallons. It was quite a but of work removing the old pots I have to 5 gallon bucket most of it until they were light enough for me to manhandle out of the basement myself. I had a giant trashcan all my old soil I've been reusing composting, and added a few cubic feet of all my homemade worm castings along with a ton of worm juice the week before from the bin. I also lightly amended with some organic dry amendment's. I refilled the pots by bringing two 5 gallon bucks at a time until it was a good level for the transplants. I cut the pots away and made sure the top of the crown was at the right lwvel for the pots then filled the rest with my soil. I watered the plants in with 2 gallons of plain water each. A few days later I made a strong batch of boogie brew and gave 2.5 gallons to each plant. And watered the rest with cal mag/kelp water untill i started to see water reach the bottom of the pot. The plants always looks so a good a few days after a tea application. Not going to water for about a week(as long as possible) untill the roots can strech into the pot and drink up whats available. Was able to harvest last run without too much fuss and get the nets right back in place and clean the tents easily before moving them it.
Used techniques
Week 9. Vegetation
7 months ago
50.8 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
1300 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
86.36 cm
Nutrients 4
GS Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Boogie Base - Boogie Brew
Boogie Base 1.321 mll
Scrogging her is been a little hard. I have been holding myself back from trying to bend her to fast as i have learned my lesson from snapping branches in the past lol. By thr end if the week I was able to get the last new growth under the net as it was kind of stretching up before it was long enough to hold itself u ser the net without popping back up through the wrong trellis hole. She got lolipopped and some leaf tucking and lst. Still inly watering only once a week around 6 gallons. I think the roots are developed now i can water a little less but twice a week. I can tell towards the end of the watering dryback cycle the leaf tips show some stress maybe from the top roots drying out much more than down low so i will try to keep that a little kore consistent. The plants prayed after the watering this week, and can tell they are getting established in the pots and the stems up top are starting to put on some girth
Used techniques
Week 10. Vegetation
7 months ago
60.96 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
400 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
76.2 cm
Nutrients 2
GS Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 1.321 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Was just saying how I was going to be careful and not snap any branches last week then I went to check on the plants and she split her stem by herself one night. Poor thing!. I put some grafting tape on it and the stem is thick enough i don't think the branches are going to die. They are ready to go to flower. Will do one more defoliation this week to expose as many new shoots as possible and get the older dying fan leaves out. She's healthy and putting out 9-finger leaves. She's mature and wants to flower. Removed more of the lower branches and a fan leaves here and there
Used techniques
Week 11. Vegetation
7 months ago
76.2 cm
18 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
60.96 cm
Nutrients 7
GS Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 6.51 mll
Rock Phosphate - Gaia Green
Rock Phosphate 1.3 mll
Glacial Rock Dust - Gaia Green
Glacial Rock Dust 1.3 mll
Last week of veg for the Pablo Escobar. Will chage the light to 12/12 tonight. The branch snap doesnet seem to have affected her much other than i can't bend the fer left branch under the last net or it will keep peeling. They grew a ton this week. Already did one defoliation/LP but had to go in for another because of how bushy they were getting. I tried to take the least amount possible from the top, and showed no mercy below the scrog net. Got watered twice this week. They started to dry out only the day after watering and showing some p and K deficiency so I mixed 4 Tbsp of potassium sulphate into about 15 gallons. I initially mixed the recommended 2 tbsp into 2 gallons of water but after adding 2 tbsp of each of my rock dusts and rock phosphate my ppms where almost 2600, so I just dumped it all into my water trash can and it got it to around 1000. They must be using a lot of nutes for root development. The Potassium worked almoat immediately and even snapped a pick of the leaf edge turning dark green where it was starting to yellow before watering.
Used techniques
Week 12. Flowering
7 months ago
81.28 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
55.88 cm
Nutrients 2
GS Plant Foods Liquid Kelp 6.51 mll
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Flipped to flower. Was showing some light deficiencies and top dressed with dry amendments mixed into 25/25 percent vermiculite/pearlite 50 pest moss. Not too much stretch and node spacing is nice. Already lots of new growth and canopy thick and filled.
1 like
Used techniques
Week 13. Flowering
6 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
45.72 cm
After top dressing the leaves that were showing issues greened back up and the plant started to grow vigorously. Its hard to get a good picture of this one all in one shot but she is huge. The trunk is almost as thick as my wrist and some of the side branches thicker than my fingers. She did not stretch too much and the structure is quite bushy, so i will need to give another haircut sometime soon because you would never be able to tell i cut off pounds of leaves already just removing un-necessary stuff and shes still huge. Water only this week 2 times around 6 gallons each time. I also increased the light intensity very subtly and the plants responded ppsitivly to it
Week 14. Flowering
6 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 1
CalMag OAC - True Plant Science (TPS)
CalMag OAC 0.793 mll
Had to de some defoliation as the plant is super busy. Almost not light penetration to the bottom again, and lower stuff dying off itself. Also non exposed tops are yellow. Trimmed all that stuff out again and below the trelis and any smaller stems that didn't make it all the way to the canopy. Diled back the water a little to around 4 gallons each time. Lots of baby buds starting. Still may need to take juata few leaves off here and there for some airflow and light. I took alot off and still looked bushy but didn't want to over due it all at once.
Used techniques
Week 15. Flowering
6 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 7
molasses 1.3 mll
Granulated Power Bloom - Gaia Green
Granulated Power Bloom 1.3 mll
Glacial Rock Dust - Gaia Green
Glacial Rock Dust 1.3 mll
Top dressed with a cup of power bloom and watered in with some rock dust mixed with some molasses. Used the rest of my cal mag and kelp and going to just feed what i did this week untill the end of week 7 or so. 1/2 tbs and around 1/4 cup of molasses per gallon water and 1/2 tsp of the potassium sulphate . Also added a little honey and experimenting with adding some be pollen to see if it does anything magical lol. Had to do a lot of trimming once again! I cant believe the new growth, but i feel like i have it under control now. Bumped the light intensity a little and the lower stuff should start bulking up this week.
Used techniques
Week 16. Flowering
6 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 4
Homemade worm castings 1.3 mll
Bone Meal - Espoma
Bone Meal 1.3 mll
Granular Humic Acids - Down To Earth
Granular Humic Acids 1.3 mll
Its a little hard to get in there and get good picture with how big and bushy this plant is but the main colas are almost a foot long now and just starting to puff up. They have a nice pine tree shape and the smaller colas below are starting to get some size as well. Super bushy plant. I want to take more out but at this point its not worth it, even the last time i was completely sticky after i dont want to mess up the trichomes but i did remove a few old fan leaves here and there along with some crispy stuff on the bottom. Made some compost tea with my homemade worm castings and dosed the plants for a microbe boost. I also added a top dress of granular humic acid and the rest of my bone meal a few days before. Shes smelling just super sweet and slightly tropical. We'll see how these terps develop the next few weeks but it is strong. Humidity has been really hard to control without excessive heat applied. Especially because i cranked the lights up, which i hopped would help some with the humidity. I didn't have luck in the past but i decided to put the dehumidifier in the tent itself and seems to be getting it at least a little more favorable. Ambient humidity outside has been steadily over 80 which affects my whole house because the ac is not on all the time right now.
Used techniques
Week 17. Flowering
5 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
1000 PPM
65 %
20 °C
20 °C
21 °C
246 L
45.72 cm
Top dressed with some more soil. The top was looking depleted and just want to keep it from completely taking all the nutrients from the soil. Added a mix of power bloom with azomite and glacial rock dust. I watered in with some pure protein dissolved into hot water then added to the water I was using at diluted levels. The second watering they got this week was with molasses. which also does a good job of dropping the ph of my water to the perfect level and a little bit of Epsom salt because I ran out of my cal mag and also want the plant to have plenty of sulfur. Buds are looking cool and remind me of little pine trees. At first glance it seems like they are starting to foxtail but the buds are fattening once the new growth on top starts to expand more. the main colas are almost a foot long each, but hard to tell because the planetary buds around the main colas are blocking them from getting a good picture. Amazed by how frosty the sugar leaves and even some of the older fan leaves are. Her smells are mostly sweet and candy-like. got a little sneek peak of what her fade should look like from one of the leaves being severed partially with a nice yellow and purple. She put on a decent amount of weight this week but towards the end,I can tell she's starting to slow down. Looks like it will still bulk a little more but noticing fewer white and more orange hairs. hoping all my plants finish around 8-9 weeks. i want to try to harvest them all at the same time if i can.
Week 18. Flowering
5 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
400 PPM
55 %
20 °C
20 °C
20 °C
246 L
45.72 cm
Nutrients 1
Molasses 1.3 mll
She still drinking a good amount of water but able to extent the waterings to 3 days apart before she gets thirsty again. Stopped feeding except one watering was with molasses and the other ph'ed filtered tap water to 6.5 and bubbled a few hours before use. Upward bud growth is stopping and the buds are starting to plump up more and becoming more dense. Sill a good amount of white hairs but most are brown now. Terps are starting to get much stronger this week. Very frosty and shiny buds are sweet and pungent. Plants are holding them self up nice despite all the weight. No signs of leaves fading color yet. Temps and humidity gave been in much more favorable range and starting to get a nice Day-night temp differential. I think the colors will start to ahow this week.
Week 19. Flowering
5 months ago
91.44 cm
12 hrs
26 °C
55 %
16 °C
20 °C
20 °C
246 L
45.72 cm
The plant could have gone another week but my other two plants were ready and i was happy with how the trichomes were looking and the size of the buds so harvested. What an exciting harvest. The buds really go big the last week. A lot of what i though was going to be larf on side shoots turned into some nice colas and some the main colas around 1 foot long and 4-5 inches wide. There is not as much larf as i thought there was. Was easy to harvest. Although it took about an hour because the plant was so big. Awesome unique tropical citrus sweet smell to her I can't wait to see what the effects are like. Will update the hervest once shes dried and trimmed.
Week 20. Harvest
5 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Really liked this one a lot. For such a big sativa plant it was easy to grow and produced phenomenal buds in only 8 weeks. Grew giant 2-3 foot long branches filled with up to 9-12 inch top colas with many large planetary buds. She did not require any special care or attention and grew nicely along with my other strains. The smell during growing was completely different then when harvested and a pleasant surprise how the flavors developed over drying. A very unique tropical smell and flavor, I am not used to.The effects are strong and energizing. I was able to power through the massive amount of trimming I had to do with ease. If you love energizing non-couch locking effect this is a good choice. This will be one of my go to strains for a while. Also very uplifting and slightly giggly it is a nice smoke for recreational or medical use.
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Spent 135 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
28.35 g
Bud wet weight per plant
480 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Grow Room size
Positive effects
Creative, Energetic, Giggly
Positive effects
Medical effects
Depression, Stress, Anxiety
Medical effects
Tropical, Sweet, Herbs

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Drying ended on day 13. Trimming on this was a lot easier than I thought. This was the last plant I had to trim and after 16 hours of previous trimming that day and the day before. I was only worried about trimming what didn't have trichomes. The colas are nice and big, but airy enough that they didn't need to be broken apart too much and I was planning on pressing much of it into rosin anyway. But I was not yielding too much so I stopped after about 30 grams of test presses and testing 10 percent yield at best. The test presses I did around day 7 of drying were a bit better at around 15 percent yield which I could have lived with because the rosin was super tasty and super potent, and put me on my ass for a minute or two! unlike the other two plants, this one is smoking good right off the bat flower wise and the taste of the flower is the same as the rosin. This one also dumped twice the amount of kief from the dry sift than my other plants this round! Yielded 480 dry flowers (40g untrimmed for tests.) and another 320g of trim and larf.


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GuavaBoycommentedweek 19 months ago
Looks great man! Check out the last pic I just uploaded. Does the seedling look fine? Looks yellow but it should turn green correct?
MindFlowers68commented9 months ago
@GuavaBoy, yeah dude. dont worry. it may look like it is dampening off at first but it's just doing its thing. i was worried too with my first germination with the galaxy. how long from sowing to taking that pic? usually takes about a week to be up and the first few green leaves poping out
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Hattiwatticommentedweek 88 months ago
I'm also planning to go next after these girls for one plant at 120x120cm. First time trying nft. I think it's 1mx1m nft with 100L tank. Just have to decide what strain I am going to grow. I have one outlaw seed from dutch passion but it's decade old so not sure will it work. If not working have to get good haze seeds from somewhere.
MindFlowers68commented8 months ago
@Hattiwatti, oh wow that thing is going to get massive! I say go for the Outlaw! It should germinate, I have faith in her. I would go for something you really like to consume.
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Hattiwatticommentedweek 48 months ago
Looks great 👍
MindFlowers68commented8 months ago
@Hattiwatti, Thanks buddy =]
popcornsuttoncommentedweek 175 months ago
You have the best luck with them huge pots
MindFlowers68commented5 months ago
@popcornsutton, Thanks man. Almost at the finish line!
desade9commentedweek 156 months ago
dear lord those are trees and not plants,you are doing everything right, even hst did ok.😁
MindFlowers68commented6 months ago
@desade9, lol! Thats what I like to hear =] I can't wait to see what kind of monsters I could make outdoors! Thanks for checking my plants out!
BudBeatcommentedweek 146 months ago
Really big Plant and a huge stem, congrats 🤙
MindFlowers68commented6 months ago
@BudBeat, Thanks a lot dude! 🤙🤙
Regenwurmcommentedweek 146 months ago
Realy good
MindFlowers68commented6 months ago
@Regenwurm, Thanks buddy!
Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 107 months ago
Hey, This looks amazing, nice to see your page! /LST 👨🏽‍🌾🌱
MindFlowers68commented7 months ago
@Legendaryseedthumb, I appreciate the compliment! Happy growing =]
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Legendaryseedthumbcommentedweek 175 months ago
Amazing buddy! Nice journal, I like what I see! I just started 3 new diaries, come by if you have time. Happy growing and smoking! /LST 🌱🌬️
popcornsuttoncommentedweek 204 months ago
3 plants and about as much weed as a small production facility. noice!
MindFlowers68commented4 months ago
@popcornsutton, hahah hell yeah. I forgot if I was working or having fun for a minute lol 😅
the end.
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