Little flowers have finally appeared, we are now officially in the bloom stage! Added supplemental 45W panel, ordering UV/IR bulb soon. Pruned/defoliated again at the beginning of the week. Removed shrimpy nodes, smaller branches, and fan leaves below canopy line. The leaf spots have reappeared, 98% sure it's manganese deficiency. Gave a full-dose feeding of bloom formula and calmag, hope it clears up again. Mn deficiency is apparently most commonly caused by high soil pH. Going to test the soil next watering to see where the pH, nitrogen and phosphorus levels are. Since bloom formula is low in nitrogen, I'll likely give full doses (rather than half-doses) of nutes, and hopefully that will clear up the trace mineral problems without burning her. Although, given this plant's voracious appetite, I'm sure extra N, P, or K levels won't be an issue...
hey when you say water ran out the bottom as soon as you watered do you think theres a chance that the soil went hydrophobic due to underwatering? not sure what ur watering schedules like but she looked real big going into flower would be drinking lots i assume. I've had a couple of girls which i was scared to overwater but ended up drying up and soil then went hydrophobic and was really hard to rescue from there. had to keep flooding the soil just so it reabsorbs