I've lowered the rating because the Strawberry Pie did a good 25% better than this strain.
In terms of basic growth - this one was great, nice big sturdy plant and lots of resin.
Looks good but was expecting a little more to be honest.
Very happy with the Bio-Bizz extras - will continue with all of them next year, no doubt.
Fish Mix is probably the real standout addition out of all of them.
First year with Advance Nutrients, happy with the results and I'll stick to these as the base nutrients from now.
They didn't get much Bud Candy (at all) - but the rest were all about even, combined with Bio-Bizz above.
10 week harvest in the end - diary skipped a good week.
Lots of trimming, very sticky buds - finally broke my trusty trimming scissors, handle just fell apart. I'll miss them :(