
Biscotti Mintz! First Indoor Grow

7 hours ago
Grow Conditions
Week 8
12 hrs
Light Schedule
12+ conditions after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
gunJAHxP gunJAHxP
7 days ago
Part 1 (Beginning of week 8): The first LST attempts were a bit clumsy at first... Mainly because I didn't realize how much the girls would speed up in the first few days of 12/12. Potting the LST plants to the outer edge of the pot when repotting would have helped to give the bent main stem more space/light. Instead, I had little room to maneuver after the first training, which resulted in the strange semicircle. Nevertheless, the plants are taking to it well and after a few days of growth and research it at least feels like I know what I'm doing. There is little to report on the two untreated plants, approx. 10-12cm growth in 5 days, 1-2 unnecessary leaves removed... Everything is fine At the end of this week I will fertilize carefully for the first time (approx. 2ml Alga Grow per liter) Part 2 (End of week 8): In one word: Progress! The plants have continued to stretch over the last few days and the development is beautiful. I installed the Scrog net in the middle of the week, although I realized that I could have started a little earlier. The stems are slowly getting stronger and stronger, so I want to stop the LST at the latest when flowering starts in the next few days. But since I only wanted to try my hand with the net and it was still not too late, I was able to show the plants the way and encourage growth in some places. At this point, however, I realized how much I enjoy playing with the net and how easy it is to handle. I'll definitely just grow 2 or 3 plants in my next run, top them and try to get an even screen of green. Towards the end of the 8th week, I added 2 ml Plagron Grow to 1 liter of water. Let's see what that will bring. Otherwise, the first signs of flowering are slowly peeking through, so I won't be making any more major changes and will just help the plants to make their way through the net.
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AutoflowersSucKweek 8
Everything is looking good. I'm wondering what your PPFD is at the canopy? You have nice side branch development. It's too bad you didn't top them once before you switched to 12/12. I have a Barney's Farm Biscotti Mintz mother plant. It's a nice strain
Hmmm, it's a bit hard to say, because I have a custom board (and no clue) ... But I think PPFD is around 1.080 ... A friend told me, that due to the fact that the clones have grown in an ideal environment before shipping, it's not really worth it to top them. Besides that i think i would have some space issues without topping anyway :D
AutoflowersSucKweek 6
Water when your pots feel light when you lift them. If they feel like there's weight, dont water.
@AutoflowersSucK, Because of the hanging leaves? In the first 4 pictures they were very stressed from the DHL trip and from my humidifier fail. I took the last pictures today just before watering. I've generally made sure to give them enough water, but not too much.
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