
Biscotti Mintz! First Indoor Grow

2 months ago
Grow Conditions
Week 9
12 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
Commented by
gunJAHxP gunJAHxP
3 months ago
Part 1 (Beginning of week 9): I started to add a bit more fertilizer (2.5 ml Alga Grow on 1l). I realized that i ordered way too much of Alga Grow (1L) after i only watered twice with this fertilizer and will switch to alga bloom in the next step. Plants are doing very well, flower is kicking in beautifully and the stem is getting stronger day by day. With help of the net, I try to give the side branches more light and guide them upwards. I am absolutely stocked how well Plant 4 is doing with my first LST attempts. It is clear to see that the plant receives light more evenly and therefore has a nice surface with more buds then the others (at least for the moment). Hope the differences in height of the plants won't cause me any problems later, even if the plants are still growing fairly even. Over the next few days i'll be thinking about the right time for lollipopping and possibly removing a few fan leaves by the end of this week. Besides that, i am just enjoying the development and the slowly developing smell. Part 2 (End of week 9): Plants are looking good, still growing quite strong and getting more and more flower and smell. Did some careful lollipopping, mostly below the net and some big fan leaves. In terms of water and fertilizer the plants are becoming clearly more thirsty and hungry so I had to water a little more often. Looking forward too see how they grow in height over the next days and how the flower is developing.
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AutoflowersSucKweek 8
Everything is looking good. I'm wondering what your PPFD is at the canopy? You have nice side branch development. It's too bad you didn't top them once before you switched to 12/12. I have a Barney's Farm Biscotti Mintz mother plant. It's a nice strain
Hmmm, it's a bit hard to say, because I have a custom board (and no clue) ... But I think PPFD is around 1.080 ... A friend told me, that due to the fact that the clones have grown in an ideal environment before shipping, it's not really worth it to top them. Besides that i think i would have some space issues without topping anyway :D
AutoflowersSucKweek 6
Water when your pots feel light when you lift them. If they feel like there's weight, dont water.
@AutoflowersSucK, Because of the hanging leaves? In the first 4 pictures they were very stressed from the DHL trip and from my humidifier fail. I took the last pictures today just before watering. I've generally made sure to give them enough water, but not too much.
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