Week 1 veg
For every day they just got misted with De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 and mycorrhizal.
It was very humid this week and the temps where high so hoping I can dry out the soil with minor tweaks to green house and get them back into a good watering cycle again.
Day 14
17/07/24 Wednesday
De-chlorinated tap water pH 6 with calmag 5ml -5L.
Very humid week, noticed a green turning colour on top of soils where the humidity has been far to high.
I have installed door netting and recently left open all day and night now so they can condition over night in colder temps.
Noticed a green colouring form on top soil, I've taken as not a good sign so I have scratched it back and topped up today with canna terra pro plus 🙌 mixed with DyNoMyCo.
All 3 strains doing really well this week with door open. Hardening the seedlings up in the cooler temps we have here at night. 16-18'c.
End of week