Welcome to end of flowering week no. 4.
It's getting frosty but I expected more growth related to budsize... let's see how it will develope the upcoming week.
I wanted to add some compost tea the last week, but my air compressor doesn't work any more.
Time for an upgrade since the old was a little bit weak, should get it tomorrow.
Had to fix and change a dripping hose on one of the blumats, roots grew in... I have to optimize the system a little bit after this run. Thinking about buying some of these dripping rings around the plants.
Any suggestions on this? Has anyone experience with blusoak?
In this setup I'm using 9 blumat maxi without additional drippers in a 90x90cm raised bed.
Have a nice day💚🌿
@Chr_Fo, Oh, makes sense if you're drying like that, wet weight is usually for drying racks, so then u can weight only the buds. But anyway, it looks really promissing, i'm sure you'll be happy with the yield!
@DuckeedWizard, thanks a lot. I don't put it on a scale while wet. This doesn't make sense to me especially
because I don't separate the buds from branches while drying. I would cut off the whole plant and hang it upside down for drying if I would get it through the scrognet. I don't get why gd is asking for wet weight... I will add budmass after drying and trimming in about 2-3 weeks 😉