@CANNASIM, Thank you! I decided to just go for the best possible light for my grow space. The HLG 550 V2 is performing beyond my wildest expectations. For flower 30W/sqft is about right when shopping for QB’s. I just got a HLG- 100 for the veg tent too.
@VanGoghsEar, yeah they look like they grow pretty fast! Well that is your call, the tent seems to be big enough to support some large bushy plants. I don't really know the strain and am a first time grower myself, but these look to be turning out very well!
wow, you've done really well ! they're looking incredible ! I know you didn't ask but i'm seeing a magnesium deficiency creep on (you can tell from the yellowing between the veins of the leaves), up or even double your cal mag for 10 days or so and it should redress if it's not too late. Looking fantastic though,
@CRiSPrGrow,Thanks! It's coming along nicely. I am aware of the mag deficiency, I missed adding Cal Mag twice in a row during past feedings. I've added it back and the symptoms are not progressing any longer.
I like your set up! I just got a new set up for Christmas. I went with the QB too. Mine is smaller though. I wonder if I'll need another 260w before too long.
Is it common to run into deficiencies when growing in coco? I've always grown in soil, but other growers I've talked to swear by soilless.
Hey bud, in my opinion you been watering too often from the puffy/bumpy leaves. I also feel that light should be raised up farther as well if thst is a true 600 watt.
Best of luck on your grow.
yo you got a magnesium deficiency, you'll want to up that on the regular, maybe make a foliar spray (2x the regular feed on the package , spray until wet once a day for five days) 👊
@VanGoghsEar, pretty sure it does have "stuff in it" check it out https://www.pthorticulture.com/en/products/pro-mix-hp/#tab:product-specification something about the "lime stone" and "wetting agent" means you're seeing problems , as many many many growers have also on this very site. not your fault at all
@CRiSPrGrow, Not sure what you mean by "stuff in it", Promix comes with no nutrients.
The plainest, cheapest coco may not be rinsed well and could be high in sodium so be careful there.