
First Grow Let’s Go!

6 days ago
Grow Conditions
Week 7
18 hrs
Light Schedule
11+ conditions after
The Stash Blend
1.321 ml/l
Power Bloom - Gaia Green
Power Bloom
3.963 ml/l
Commented by
LilCeeDaWeedGod LilCeeDaWeedGod
12 days ago
Week 7 Late Flower August 19 -Ladies are looking good. The Blue Cheese has really started to flower and I can even see trichomes forming at some of the buddies -The Bubble kush is a lil behind but looks good she may be about a week behind but from what I’ve seen it’ll probably go 10 weeks August 24 -Everything looks good with the Blue Cheese even seeing some trichomes at the bud sites -The bubble kush is looking sad. It perked up with a watering the other day but quickly faded today. -Seeing Nutrient burn at some bud sites on and yellowing of the leaves from the bottom up -I am thinking it is a pH problem with the soil as well as she may not be getting enough water -So I gave a gallon of unfiltered tap water ~7 pH to make sure the medium if it is acidic rises to an acceptable pH so the plant can absorb nutrients and to make sure the longer roots are getting water -These are the problems I can kinda assess as I’ve been doing the exact same regimen with the blue cheese that I have with the bubble kush. This kush lady may be a bit more thirsty. We shall see.
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Grow Questions
LilCeeDaWeedGodstarted grow question a month ago
I have a singular leaf curling up. No other leaves are affected, the light is at 30in at top of grow tent and I haven’t used any nutrients. I need help identifying what it could be.
modmyplantsanswered grow question a month ago
Hey mate, First of all your plant looks healthy. since it is a single leaf i would simply ignore it. Tacoing leaves normally means that your light is too intense and the leaves try to lower the intake surface, but thats definetly not the case here, since its only one leaf. Probably grew like that, because of space problems or the stem/leaf could be slightly damaged on that side. Nothing i would worry about or give attention too. You can LST the top of your plant or bend the leaf covering your plant to the side, the big upper leaf pointing towards us. So your branches get sunlight. The top has to be bend down frequently or she grows straight up again like on your picture and shadows all branches to a point where your lst becomes useless. Happy Growing 👍
LilCeeDaWeedGodstarted grow question a month ago
Help! About to start week 5 and I wake up to yellowing at the tips of my newest set of leaves. My light is the highest it can go (32in) and the leaves don’t seem to be taco-ing. I just recently added Gaia green power bloom at recommended dosage for 5gal pot about four days ago.
Papa_Tanswered grow question a month ago
Bud sites get a lighter shade of green when they’re about ready to start flowering. Just plant hormones doing what they do. I wouldn’t overly stress about it right now. Give a few more days and that gaia green will become more plant available. Plus it’s an auto flower so yeah I’d say she’s transitioning to get ready to stack buds. No stress no seeds no sticks.

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Suemchenweek 6
Good luck with your grow 🤗
Hempface86week 2
Good luck and happy growing ✌️ congratulations and studying the best hobby anyone could ever have
Thank you! This was suppose to be a passive hobby and I think I’m involved too much already 😂
Jamesweek 2
Good luck and happy growing 🌱
@James, thank you! Looking to try you guys F1s on the next run. Hoping these lady’s turn out great.
IstrGrowweek 4
Looks Amazing ! Best of luck ! 💪👊
GrowYourOwnBudweek 4
Good luck and happy growing bud! 😎
findoutmoreweek 3
Beauties :)!