Hello hello. We finally found the hopefully last suboptimal parameter for our plants. I reduced the nutrients by 50% of the recommended amount. And finally the leaves stopped turning yellow. It makes sense they need less than the norm because they are much smaller than the norm. From here on I will increase it a little week by week but online 10-20% and watch what happens as they still grow bigger.
Again and again I'm impressed as of how small and bushy this strain grows. You wouldn't believe how much leaves I snipp away almost every week. Now they all got the real lollipop treatment. All the branches are clean at the bottom.
Even the smaller plants are looking better and better. Already thinking about if I have to harvest them with days between them, but where will I hang the first plants to dry? Don't think It's smart to hang them in the still lit box. We will see.
@Patricia_Zamnesia, thanks for the seeds my dude 🙌 got them for free from your summer chest thingy. Great shop and you know how you get me to spend moare moneee
For my next run I removed all domes but the one on the far left and right cornes. I should've also let them on on the two front corners because I measured the light intensity before and after. If the lamps are too far away the domes spread the light to the center. On the other hand, if I get bigger plants and they fill up the Growbox all the way to the sides all domes should be coming off I guess since the leaves will be directly under the light again.
@Psilocubensis, thanks man, much appreciated. I took of the domes of the veg lamps, didn't have enough time to do it for the flower lamps jet. I think I won't do it all in one go because it's too much work lol. Also the the ones which are out the farest will keep it, since the plastic spreads the light better and this way I'll get more light in the center where the action is if you know what I mean haha
@brains, im Nachhinein war der Stretch nicht wie erwartet und so mini waren sie wegen dem überdüngen. Am Ende war ich trotzdem zufrieden mit Qualität und die Quantität war auch solide ungefähr wie erwartet.
@brains, danke. Gibt noch viel Optimierungsbedarf bei der neuen Growbox. War erst sehr enttäuscht vom Wachstum, aber der Strain ist einfach Mini habe ich dann verstanden. Bin wieder optimistisch und gespannt auf den Stretch und die Ernte!
I'm open to theories about why the plant in the far left corner is so much smaller. I kinda doubt it's because of ventilation because since a few weeks it has it's "own" vent almost directly pointed at it. I personally think it's a mix of phenotype and stagnant hot air in the first 3 weeks. I'll bend it over soon anyway. Maybe she will take a few days longer to harvest than her sisters but I still think lst bending will be beneficial.