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New Year's Leaf

Approved by Sensi Seeds
6 years ago
Grow Conditions
Week 10
18 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
OSA Supervisor
1 ml/l
Compo NPK 3.5-6-6
1 ml/l
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra - Advanced Nutrients
Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra
2 mll
Commented by
hellomynameis hellomynameis
6 years ago
Northern Lights doinig good. The Hindu Kush still not growing real buds and the leaves getting worse. First it was a Mag deficiency and now it seems like Phosphorous too. I flushed the HK with pH water and tried to get a lower pH from 7.0 down to 6.2 also get a higher EC with Cal Mag and flower nutes. I hope the Hindu will recover. Except for the leaves and tiny buds it looks healthy. I wonder because there's no smell. EC: 1,1 pH: 6.2 Temp: C 24° / F 75°
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Grow Questions
hellomynameisstarted grow question 6 years ago
A few leaves (small & big) turn yellow from the tips while veins stay green. Also rusty and brown spots appear on affected leaves. Buds not fattening or at least very slow. I used BioGrow/Calmag & flower fertilizer but always only 0.5 ml because I noticed a slight nute burn.
Techniques. Defoliation
The_Projexxanswered grow question 6 years ago
Your getting magnesium defficiency for sure as well as a little big of PK , the yellowing you can see is from the magnesium you see and the little brown spots that look like rust are from the PK , this is an easy fix all you have to do is adjust your nutrient solution to be more bloom oriented as well as add some CalMag to the mix . I would recommend you do a good PK boost in order to help your plant get back on track and to help it facilitate the fattening of buds . I would also recommend that you lower your PH abit to 6.6-6.8 this way you can ensure your plant wont get any locks outs in the medium . Although 6.9 isnt that much higher you would be surprised on what a 0.1 can do . Other then that you are well on your way to getting some nice medicine :) . I hope the information provided helps you on your quest to the finish line ! -Happy Growing!
hellomynameisstarted grow question 6 years ago
1. Should I cut all the curled and brown leaves off? 2. Bud grow seems to be very slow especially on the Hindu Kush. Breeder says 45-50 days in total for both strains but I'm at day 74 and it looks like there are some weeks to go. What could cause that?
Buds. Not fattening
CRiSPrGrowanswered grow question 6 years ago
Hey there, i would cut any leaf that's more than 70% damaged, but i wouldnt cut all the leaves just so you can see if the problem is spreading or not. First i just want to say, dont worry so much about the breeder timeframe, many times, it's just not true, most of the time you need a few weeks more, and anyway you dont know what conditions the plant should be in to get that kind of schedule. So it's not your fault and you shouldnt worry ! Second i see some problems there, i see so N deficiency - this you can recognise from the yellowing and dying of the leaves lower on the plant. Second I see the start of a magnesium deficiency, this you can see from the yellowing of other leaves starting from between the veins and the sides of the leaves. Easy to fix : cut out the kelp and double the flower power and the cal mag. To answer your final question about the growth rate : growth rate is controlled by the plant's metabolism which is regulated by the VPD (vapor pressure deficit) this is a formula about the humidity and the temperature. So i see you have high temperature and humidity, and this basically makes the plant grow a bit slower than normal, so that's why you have some problems. Also your pH... it's just a little bit high, should be 6 - 6.5 (if you cut the kelp then it will help lower the pH) ... all these things add up over time... Anyway, hope this helps ! 🚀

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hellomynameiscommentedweek 96 years ago
Thank you all for your help! Update: more and more leaves up the plant turn yellow with brown spots and curl up and down. I flushed them and checked the runoff: EC: 730 us/cm - 0.7 m/S TDS: 380 ppm ph: 6.7 C 20.5°/ F 68° Is that good? I have no idea about EC and ppm... @The_Projexx @Growdaddy420 @Experimentgreen @@@@@@@Athos @CelticGrower
The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
@Quexos, I would advise you return that PH pen and get a new one having one that wont stay calibrated will work but I mean who wants to waste calibration solution all the time haha
Quexoscommented6 years ago
@The_Projexx, I have PPM and pH meter. PH meter does not like to stay calibrated. I liked the chart because it gave you a general range. I could use that as an average PPM for a feeding cycle. I also keep track of my PPM doing a slurry test when I'm not too lazy.
The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
@Quexos, Your also going to have to get a PPM reader to find that out tho :P :P and this chart is a general chart you have to keep in mind that not all PPM meters follow the same formula , so its important to know which one your meter is calibrated too :) Other then that yeah man these charts help a lot as a general guideline ! :) Thanks for taking the time to respond ! -Happy Growing!
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Fredddcommentedweek 106 years ago
The first thing I thought when I saw the photos was pH too high, not nutes. Many things can cause nutrient deficiency other than an actual lack of nutrients. My experience is that the liquid pH drops are best for keeping the pH right without driving yourself crazy. Use about 2 to 3 mills of nutrient per drop of indicator solution. A neutral yellow with no warmth or greenish tinge, is 6, a bit of a greenish tinge is 6.2 and bit of a warmish tinge is 5..8 If I get a strange reading on my pen, and the indicator is right, I'll recalibrate the pen.
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@R_Owl_Mirror, thank you that's interesting.
R_Owl_Mirrorcommented6 years ago
@hellomynameis, Here is something you might consider for the water you use. Look for The Sink Trap – Econo version as it is the easiest version. ORMUS FERTILIZER for PLANTS and AGRICULTURE Extremely easy to store a quart of water and use it as directed.
Fredddcommented6 years ago
@hellomynameis, It's just a hunch, I'm just offering this up for consideration, there are many ways to get the same result. I can't advise as I'm more of a hydro person.
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Wachsemiliancommentedweek 186 years ago
looks very nice dude ....nice pictures😎
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@Wachsemilian, Thank you. I do my best!
Athoscommentedweek 96 years ago
To answer your question That's magnesium deficiency. Increase cal mag to 1 ml / liter or better yet, get epsom salts.
GandalfTheGreencommentedweek 116 years ago
I really like your clear colourful pictures. Keep up the great grows!
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@GandalfTheGreen, thank you!
Homegrown_Marycommentedweek 86 years ago
so nice so far, i would go for a selective defoliation at this point! :)
Homegrown_Marycommented6 years ago
@hellomynameis, just be patient with her! :)
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@Homegrown_Mary, I always use 6 lt pots - recommended for autos is 12 lt though but I don't have that space. All my previous grows was nearly ready at 11 weeks (also from sensi). It's kinda weird that this time it takes longer. Probably it's the good LST? Btw. I chop mine when almost all trichomes are milky and some turn amber. At the moment I can't even spot trichomes.
Homegrown_Marycommented6 years ago
@hellomynameis, haha yes the 50 days is kind of misleading, what it really means is that once you get into flowering mode you need on average 50 days! :) It really depends on the pot size as to how long you will be flowering, the first time i grew HK it was in a 1.5 Lt pot and it flowered for about 50 days indeed but this time that i am growing in a triple the size of the previous pot, it need much more than that. I am expecting her to finish flowering in about 10 to 14 days. I am hopeful that i may be able to chop her down by 2nd of March. But time will show, my rule of thump is to chop when 70-80% of pistils turn orange and so far only about 15% are orange. The good news is that the longer she flowers the more weight i come to expect from her! :) In your case i would expect her to be ready at about week 14 maybe a bit longer depending on how she feels about aging lol :P
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CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 116 years ago
hey there, hope I answered your question ! for more info on VPD check out this site , any other questions you have just message me 👊
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@R_Owl_Mirror, thank you that's a good method but in general I haven't much space in my tent. It's 60x60 cm so it will not work for me but I will keep that in mind!
R_Owl_Mirrorcommented6 years ago
@hellomynameis, if you are running out of room (height) between your plants & the light. I have a simple method which works well to gently rearrange the stems & increase the distance between the plants & the light(s). Go to a sporting goods store & buy enough teardrop sinkers (weight is up to you) then use some sort of attachments to secure them to each branch. The weight will slowly & gently pull the branches downwards, away from the lights without the need to tie them down. Personally, I just use long-shank fish hooks. Thread the hook through the hole on the sinker or tie them together, then hook it to an area near the top of the branch. You will need to decide how heavy the sinkers should be according to how stiff the branches are. I find between a 1/2oz & 1oz work best. Hope that helps!
CRiSPrGrowcommented6 years ago
@hellomynameis, citrus will work but since it's bio it wont work very well over time , and might cause problems
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The_Projexxcommentedweek 116 years ago
I bet it smells extra awesome in there ! They are starting to swell up abit :D :D thats always nice to see ! -Happy Growing!
The_Projexxcommented6 years ago
@hellomynameis, that is really strange , but if your patient it will all pay off :D :D :D Thanks for responding!
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@The_Projexx, thanks for your response! You won't believe it but the smell is weak but it has hints of herbs and fruits. I have a microscope and know when to harvest. I just worried about the time because it's already 3 weeks over the breeders information and it seems my plants have another 3 weeks to go which is unusal for an autoflower. But I will be patient!
Experimentgreencommentedweek 96 years ago
Not that all grows or plants are the same but that rusted like coloring and the interveinal coloring, my plants it was because of a calmag problem.
Experimentgreencommented6 years ago
@hellomynameis, so my personal situation was awful...they were having a consistent deficiency and then i actually managed to drastically poison the one plant by misreading the measurements! Lol massive screw up. I do agree about the k deficiency and even p deficiencies can have some similar traits, it definitely makes pinning things down difficult. I'd say if your adding these things into the water and there's no improvement though I'd definitely examine some other options like ph etc. I'm not a big fan of all the hassle of ph pens but they definitely help solve many problems and narrow things down.
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@Experimentgreen, thank you. Was it too much calmag or too less? I gave them calmag. I'm not sure could also be K def...
CelticGrowercommentedweek 96 years ago
yea definitely give some more cal mag, I used bio grow nutes and went with there feeding schedule and it was a bit hot and got nute burn just before flowering on my grow I'm starting of with half the recommended dose and gradually rising it on my new grow, looks like she will do fine and will recover well😀
CelticGrowercommented6 years ago
@hellomynameis, just looked at the other pics of your ladies I see the tips are yellow could also be a sign of nute burn too maybe cut down on the bio grow, just use call mag and your flowering fert as it wont need much nitrogen during the flowering stage.
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@CelticGrower, thanks! Should I flush before I give calmag or just go on like before?
Homegrown_Marycommentedweek 66 years ago
the color of the leaves on your HK are on point! Congrats, on this grow op so far!
Homegrown_Marycommented6 years ago
@hellomynameis, no worries, i think she is doing great! :)
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@Homegrown_Mary, thank you! First I thought they're too dark.
Wachsemiliancommentedweek 185 years ago
Very nice Pictures man 😃👍
hellomynameiscommented5 years ago
@Wachsemilian, thanks man!
Amidogencommentedweek 156 years ago
I have the same HK sensi auto growing at day 83 and was beginning to wonder if the buds were ever going to fatten up. Seeing your grow notes gives me some confidence to let them keep going for a while. Your buds looks similar in structure to mine, hoping this strain plumps up decently. Have not yet seen a diary on here yet where the buds really get phat with this specific strain. Do Good and Be Well.
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@Amidogen, thank you for your message. Patience is the key. I think I need another two weeks to finish. Some strains don't produce fat buds even though I had some pH issues at least it will taste good and have a nice effect plus you had some fun yield isn't that important. Good luck with your grow!
R_Owl_Mirrorcommentedweek 126 years ago
I harvested today if you are interested. It took one extra week to finish up. *Hindu Glue
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@R_Owl_Mirror, your harvest looks fine good job! My Hindu seem to need some time. Please tell me when you have tasted yours.
CelticGrowercommentedweek 96 years ago
could be Cal Mag def or a potassium def, or to much nutes, whats your feeding schedule like?
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@CelticGrower, I gave once every week 0.5 ml (because its autoflower) calmag, biogrow and in flower additional flower fertilizer but at some point I stopped because of the nute burn.
Wachsemiliancommentedweek 76 years ago
good old northern lights .......i growed it 10 years ago and it was freakin good stuff 😎hopefully the auto version is nearly as good as the photoperiod..have a good one😃
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@Wachsemilian, thanks! I hope so too I love those classic strains even if it's an auto.
R_Owl_Mirrorcommentedweek 36 years ago
Hello, it looks like we started our grow at the same time. New Years Leaf? I agree: "LST is hard when the space between the nodes are so short." My diary is named HINDU GLUE (custom breeder) if you care to follow along. As for training, I haven't begun tying back any branches yet. Since the shoots at each internode are still soft, I have opted to gently press them downward with my fingers when I water/feed. Stretching the fibers of the branch without breaking them. They do tend to straighten back up but, each time they remain spread out for longer periods of time. I just posted my Week Three diary entry & photos. Good Luck on your grow!
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@R_Owl_Mirror, hey I'm already in week 4 I started at full moon before new year. I will upload new pictures during the next days. I managed to tie down all plants and it worked well. Some fan leaves hiding the grow below but I won't cut them because it's an automatic. I always try to tuck them under. I will follow your grow and wish you good luck as well!
kush_dreamscommentedweek 26 years ago
omgg yours looks beautifull dude
hellomynameiscommented6 years ago
@kush_dreams, thanks man. Good luck with yours!
CRiSPrGrowcommentedweek 186 years ago
agreed ! great work turning over new year's leaf 🚀
vovaTHEKUSHMASTERcommentedweek 56 years ago
Quick spotting the nute burn. Nice!