Ok, so first week is finally here.
First off I want to extend a big thank you to the brands Seedsman, MSNL, Exotic Seeds for sending CBG seeds and a big sorry from me for not being able to germinate them.
I have made notes that all CBG seeds need a bit of special treatment, Living soils are not great unless they are aged well, and better to just start them in perlite, compost and coir/peat. stupid simple. Now the other none CBG seeds did fine in living soil, same with the herbs but some of the herbs also struggled and has low germination rates like the chives. No idea of the chive seed age as I have not grown them in years so this could be part of it.
In better news some of CBG seeds have been replaced with a CBDv and THCv and regular CBD
The THCv is a GTR seed vs a Kannabia THCv Seed, curious how these two will compare. Both are a 1:1 ratio of THC : THCv
The CBDv is from GTR and the CBD is from CANUK, they sent it alongside the CBG as a "try this out as well" PS still rocking the hoodie, its nice and thick perfect for this time of year.
SO onto diary updates, The seeds got their first transplant into smaller square pots at 3.5" vs mini yogurt cups, now I will wait for them to acclimatize into its new size and then transfer up to 1Gal when the time is right.
Made a little video of transplanting them and took some extra photos of the herbs that are going strong. Also took a photo of 12hrs after transplant the the plants are looking nice still. I over watered them and let them drain to prevent a spike in EC in the soil. this way the soil can breakdown a bit more slowly and prevent any burning and such.
The one THCv seedling I plucked out of one pot is going strong with the cilantro. I did this so their would only be one in the other pot, Will gift this to my buddies who need some plants. Also have some leftover CBDv CBD seeds that I started out of caution, they will be doing the same thing, going to buddies. I'm hoping my one guy takes em all as he was intrested in some of the different cannabinoids like THCv and CBDv and CBG
The transplanted medium is amended with lots of stuff and Acti-Sol, the plants seem to do really well on this once they are established. I find topdressing with Acti-Sol is hard and does not work well so it needs to be added into the medium/pot before hand. Outdoors is a bit easier as the roots don't fill the pot to the brim, so topdressing is much easier. Once transplanting is over and they are in their final pot then they will get the liquid feed from the same company, Acadie :) Also first time trying out a Si additive into the soil. Using DE or diatomaceous earth, its now super available but should do the trick. I read studies about it on how adding it into the soil did increase SI content in the plant despite it not being readily available. The mineral wollastonite is a better option but I don't have any on hand. Weird that it comes from a Canadian mine as well.
I think that's all, will comeback and update as needed. Fertilizer is going to be added in ml for the whole container not doing the math for what it is per L.
Thank you for choosing our THCV for your "Special Cannabinoid" project. From Kannabia, we wish you a great time with this grow and hope it exceeds all your expectations 🙌🏼🧡.
Amazing mix or strains. Will make for a winning diary for sure.
But, growdiaries WTF knows.
Great diary. I hope more seeds come to life. Look forward to seen them..