

5 hours ago
Room Type
Expanded Clay
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Mineral Wool
Grow medium
Germination Method
Glass Of Water
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 23%
Avg. success
Divine Seeds - 96%
Euphoria - 107%
Commented by
gottagrowsometime gottagrowsometime
5 hours ago
Going to try something with these 6 seeds. Possibly a SOG/SCROG. 2 rows of 3 seeds in a 50cm2 proscrog frame. Depending if they do a quick stretch, and aren't suited for it, I'll abort it and adapt them to a better method but remaining in 1 20L pot. 60/40 in pebbles favour. Nearest thing to DWC. Will be tricky with ph. My water is high. Also, I crushed 6 seeds little stem by not putting them into a piece of rock wool or cube to protect there frail stems. And the high clay content broke ALL that weren't added in with their cube. As I just started tearing the ends off the cardboard, as I should have done. I kilt of 6 seeds in 1 start. Massive school boy error. If I Have to cull the 2 in the middle or take 2-3 out if the phenos get leggy. I'll adapt them to get good weed either way. Hoping the sog/scrog will work. Let's see. This substrate is a bit demanding and will need daily tending.
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