
Apple Strudel Auto

a month ago
Room Type
weeks 2-9
weeks 3-7, 9
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Fox Farm soil Conditioner
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
1 L
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
Apple Strudel Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 92%
Apple Strudel Auto - 91%
Apple Strudel Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 92%
Apple Strudel Auto - 91%
Apple Strudel Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 92%
Apple Strudel Auto - 91%
Commented by
4Twentygrows 4Twentygrows
3 months ago
I planted all three seeds directly in my media mixture and sprayed lightly with water. I will do this throughout the first two weeks of the seedling stage until the roots are able to absorb water properly. Drowning your roots with water early on is the main mistake I made with my last run and if this happens more than once you can go ahead and push your projected harvest date back at least a week…I would say probably two would be more accurate. Also, seed 1 is in a 1 gallon pot and seeds 2 & 3 are starting off in small one gallon pots and I will be transplanting them shortly. I normally don’t transplant autos but I am experimenting a little with this run so I can see what kind of results I can get. If done right there will be a small amount of recovery time but I always count on my autos to exceed the recommended flowering time. When the plant tells me it’s done I harvest it and I am more interested in quality than quantity. Top quality flower is my main objective so everything I do is geared towards that concept in mind.
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Herikuscommentedweek 23 months ago
Hey! Great looking plants! I just have a question / suggestion. At this stage of the grow, is it beneficial to already defoliate the largest fan leaves? Because from what I've heard, it's best to just tuck the fan-leaves inward, to not disturb her too much in light-absorption. Still, Happy growing 🌱
4Twentygrowscommenteda month ago
@Herikus, it probably is best to leave her alone but I’m ocd af and If it’s early and I’ve got a bud site being covered up by a big fan leaf then it’s gone.
Fast_Budscommentedweek 13 months ago
Hi there, Thank you for running this diary. We will be looking forward to your updates. Happy growing 🌱🌱 & Good luck 😃
4Twentygrowscommented3 months ago
@Fast_Buds, ty for sponsoring my diary! Amazing genetics !