
Humboldt Sour Diesel Auto (Humboldt HSC) — Box, Coco, LED

21 days ago
LM285B+ LED/200W
LM301H EVO + UV + IR LED/120W
LM301H EVO + UV + IR LED/120W
LM301B LED/100W
El-Cheapo Blurple LED/20W
Mars Hydro 6in
Mars Hydro 6in
Thermostat Controller
Room Type
weeks 5-8
weeks 6, 9
weeks 8-14
weeks 9
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
19 L
Pot Size
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
Humboldt Sour Diesel Autoflower
Avg. success
Humboldt Seed Company - 89%
Humboldt Sour Diesel Autoflower - 100%
Simplex Cal-Mag
2 ml/l
CANNA pH+ - Canna
0.5 mll
Commented by
tangie tangie
4 months ago
Soaked for 24H in raw tap water (130ppm, pH 8.3), then planted into an aerated paper cup with coco. The substrate was pH and Cal-Mag buffered to 5.9–6.0 for a few hours in advance. Added some Mycorrhiza, will add more after transplanting into a permanent pot. Upd: Wow, she's a tri-leaf whorled phyllotaxy beauty!
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Grow Questions
tangiestarted grow question 4 months ago
Whorled phyllotaxy, apparently! Definitely a sign of good fortune :) Did some reading up and my impression is that there's nothing special to be done about this, including feeding regimen. Maybe I should build a hexagonal tent for her? 😁 Share your experience and urban legends
Leaves. Too many
Other. General questions
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Organomananswered grow question 4 months ago
In my long experience, 40 years, any mutants and weirdos are always killed off by me now due to too many of them being duds, problems and/or failures in the past. There is nothing special about them and they generally turn out as is too short to grow "maybes"! Other people may say "ooh, you are lucky, give it a chance it may surprise you etc etc", but as I said, over forty years of growing and 99% of mutants and weirdo seedling turn in to a waste of time.......... Triploids with "whorled phyllotaxy" usually end up males, hermies or just don't flower properly in my experience..........a waste of time and effort. Only normal healthy seedlings make it beyond a week at my place these days.
tangiestarted grow question a month ago
What the heck is this? Is it just purple genes or a stress/deficiency or a combination of multiple factors? I have checked three visual cannabis plant health guides, and did not find a single issue which looks like this. Maybe a combination of 2 factors, but I'm not convinced 😐
Leaves. Color - Dark-purple
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
Ultravioletanswered grow question a month ago
Anthocyanin. Looks very similar to what I'd expect to see from excess uv exposure. Possible you had a extra cold night recently? Sometimes if plant spends a night sub 60, the morning after I see a couple leaves like this.
tangiestarted grow question a month ago
Need advice on timing a 7d flush. My 2nd grow, both (Sativas) flowered signif. longer than advertised (+2-4 weeks). To know when to start flushing, do you visually estimate when a plant is no more t 1wk from harvest? If I start flush when it's ripe for harv, too late or ok?
Other. Harvest - Drying
Other. General questions
Newt_Loopanswered grow question a month ago
I don't flush, I feed till the end. Flushing is bro science. Only need for it is if you overfed or trying to correct a nutrient issue. There's actually a study they did on flushing, article below. In summary, the plants with zero days of flushing had the best flavor and the smoothest smoke.
tangiestarted grow question a month ago
Answers based on personal experience if possible! Links to peer-reviewed science ALWAYS welcome 💪 AUTO only 🙌 TTH = Time visible veg To Harvest 1) Average TTH for 80%+ Sativas? 2) For Indicas? 3) Your opinion: Seed sellers incentivized by market to understate advertised TTH?
Buds. Other
Plant. Other
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
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Organomananswered grow question 25 days ago
In my experience.......... 1) - Sativas, 10-16 weeks 2) - Indicas, 6-10 weeks 3) - of course they lie!
tangiestarted grow question 24 days ago
Fine-tuning my timing, my 2nd harvest. Looking for mostly Sativa effects but slight chill is ok to balance the acid-like high — 10-15% amber tx? 90% of pistils are orange/brown now. Feeding with 60-70% flowering mix, but only 50% N. Lens is Apexel 200X + iPhone, no affiliation
Buds. Other
Other. General questions
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Newt_Loopanswered grow question 24 days ago
My trichome maturity is based on whether it's a indica, sativa or hybrid. When the bulbous heads of the trichomes are fully developed but still translucent, plants will produce a "high" and stimulanting effect, less sedative. It is the perfect moment to harvest strong Indica strains. When these bulbous heads turn milky is probably the best moment to harvest most available hybrids. When 70% of these trichome heads are milky and 30% amber, it is the perfect time to harvest mostly Sativa hybrids and long flowering strains (like Haze).
tangiestarted grow question 19 days ago
Asking for a friend Merry Christmas everyone, whatever your faith or belief or philosophy or way of being 🙏🏽🌲
Other. General questions
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Satorsanswered grow question 19 days ago
Hi bro, Thank you for your wish. Merry Christmas you too, buddy!

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tangiecommentedweek 04 months ago
@Organoman @m0use Thank you for answering my question re triple symmetry, your expertise is very much appreciated! It's a fem auto, so chances of it being a male are still extremely low as far as I understand. A hermie, maybe — no idea how to quantify. This time I strongly feel that I want to continue raising this seedling, and I have no expectations for it, especially now that you related your experience. I will enjoy the process of gardening itself a lot, and I'm very curious to see how a mature plant with this peculiar trait looks and behaves. Given that this will be my first time growing in coco-perlite, I will feel less pressure about any possible mistakes such as staggering an ideal watering schedule etc. In the future your experience will help me make choices based on my goals and preferences at the time. Having grown such plants, and I would not bundle this node symmetry mutation with other types of weirdness, because I'm not sure how each of them expresses and what it impacts, is there something specific I should be aware of or pay extra attention to? I read somewhere that this type of mutation can lead to more brittle branches prone to snapping, which might not be true — things like that. Thanks!
tangiecommenteda month ago
@m0use, I think I went a bit too HAM on her just out of curiosity and for boundary seeking purposes, at the same time I tried to care for her the best I could. Looks like she survived well regardless and grew some bud, quality assessment pending! Hope to chop her in less than a week's time.
m0usecommented4 months ago
@tangie, good luck!
Termeaircommentedweek 11a month ago
Nice Soure D, Happy Harvest
tangiecommented20 days ago
@Termeair, Happy it is! My Christmas tree is on point! Happy holidays!
Stony_Germancommentedweek 9a month ago
Nur durch ausprobieren und dadurch lernen werden grower besser. Ich würde mich da nicht stressen lassen. Am ende wird das kein qualitätsverlust.
tangiecommented21 days ago
@Stony_German, Genau, danke! Ich hatte ganz am Anfang des Grows nach ihrer Mutation gefragt, und mir wurde von mehreren erfahrenen Growern hier gesagt, dass sie sehr wahrscheinlich nichts taugen wird. Also habe ich beschlossen, mich nicht zurückzuhalten und etwas Riskanteres auszuprobieren. Einfach, um ein besseres Gefühl für die Grenze zu bekommen und die Anzeichen zu lernen. Trotzdem wollte ich alle Stressfaktoren schnellstmöglich korrigieren – eine hochwertige Ernte war immer noch meine Priorität. Puh, sie hat es überlebt! :)
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tangiecommentedweek 1519 days ago
@Ninjabuds Points are Babylon, brother. Letting a made up game pull your emotion strings leaves you with fewer choices in life, not more. Peace out.
tangiecommentedweek 04 months ago
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