The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Fast Buds - Living Soil - White Widow Auto - CBD Auto 20:1 - Sour Diesel Auto

4 months ago
5 months ago
Glass of water Germination As soon as the seed cracked, putted directly in the Soil
1 comment
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
5 months ago
18 hrs
250 L
40 cm
1st grow ever. Therefore let‘s see if a fully automated and not human influenced grow can work. Blumat is running. AC Infinity Controller settings are in place. Light dimmed to 30% Only checking the health every day till the end of the grow.
Week 2. Vegetation
5 months ago
18 hrs
250 L
40 cm
So far everything looks good. Next week I‘ll start with some LST.
Week 3. Vegetation
5 months ago
18 hrs
250 L
60 cm
LST (Tie down method) was done in addition with the topping.
1 comment
Week 4. Vegetation
5 months ago
24 hrs
250 L
60 cm
After I found some water between some leafes, to get a better airflow I decided to remove a few of them to reduce the probability for issues in the further run. To speed up the growth I‘ve changed the light to a 24h cycle.
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Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
5 months ago
24 hrs
250 L
60 cm
4 liter AACT added. Removed as much as possible leafes before they have to grow for a few days by their own. Light increased to 80%.
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
5 months ago
32 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
65 %
250 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
7 mll
Everything seems to be fine. They are making good progress. It‘s harder to meet the set target values (temp, humidity etc.) , therefore every day minor corrections are required. 7 Liter AACT and they seem to be happy. Here and there some LST to get the best light position and also some leafes have been removed again. Thought about to start with the ScrOG method, but for this time I want to try it without using this method. Let me know what you think about, if this was a good decision. NOTE: Keep in mind this is my first grow and for the reason that I don´t know what I´m doing (only from the books) I think the ladies and I´m are doing quite good.
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
5 months ago
34 cm
24 hrs
26 °C
65 %
250 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
7 mll
Day 49 - Gave some AACT everything looks good till this day. Day 51 - The leafes of SD got more and more brown areas. See pictures. No idea what it could be. 1st try of healing solution: Created 1 liter banana extract(to get Potassium) added 2 liter water and 2,5 ml CalMag to be on the safe side. (Baseline BioBizz deficit reduction scheme 0,8ml/l) Also the tips of some leaves stick out towards the ceiling. For now I‘m only facing issues with SD, if someone has an idea how to fix the deficit issues with SD happy to get some support. WW is looking great, the shugar leafes are becoming more and more and her buds are growing. Update on my Question: (System is not allowing me directly to answer on your comments) AACT is compost tea. 5 Liter destilled + 2,5 Liter Water, 30g Molasses and 1 Liter worm hummus. Brew time 26 hours. A bit of the worm hummus was falling in my soil bed, when I was watering with the AACT. I removed the worm hummus from the mulch layer now. Started a bit more watering. To change the light cycle is not so easy I´m running a dehumidifier already and get around 65-68% humidity. If I turn of the lights humidtiy immediately increases. I plan to connect the dehumidifier in the next das directly to the tent and maybe then I can change the cycle as proposed but i'm still waiting for an exhaust air duct that i can connect. Day 52 - SD is still keeping not well, the brown parts on the leafes have extended. Also more leafes are facing the same symptoms. WW - First small brown dots are appearing. In the meantime Plagron PK 13-14 has arrived. Added 1 liter water incl. 1ml PK in the root area of SD Added 1 Liter water incl. 1ml PK in the root area of WW. (Baseline Plagron PK fertilization scheme 1ml/l water) Day 53 - Feedback to all your valuable support - Fist of all THANK YOU ALL (Sorry but there is no possibility directly to reply to your feedback) PH value I can not influence at the moment, it is not that I not want I´m not prepared for it. PH/EC meter and PH +- is also on the way, things may arrive tomorrow. To be honest I thought the living soil is maintaing itself. At the moment I only can have high hopes that the added PK will stop or slow down the further spread. Yellow leafes seem to be fully dried out and what I also observed that first old leafes have been affected on the bottom and now it seems to spread to younger and to the top. To catch up wit the topic root rot, I can say the hygrometer value in the soil is always around 80-100mbar. (Blumat auto watering setting) I also try to dry it out a bit more to get value around 200mbar to be on the safe side for the time without light. But first I want to check to get to 6.2 Ph value but without any possibllity to measure it I have to sit and wait for my order. :-( DLI was at around 45 per 24h. Cycle changed back to 18/6 with DLI 45 per 18h now. I´m only scared about rod. Hope I can somehow maintain the RH. In the meantime I´ve checked my water values and they indicate magnesium deficite. (Inidicator that I should start with empsom salt.) But I already gave CalMag 2,5mg/3liter. I´m only wondering that only one plant is really affected. Happy about every feedback, try to consider everything what all you have shared with me. But it might take some time. Added 5 liter water with 5ml CalMag. (BioBizz) Added 2 liter water with 4ml Potassium. (CANNA Mono Potassium 16% P) - Just recogniced the purple stems of P deficit. Day 54 - Most important the spread of brown leafs seems to have stopped and I can say mostly all of you have been right with your feedback Ph 5,2 in the soil First try with BioBizz Up - Added a solution of 200ml incl 0,5ml BiobizzUp Day 55 - Ph 5,3 Added 5 Liter Water with 20ml BiobizzUP (Target is to increase Ph max 0,3 per day, for a healthy increasement) + 5ml PK Directly after giving the solution the value increased to 5,4 I think the liquid solution is not the best way to increase the value, because always watering is required, what would lead to other issues. Because of this the target is to change in a frew days to dolomitic limestone powder. This adds calcium, magnesium and raises the Ph from the acidic soil. In addion the CalMag sympthoms of WW have spread a bit but not dramaticly.
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Grow Questions
weefistarted grow question 5 months ago
I see more and more brown parts on the leafs of Sour Diesel (only) any idea what the issue might be? For reference see also my pictures of SD. First idea: Added 1 liter banana extract(to get Potassium) added 2 liter water and 2,5 ml CalMag.
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
AsNoriuanswered grow question 5 months ago
Overfeeding on Nitrogen part, heavy btw. That could block calcium. She needs proper PK and reasonable calcium and magnesium. Beeing on safe side brings troubles, 2.5 ml of calmag by most manufacturers is heavy overdose ..
weefistarted grow question 5 months ago
Brown leafes are extending
Leaves. Curl up
Leaves. Color - Dark-brown
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 5 months ago
High weefi, I told you yesterday already, add PK booster and Cal-Mag supplement and stop giving the other stuff. Your soil contains waaay too much Nitrogen and the pH is probably not right for the PK booster and Cal-Mag supplement to be effective. So you need to adjust the pH from the nutrient solution otherwise the PK booster and the Cal-Mag will not do anything for your plants. You want the pH to be around pH 6.2 You create living soil by adding bacteria that break down the food and fungals that work together with the roots to process this food in exchange for sugar from the roots. Not just by throwing worm and bat shit in the soil. Your only option to turn this grow around is stop giving your home brewed stuff. Start giving a nutrient solution with P, K and Cal with a pH value of between 6 and 7. Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
Week 8. Flowering
4 months ago
34 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
65 %
250 L
60 cm
Day 56 - After some real bad days and also with a lot of support of the great community I hope the ladies will be back on track. For some reason the Ph value pushed back to 5.0 Added 500g of dolomitic limestone powder. (What I know the recommendation is 10g/l) in 225l Soil (Started now with 2,22g/l) Added 1 liter water via spray bottle incl. 4ml BioBizz Up Ph value raised to 5,2 Added 1 liter water via spray bottle incl. 10ml BioBizz Up Ph value raised to 5,4 As recommended I try to get to Ph 6,2 but it is really hard to get back to normal. My expectation is if the value is back in the normal range also the deficits will no longer remain. But for some reason the buffer of the soil seems to be very resistant to changes. Algae lime was ordered and will be added in the next days. Day 57 - Ph 5,2 Added 5 liter water with 5ml CalMag + 90ml BioBizz Up Day 58 - Ph 4,2 I don´t get it I´m trying to increase the Ph value but it is permanently falling again now to a value of 4,2. Any idea what could be the reason why my Ph adjustments are not taking effect in the soil. Question for SD: What to do with the brown leafes? Remove them, keep them? Thanks for your feedback. Some of the leafes as I was touching them were immediatelly falling down. Ph decreased to 3,8 I´m using digital soil meter to measure details of the soil. (Refer to my pictures in the report) I´ve checked with my water as well and it has Ph 7,5 Algal lime has arrived. Based on your valuable feedback I have now followed up with the following steps: Added 22 liter water (Ph 7,5) without any nutrients what is around 10% of my soil. Added 1kg algal lime (It reacts faster than dolomite lime) It seems that the soil was underwatered, because after I´ve added the water the Ph value increased immediately from 3,8 to 5,6. Day 59 - Ph 4.8 At the moment I can only wait till the changes from Day 58 might take effect Trichomes of WW seems to be fully white but I have to double check with more time again. (48 hours of darkness before I cut the lady down will be planned) Day 60 - Ph 4,6 Soil still not ready for the next amendments Day 61 - Due to the reason a only water cycle did not significantly change the Ph conditions I start now with a different approach also recommended by the community :-) Soil meter (105mbar) has indicated the next amendment cycle (25l added), Nutrients are added with 75% of the recommended amount (16,5ml) of the baseline 22 liter: Added 5 liter water incl. 5ml PK + 5ml CalMag + 22,5ml BioBizzUp with a Ph 9 Added 5 liter water incl. 5ml PK + 5ml CalMag + 20ml BioBizzUp with a Ph 9 Added 5 liter water incl. 6,5ml PK + 6,5ml CalMag + 25ml BioBizzUp with a Ph 9,2 Added 5 liter water incl. 20ml BioBizzUp with a Ph 9 Added 2,5 liter water incl. 10ml BioBizzUp with a Ph 9 Last amendment because Ph of 6,1 was shown, so instead of 22 liter we have now 25 liter added: Added 2,5 liter water incl. 10ml BioBizzUp with a Ph 9,1 Now the Ph value of 6,2 is reached. Hope the value remains as it is and will not drop again. Thank you all for your valuable support. Hope the next days we can only focus on trichomes and the final stage. Around 6 hours later the Ph has decreased to 5,7 Day 62 - Ph 5,3 Added 5 liter water incl. 30ml BioBizzUp with a Ph 10 Ph 5,7
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Grow Questions
weefistarted grow question 4 months ago
I don´t get it I´m trying to increase the Ph value but it is permanently falling again to a value of 4,2. Any idea what could be the reason why my Ph adjustments (BioUp) are not taking effect in the soil. Additional question for SD: What to do with the brown leafes? Remove them?
Feeding. Deficiences
AsNoriuanswered grow question 4 months ago
250 liters pot , better dont flush ;) How you measure ph of out ? Do you take middle of eun off, do you collect it on clean new plate/sourcer ???? There is organic or simple ways to put ph up, like lime. But i wont recommend it in soil. Just have small run off ( which is complicated in your case ) have good wet dry cycle - what is hard again and load RIGHT ph when you water. Soil should buffer herself.
weefistarted grow question 4 months ago
Can you please share your experiences regarding the right time for 48h darkness + harvest? WW 70% Indica/30%Sativa, if the trichome color is milky it will be a head fucused instead of body focused effect Expectation:Harvest time should support the ratio type of strain
Other. Harvest - Drying
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gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 4 months ago
Hey mate. So, for your 1st grow, keep it simple. So, you want all your plant more or less done at the same time. So, its a trade of with higher cloudy trichomes + more ambers and lower on the bottom. (Generally this can be combatted by lowering your light % at ripening to not push the plant to hard, making it finish more evenly) As for the 48 dark rest, mep, I've harvested over 150 phenos, and tried every way trying, I've tested half harvested, half dark rested and the other half harvested after 2-3 hrs of light been off (as when the plant has been In the dark for 2hrs the photosynthesis actually completely stops and in theory the plant is in the same state as it would be in 48hrs as it would be after 2-3 hrs of rest. I would advise focusing more on your timing of harvest and your drying room. So, after the plants have stopped photosynthesis (photochrome affect), you want to cut the plant in your dying dark room. So, as soon as you turn your light off, place your plant in your dark room, or tent if you're using, wait the few hours, and then in the dark, or very low lux environment. Then you can cut from the stem and hang upside down. Some growers wet trim. But, if the bud dries to fast. You'll end up with bushwhack weed (smelling of hay). So the longer drying 10-14+ days the better. And as the days progress you can start removing the main fan leaves allowing air in more, and as it continues to dry. You can then break it down into sections, and rehang and in a few days after that. You can start trimming the sugar leaves (note: it's best to do this before fully drying as if the sugars fully dry, they'll be harder to trim the end product. Drying conditions Again, this can vary depending on growers and ambient environment Tempature: 17-20c keeping between these to ensure your weed doesn't dry to quick RH (HUMIDITY) 55-60% Some ppl like a lower RH as it gives more kief separation if you want to do hash, but typically, sticking within these ranges shouldn't cause any issues. Don't Airflow: you don't want direct air blowing on your bud, but good air circulation in your drying room. Or if your use your tent just know on your exhaust and keep it low. (If you've the consistent conditions If you any insight or help in anything explained feel free to reach out myself or the persons answer you find most helpful. Good
Week 9. Flowering
4 months ago
40 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
65 %
250 L
40 cm
Day 63 - No garden time - no updates Day 64 - Ph has pushed back to 4,9 Soil is still to wet (35mbar) for further amendments. Day 65 - Ph 4,9 seems to remain stable Today I‘ll check the trichomes, we are getting close to harvesting time for WW. After your nice feedback I‘ll plan for the dry cut with partial harvest per plant depending on trichome color. What I also understood is that if the plant is harvested she has to be at a dark place. Day 66 - Ph 4,6 Soil 48mbar Day 67 - Ph 4,8 Soil 55mbar It seems that the ladies are drinking much lesser, leafes are getting more and more yellow, also brown "hairs". Most of the trichomes are milky only a few already amber. Dry space prepared. Day 68 - Ph 4,8 Soil 69mbar Day 69 - Ph 4,9 Soil 84mbar
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Week 10. Flowering
4 months ago
40 cm
18 hrs
26 °C
65 %
250 L
40 cm
Day 70 - Ph 5,1 - Ph value is now increasing by itself, it seems that the dolomitic limestone and algae limestone show their effect Soil 109mbar (time for the last amendments before harvest) Close before harvest I only wanted to add water with 5% volume of the soil without any nutrients: Added 5 liter water incl. 60ml BioBizzUp with Ph 10 Added 5 liter water incl. 60ml BioBizzUp with Ph 10 Target is to get somewhere between 6,2 and 6,5 Ph See the nice trichomes in the pictures, they are almost all "milky". Day 71 - Ph 6,2 Soil 32mbar Day 72 - Ph 5,9 Soil 44mbar WW was getting more amber trichomes (roughly 20%), now she has moved to the dry space. Target: Head and body supporting indica. SD was getting the first amber trichomes (roughly 5%), therefore she has also moved to the dry space. Target: Head uplifting sativa effect CBD 20:1 is not ready, there are still too less milky trichomes. Let us give her a few more days, she is a bit behind in the development.


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DutchFarmercommentedweek 05 months ago
Fast_Budscommentedweek 35 months ago
Hi there, Thank you for running this diary. We will be looking forward to your updates. Happy growing 🌱🌱 & Good luck 😃
weeficommented5 months ago
@Fast_Buds, Hi Fast_Buds thank you soo much. It´s so exciting to see the ladies grow. 😊
MrJonescommentedweek 55 months ago
Everything is going great! Everything looks so healthy and beautiful!
Dendegrowcommentedweek 75 months ago
Hi growmie this is a advanced lack of calcium at your sd, the white parts could be the beginning of necrosis. Have a look at the Stiels are weak then it is 100% calcium deficiency.
weeficommented5 months ago
@Dendegrow, I´m refereing to your response above: CalMag is from BioBizz and it´s on a natural basis there is no calcium nitrate if I´m right and yes I think you are right from the scheme itself. I will try to add the 5 liter with 5ml CalMag this is somehow the scheme what BioBizz also recommends 0,8ml/l if you are facing a deficit. At the beginning I only tried with 2 liter of water and 2,5ml CalMag. But due to smal symptoms also on WW I´ll try now your approach with 5liter, hope they will not be overfeeded. And for WW I´m sure that it is CalMag deficite (it looks similar to the deficite pictures) Tomorrow I´ll try then to change the Ph value if required. And again thank you very much for the support.👌 (It is my first grow I have no idea about deficits or anything😕, I red a lot at the beginning but expierence is a different thing) Yes I know sometimes it will be a painful learning process . 😣 As soon as the issue will be fixed I´ll inform.
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weeficommented5 months ago
@Dendegrow, Thanks for your feedback. But I already added 2,5ml/3Liter CalMag and the issue problem still spreads. I also do not want to overfeed :-( I really don´t know what to do for now. (Please see last update in my grow report.)
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Comfreycommentedweek 55 months ago
Beautiful CBD Box! The plants look very healthy and the 250 l livingsoil box is nice to see. I started outdoor and soon I switch to the tent, which I bought some weeks ago for a similar project. I‘m not ready yet but very interested in your automatic livingsoil system and how this strain will develop. Looks very promising. 🌱🌾
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