Hi everybody
At the beginninh of the week I did the last defoliation before switching to flowering stage (I cut everything under the scrog and some leaves above that covered buds site)
I found a blade of grass in the pot (cute😚) but I eradicated it (👿)
I have a problem with evapotraspiration but I can't turn the humidity down
The leaf blade is turning upwards and the leaf is closing ---- I adjust the high of the lamp and the potency and I watered with pH controlled water. We'll see
At the end of the week I think I'm going to switch the light cycle😇
Thanks for reading!
I finally discovered what was the problem with the deficency. It was the pH
I used to fill the 6L tank and adjust the pH, but at the time, I only used 3 liters, and the remaining 3 liters were poured 3 days later. However, the pH returned to its original value before I corrected it. A small misstep
Once the plant recovered (leaves no longer curled inwards), I started flowering, giving 1.5ml/L of Terra leaves and 1.5ml/L of Terra Max by Atami."