Week 1 - Bubbasquanch (BS) is severely stunted compared to Mango Smile (MS). Seed was stuck to her and had to pry apart, and it wasn't until over a day later that I noticed she still had the membrane attached and had to tweezer that off. Wondering if too late to abort BS and replace with the freebie extra Mephisto supplied. Think it was day 4-5 started on 1/4 strength Jack nutes along with Armor Si and CalMag, although calmag probably not necessary with Jacks. Using 1x week Real Growers Recharge and molasses.
Hey. My jars are empty and I've already spent hundreds at the dispensary (weed legal here now!!!) so time to start growing again. Woot. Going to be switching nutrients to using the Jacks 321 formula and following Kootmed's schedule (https://www.cocoforcannabis.com/wp-content/uploads/wpforo/attachments/7164/55453-JACKS-3-2-1.pdf). Probably going to be switching to octopots after this grow, so this grow is just to get accustomed to new to me nutrients.
Nice that I came by your page, I really like what I see! Really nice. If you have time to spare, please come over I have 5 diaries going on at once. Would be fun to have you over! Good luck with everything and I’m sending my best wishes for you and your future grows! /LST 😃🌱