Week 6. Harvest is expected the end of November. I'm only giving water right now because all the plants were over fed.
Friends, Since its getting cold outside, I just loaded a really delicious 😋 ginger cookie recipe in week 9 - Natronas Recipes. Other recipes taste more like sugar cookies. Note I substituted the sugar with monkfruit.
Oh shit. I have the photoperiod seeds of this that I got from gotm that same month. Kinda forgot about it until I just saw you post. Definitely curious how this turns out. Good luck 🍀
I loved their Auto Gods Glue as well, seems to be a stable seed company that needs more looking into.
Good luck with the rest of your grow she looks lovely 😍
@Krisis, I could have done better. I had feeding issues resulting in a small harvest, but she was fast 60 days. I have to get used to the spice as I usually smoke fruity and sweet. Yes grow multiple plants with training, get a good harvest.
@Krisis, I could have done better with her, I had feeding issues going on. Her buds were small and leafy but she is fast 60 days. I have to acquire a taste for spicy as I mostly smoke fruity and sweet. I like it . 👌 grow more than 1 at once to get more outcome and do training.