Lemon Cherry is quick grower. Got as far as 2 weeks before my 20L pot was full. Mainly used all/light mix & Xpert Nutrients root stims. They've needed calmag also. And Xpert Nutrients supplied really quickly when I let them go for a few days without checking on week 3. The one with the mag issue (plain to see) Is this strain lemon cherry gelato. Only 1 seed was chosen all germinated but this one showed the best performance and was chosen. I've done a lot to her. And she doesn't look very advanced but she's had major body work done. Her TOPPING is done. Her 1st nodes/leaves have been removed.
Just before coming into wk 4 I moved her into a 11L pot with Grow/light Mix + 20% pebbles. I will let it flourish for a few weeks growing out evenly grown nodes. It will take a little longer but will make for a more controlable pheno. In a few weeks I'll take clones and start reproduction of this girl I have another pack also but, the way this has grown, it's quickness to bounce back from deficiency shows me she's got strength. Her other sisters were super small for some reason and were pult early to allow what was in the pot to flourish.
Xpert nutrients will be applied in a few weeks. I'll keep applying the stims&calmag. Ph'in is needed with all these feeds as the ph is more around the 6 mark. Not ideal for soil. So I adjust the NPK feeds. Master root/cal don't need it
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