Well another week has passed and these girls are still shooting for the stars! Lots of growth again with plant heights ranging from 18-34". Three of the plants are 18-24" and the one monster in the back is a good 10" bigger. Means the back left and front right get the right amount of light, front left is a little lacking, and back right is showing a bit of signs of stress being so much closer to the light. Still OK, but if the size differences start to vary more than they are I may have to think of options. Hoping the big one stops soon and that the other three catch up. The one does seem 4-7 days ahead of the other so heres to hoping!
Did I light defoliation early week just removing six to eight leaves per plant, and then a bigger defoliation today removing the most inner stem from every main branch and more leaves. None of which were getting much light being close to the center of the canopy, and also really helps open up airflow. There were a few leaves that were wet, had been stacked right against others and couldn't transpire properly. Also did a good training session on the front right plant today. All the others responded to the leaf tucking very well and more mostly spread out nice with only one or two ties needed. Front left was growing with all the branches right to the main stalk with little airflow, ended up having to tie almost every branch! Should help a lot, hopefully see some faster growth from this one soon. Removed humidifier early week as the girls are keeping the tent up around 65% on their own.
Lights 12-18" @ 80% 900-650 umol/s
4" intake 30%
6" exhaust 20%
6" oscillating fan 30%
@Hattiwatti, ended up lifting the plants and the reservoir accordingly, nice even canopy now thanks for the advice! Milk crates and plant risers to the rescue