I've topped the RJ and the LO after the third node.
The CBD seems a bit sleepy, but mostly that is due to me towing the big fan leaves under the lower growth to increase light penetration of the branches. All eight branches are exposed. Did the same for the RJ and the LO.
The MxP does not let me do that easily, so I just leave her be.
The Radical Juice is starting to look like a model, very healthy plant. Its sidebranches are higher than the top.
The Cbd#1 has some really huge fan leaves and shows strong "knuckles". I'm waiting just a little bit for more branch development on it, then I'll remove the largest fan leaves to encourage new growth. It gives off a fresh, sweet and lightly citrussy scent.
The MxP shows a tendency to grow higher than the rest.
The funky purple basil and the lemon basil are doing alright, but I'm guessing the amount of light will soon be too much for the young basil.
If everything goes well, I'd like to go into flower in 2-3 weeks. Few things to do before that:
- Top LO (done)
- Take clones (if all goes well, will do this during lollipopping + defoliation in the week before flower)
Its fine, they will airprune and die off.
I would make sure tho, that the tank itself is clean and cannot infect the roots with anything, also the tank needs to drain properly.