Day 48 - 25.03 - A curious phenomenon is happening everytime I water with or without nutrients : the OG Amn is spreading a deep citrus smell all around 👉 this makes me think about something : I will water her 2h before the harvest to help for the terpenes.
The flush also started earlier this week so the harvest will come soon as the pot size ( 7L ) will help for a quick flush and I also did not feed her with a high amount of nuts.
I am a bit sad to loose that genetic, I an actually considering a re-veg then a S1 seeds production to keep it as long as I can.
@ROM101, Yeah thanks growmie 😁 This strain is always coated with trichomes, it was a pleasure to grow it each time ✌️🏼 If you'r an haze lover then go with it , and what I really like about this strain is that an early cut will makes you laught for nothing and a late harvest will make you sleep so you can choose one of these 2 effect or something between ✌️🏼
Let the "clone wars" begin 👍
She looks happy, healthy and ready to show the world what she can do 👊
Good luck with our Original Amnesia as you enter bloom 👌
We will keep looking in as you update mate 👍
All the best ✌️
@DinafemSeeds, Haha thank you mark , like I said it was my last year selection and she already win the seeds war against 8 other strains so she's ready for the battle 😁
However I did not take good care of that clone and even if I already know that the quality will be 100% there , I would not bet on a super yield as usual 😓
Looking beautiful man! Damn u got lot of diaries...I gotta quit my job if I'm gonna try to keep up with all the action u guys got going on. Lol. Good shit✊