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WddgCake Appetite ❤️

Approved by Barney's Farm
a month ago
2 months ago
So started a new grow in a new setup. Germinated 2 seeds of Wedding Cake Auto from Barney´s Farm. Let the Adventure begin 😛
Used method
Paper Towel
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
2 months ago
5 cm
18 hrs
22 °C
55 %
So not so good start. Started in a very small tent because my new one didn´t arrive. Had some problems with PH and all in all not enough time to look after them. I noticed that the one very small one is showing sings of HpLVd but decided to let her grow a little just in case is a weird mutation from the PH fluctuations and light stress.
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Week 2. Vegetation
2 months ago
8 cm
18 hrs
24 °C
50 %
So, this is the week that i scraped the HpLVd infected one because i was like 99,9% sure it was the virus. Comparing the 2 plants i think one can really see the development. They are the same age after all . I also decided to germinate the last Wedding Cake Auto seed that i still had. It was also a succes and grew pretty well in just one week. at the end of this week also transplanted both in 19 l air pots with a mix of BioBizz Light Mix soil as a base 70% Coco choir 15 % worm castings 13% and 2% bat guano (i don´t think i got the % right because i forgot to note them). Also sprinkled on the roots,at the time of transplant, 2 gr of a mix of beneficial bacteria and fungi.
Week 3. Vegetation
2 months ago
18 hrs
24 °C
50 %
The first wedding cake grew bigger, also did some LST with it. And the other Wedding Cake that I germinated after i scraped the HpLVd infected one grew 3 nodes. This week ended with me installing all my set up.
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Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
2 months ago
18 hrs
24 °C
45 %
19 L
65 cm
Nutrients 6
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 3 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 3 mll
After I installed my set up like I wanted and the girls got to know their new home, I also germinated a Banana Purple Punch Auto from FastBuds ( I will do a separate grow journal). Did some more LST with the 1st WeddingCake also topped it. The 2nd WeddingCake is at 4 nodes so I will let it grow more at this time. I also wanted to grow them in different structures. The lights we´re pretty up there. I gave them 2 l of water and the nutrients described in the nutrients tab. Also adjusted the PH of the final mix at 6.0. Started to develop a problem with fungus gnats that´s why i also put some "fungus gnats larvae eating" nematodes in the water and as you can see in the photos yellow stickers for the adult gnats.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
2 months ago
18 hrs
24 °C
45 %
19 L
65 cm
Nutrients 8
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 3 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 3 mll
The 1st WeddingCake started preflowering like alittle gem. The 2nd WeddingCake grew 5 or 6 nodes and got topped. Introduced Bio Bloom and Top Max just for the 1st WeddingCake. now giving them 2,5 l . I am also not feeding every watering because i mixed in worm castings and bat guano. Giving every other watering the suplements like acti-vera bio heaven al ga mic and so on. Giving CalMag every watering.
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
2 months ago
18 hrs
24 °C
45 %
19 L
55 cm
Nutrients 8
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 3 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 3 mll
They grew and grew and the 1st WeddingCake started her flowering stretch. Did LST some more to try to even the canopy out. The 2nd WeddingCake also showing preflowers, by the end of this week entering preflowering and stretching a little more.
Week 7. Flowering
2 months ago
18 hrs
23 °C
40 %
19 L
55 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 4 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 4 mll
This week started and ended very good. Ther 1st WeddingCake is flowering superb. Did a lil# trim at the end of the week to promote more bud sites but to be honest i am pretty pleased with her. The 2nd WeddingCake is behind because it is 2 weeks or so younger. It is forming her flowers very good. I wanted just to top her and the let her do her thing without LST. I want to compare the results not just in yield but in potency and terpenes if possible.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
2 months ago
18 hrs
23 °C
40 %
19 L
55 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 4 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 4 mll
Good week. Both have signs of CalMag deficiency and little signs of Nitrogen deficiency for the 1st WeddingCake, gave her a little more BioGrow the the others. To be honest I also give them other amounts of nutrients but I don´t have the time to write it here in detail. Next run will be more detailed.
Week 9. Flowering
2 months ago
18 hrs
23 °C
45 %
19 L
55 cm
Nutrients 7
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 3 mll
Acti-Vera - BioBizz
Acti-Vera 5 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 5 mll
So my new Mars Hydro FC-E1500 is here. Swaped the very old MarsHydro LED in the middle. Gave them a little bit more CalMag and for the 1st Wedding Cake Bio Grow. Very minimal trimming. I noticed that the leafs from the 2nd Wedding Cake are glossy like. I think it could be too much nitrogen. Stoped giving her Bio Grow 1 week ago. Thanks for all the answers, i will flush both the weddingcakes out and see how they react. Also measuring the run off EC and PH and also soil PH. 1/10/25 I like this community already 😁 you guys gave me such good answers to my grow question. So I measured soil PH roughly between 7 and 7,5 so alkaline. Not good. I flushed with Phed water 5,3 and measured PH of runoff at 6,6 and ppm at 1480 . Repeated, measured runoff PH 6,3 ; ppm 1210. Repeat, but with PHed 5,0 water, runoff PH 5,9 ppm 1010. Stoped. 1st WddngCake took 3 flushes with total of 30 l of water. 2nd Wddncake got a flush with 25 l of water at the end runoff PH aprox 5,9 ppm 990 . Gave them both Nematodes because i saw a reduction in fungus gnats that is good. Almost none flying around. Fingers crossed. 😊 1/11/25 Aprox. 24h from "The Big Flush" 😁 and they seem to be happier. Temp in tent 23 C and RH 44% - 48% . Also added a few photos of them after the flush. 1/12/25 Aprox. 48h after flush. They are doing very good. 1st WddngCake shows off more of her colors with splashes on the calyxes and sugar leafs. 2nd WddngCake stands tall and bulks the buds up. I also noticed that Pheno 1 WddnCake has a fruitty creamy like sweat smell and the 2nd Pheno ,the tall girl, reminds me of a tropical IPA, fruity , fresh and pungent like cousin hops. Also the end of this week, today, looking forward at the week ahead. In the tent 22 C at the moment with 50% RH because i let the mars hydro ventilators off for the day. they are back on now.
Grow Questions
BrediGreenystarted grow question 2 months ago
My first Wedding Cake still shows signs of CalMag deff and I don't know why. Already giving her 10 ml BioBizz CalMag to 3,5l water, way more then the recommended amount for deff and adjusted water PH at 6.3. Has anyone got any Ideea?
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All_our_small_plantsanswered grow question 2 months ago
Zu viel CalMag ist nicht gut. Die Elemente Calcium und Magnesium zählen zu den positiv geladenen Kationen - ebenso wie der besonders wichtige Nährstoff Kalium. Nun kann es passieren, dass diese 3 Kationen sich gegenseitig in der Aufnahme blockieren, wenn sie im falschen Verhältnis zueinander stehen. Aus diesem Grund ist es sehr wichtig, dass man die Maximaldosis bei CalMag nicht überschreitet, da sonst die Aufnahme von Kalium blockiert werden kann. Im Resultat hat man dann einen Mangel, der kein echter Mangel ist, sondern eine Nährstoffblockade, die durch einen Überschuss entsteht. Messe den Ph wert und auch Ec wert von deinem Runoff der sollte zwischen 5.8 und 6.5 sein und der ec wert nicht über 1.8 bis 2
Week 10. Flowering
a month ago
18 hrs
24 °C
50 %
21 °C
19 L
55 cm
Nutrients 3
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1.06 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1.5 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1.5 mll
1st WddngCake is under a SpiderFarmer SF 1000D 100W but an older model. The 2nd WddngCake is under a MarsHydro FC-E1500 LED 150W. They also receive on the sides UV (total per day 2 and 1/2 h ) exposure and IR (total per day 2h) From a Secret Jardin Cosmorrow UV 40W and one Secret Jardin Cosmorrow IR 40 W. UV 1h in the morning starting with main light, 1h in the afternoon and 1/2 h just before the main light goes off. IR 1/2 h in the morning before any lights even start then letting it another 1/2 h with all the other lights.Total 1h IR 1/2 in the evening right before all the lights go out and let it smooth out 1/2 alone without the other lights. Total 1h 1/13/25 The girls are starting the week ok. 1/14/25 1st WddngCake, She is older, is happier after the flush, still has a little bit of alkaline soil but i don't want to stress her out to much. Gave her a little BioBizz CalMag aprox 3,5 ml ; TopMax 5ml and 5 ml BioBlom . All mixed in 3,3 l PHed Water at PH 5.0 ppm 290. Runoff PH 6,8 :( ppm 1100. Also took like a handful of inter buds leafs :D . I think she will be ok. Seeing signs of buds fattening, new pistils. Frosty :D 2nd WddngCake Is very strong starting to fatten up the buds because she is younger and just now entering that stage. Like I already said her smell still resembles a tropical sweet creamy hoppy IPA. I think she is good, no major problems. Gave her 3,3 l of PHed water. Also mixed in CalMag 2,6 ml; 4 ml TopMax and 5 ml BioBloom. PH 5,4 ppm 207. Runoff PH 6,08 and ppm 302. I think is a good sign that i flushed a lot of nutrients from the soil and she also used a lot of them. Should keep and eye on that. Took 5 inter buds leafs off. 1/15/25 They are doing ok, both are fattening their buds and coming around good. The 2nd WddngCake better then the 1st one because I didn't make so many mistakes with her 😬 The tent is smelling great the Temp is at 23 C at night 20 C and RH at 50% (+- 3%) . 1st WddngCake stand at 47 cm and the 2nd WddngCake at 74 cm at their highest. New Photos! 😍😃 1/17/25 Back with some updates. The girls are doing wonderful. Shades of pinkish darkish greenish on both. The 1st Wddng Cake Auto, is older and showing this colors also on the very small sugar leafs. Gave her 4,2 l of PHed water, going in PH 5,6 and ppm 95. The Runoff is at PH 6,4 ppm 205 and I feel like now she is a little bit happier. Soil PH at 7,3 but not measuring precisely have a cheap tho rod measure stabby thing. The 2nd Wddng Cake Auto is younger, starting to forming her full flowers, bursting with mass . She also displays the colors mentioned above on the leafs closer to the main buds and also here and there on other sugar leafs. Gave her 4,2 l PHed water , going in PH 5,4 ppm 110. Runoff at PH 6,5 ppm 195 . Her soil PH is also at PH 7,3 kinda of. :)) I can see she is happier. I think is because i didn't make mistakes at the start. I also had 2 other Autos that aren't on here. But none of them grew like this one. Until now :)). Also took from both some leafs here and there. I think like a hand full total. Half a handful a plant. :D In the new photos you can see the "between the fingers roll" 😁 like i call it. That I only do twice in the life of an Auto, not to stress her to much.😨 Temp in the tent at 24 C when day +-2 C. At night time 21 C +- 1 C . Rh 50% +- 3% all of the time. Ventilators on for wind, and the grow must go on 👽🙌 1/18/25 So just 1 day until end of the week. I just got a Microscope. Very good actually recommend Andonstar AD203 Portable, 4' Screen also metal holder. A microSD Card 32Gb is also included and the data cable. Has a battery. Handels good. for the money i am surprised 😍. 1st Wddng Cake Took some pictures of the thricomes and I see a lot of milky one, some clear ones too. No amber ones. I think the harvest window is open but , I don't have time to harvest now. I also prefer also to let it a few days. Also must see for an extra tent to do 2 "days" of darkness.😥 2nd Wddng Cake is doing good, starting to fade in nuances of pink dark green just on the leafs of the top. and just a little bit of yellow.😢 But tomorrow she will get another feed to push her further the 2 weeks or so she has got to go😍 Seems i forgot to set the clock of the Microscope:))), i just went to town because it was half battery full :)))). Also Pictures from under the Microscope 😍😁 1/19/25 Sooo end of week. I think we are fine. All the things that should be happening are happening :)). Sorry i messed up the timelines. But the older one smaller one will be 10 weeks old in 2 days. And the younger one is gonna be 9 weeks in 3 days. Or something like that. Chaotic start like i said :)). 1st Wedding Cake Auto is starting to open her harvest window. Very much thanks to all that answered my grow question. She got 4,9 l of water PH 5,4 ppm 92; Soil Ph aprox 7; Runoff PH 6,6 ppm 305. I will keep an eye on her because she will be done in like about a week or maybe 2. Must see how next week goes. Continue to give PH water no nutes 😁 She is aprox 10 weeks old. 2nd Wedding Cake Auto changed color more on the leafs. Purple dark green. Some little bit of yellow. But today i feed her. She got 4,2 l water with CalMAg 3,5 ; Activera 5 ml ; Algamic 5 ml; Bio Heaven 5 ml; BioBloom 5ml; TopMax 6ml. Going in PH 5,7 ppm 315; Soil aprox PH 7; Runoff PH 6,9😢 ppm 610. She is younger then her sister so i think 3 - 4 weeks. We will see. 😆 New pics 😁
Used techniques
Grow Questions
BrediGreenystarted grow question a month ago
Just wanted to ask an opinion 😄 Would you consider my 1st Wddng Cake Auto to be ready? Or it is now the harvest window open? I will leave it a few more days of them 2 darkness 😁 I want to see a little amber😍 Thank you very much for making me feel welcomed in this community😀
Other. General questions
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GrowerOGanswered grow question a month ago
Hello mate, your genetics says 10-11 weeks so your inside this window, looking your photos i think it's a bit soon for harvest, i see a lot of trichomes traslucid but few amber. I'm sorry to day that the famous dark days before harvest are totally useless. If you want more amber trichomes, give them more days to let continue the maturation process. Good lcuk and happy harvest!
Week 11. Flowering
a month ago
18 hrs
23 °C
50 %
21 °C
19 L
55 cm
Nutrients 3
Calmag - BioBizz
Calmag 1.06 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1.5 mll
Top-Max - BioBizz
Top-Max 1.5 mll
1/20/25 New week, new day 😁 The 1st Wedding Cake Auto is slowly going to get ready for the harvest prob in one week or one and a half. She pushes on the top of the very big buds fox tails and a lot of pistils. Wondering if it's an effect of the wind? from the ventilators? Or something else, either way doesn't bother me. She got 4,9 l of water with PH 5,4 going in ppm 92. Soil PH aprox 7😦, Runoff PH 6,6 ppm 304. The 2nd Wedding Cake Auto has got some time still to go. I saw last time that the runoff ppm was at 195 pretty low. Today she got fed. She is turning colors, just a bit of yellowing 😢 but hope nothing serios after this feed. She got 4,2l water with CalMag 3,5 ml; Activera 5ml; Algamic 5ml; BioHeaven 5ml; BioBloom 5ml; TopMax 6ml. Going in water PH after mix with nutrient s at PH 5,7 ppm 315. Soil at aprox 7😦. runoff at PH 6,9 ppm 610👌 1/22/25 The ladies are fading in colors that are so beautiful😍 1st Wedding Cake Auto got today just PHed water 4,9l of it. Going in PH 5,2 ppm 104. Soil aprox 7, Runoff PH 6,2 ppm 215👌. 2nd Wedding Cake Auto got a little feed today. 4,2l water with CalMag 3,5 ml; BioGrow 3ml ; BioBloom 4 ml ; TopMax 3ml; Activera 4ml; Algamic 4ml ; BioHeaven 4ml. Going in PH 5,0 ppm 321. Soil PH aprox 7 ; Runoff PH 6,8 ppm 646. 1/24/25 Thank you growmies for giving me very good advice on my grow questions. Now i can complete them or remove them. I think Support helped there 😁 So the Wedding Cakes Autos are like I don't know anymore. The younger one is starting to go in fall mode😢 and the other still has fuel in the tank😕. I think i can harvest both at the same time. But i shall keep an eye on the thricomes to see how they develop on both. 😁 Just some pics today did nothing special. Checked the thrics 😄 1/26/25 The colors💚 I think the 1st Wddng Cake will be harvested the next days. As for the 2nd Weddng Cake Auto next weekend?!? I will see😁
Used techniques
Grow Questions
BrediGreenystarted grow question a month ago
Hi growmies, seems i can't close or remove grow questions but i really have a new one. My 2nd Wedsing Cake Auto, she is younger, should be ready in 2 weeks or so. I think she is showing first signs of Botrytis. Lower leafs have spots on them, yellowing, dieng. Come off very easy.
Crusty_Juggleranswered grow question a month ago
Not Botrytis, it's pH/nute imbalance + the plant is going into autoflower autumn mode and eating itself up, fixing an auto at this point is pretty futile, just let it go forward as it is and chop when ready. Botrytis shows as leaves nested within buds withering and as straight up mold when you open the buds up, it's one of those things you don't see before it's too late. All you can do is control humidity and have plenty air circulation around the buds, and of course chose mold resistant strains if you live somewhere where mold is an issue :)
Week 12. Flowering
a month ago
18 hrs
23 °C
50 %
21 °C
19 L
55 cm
1/27/25 Soo yesterday was the start of the week. Didn't update because health issues. Girls are in full autumn mode and ready in the next days for harvest.😍 Today flushed them both with 6l water PH 5,5 aprox and ppm 100 aprox.😁 The 1st Wedding Cake Auto is like 78 days old from when sprouted. 😀 The 2nd Wedding Cake Auto is 70 days old or so from sprout. 😬 1/30/25 Started the harvest with just the top big buds. Letting the small buds for one or two more days.😊
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Used techniques
Week 13. Harvest
a month ago
Happy Harvest Day!
Very good strain. Love the smell and colors at the end of flower. 1 out of 3 seeds I think it had HpLVd. All of them germinated. All the other things are on me, I did errors and they forgave me pretty good. I am very satisfied with the harvest. Dense Buds on one smelling fruitty like berry with like a scent of old school skunk and funk. The tall one, I think another pheno, smells like a fresh, fruitty, creamy tropical IPA . Will be back with a review after dry and cure :) .
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Spent 86 days
Ger Veg Flo Har

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
1/31/25 Sooooooooo it is the end but what an adventure with them Wedding Cakes Auto.😅😁 Did some things wrong, also learned a lot😊 Super satisfied with the harvest😁 but not done yet. I was in trimm jail for like 12 h straight :))) The small buds will be harvested tomorrow and 90% of them will be fresh frozen. Also all the trim and small buds until now are fresh frozen since this morning. Gonna make my first try at bubble hash 😁 1st Wedding Cake Auto took aprox 82 days from sprout to harvest I think due to a not so good start. 2nd wedding Cake Auto took aprox 70 days from sprout to harvest, I think due to a better start. 2/5/25 the dry buds in jars since yesterday. Keeping a close eye, burping. Also the very many small buds and a lot of trimm were fresh frozen and tomorrow will make some bubble hash for the first time.😁

the end.
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