sanibelislcommentedweek 69 days ago
so i have a question ? do you always LST every plant. and if so, why ? space, some what understandable . potential yield, perhaps . but if you think preforming surgery on every plant is somehow going to be beneficial
i believe you are misguided . can LST and other ways to manipulate how a plant grows be beneficial, sure it can be but if not done properly it can have the opposite effect and have a negative effect in the form of stunted growth and smaller yields . it is of course entirely up to the grower if their effort and time for 2 to 3 months is worth less than .75 of an ounce . let a couple grow naturally with tucking and some defoliation (especially when it comes to autoflowers) and see if you don't enjoy a more bountiful harvest .
so are autoflowers easier to grow ? yes and no . on one hand light almost becomes a none issue as they don't need to mimic 12/12 to flower and are not effected (as much) as photoperiods to light leakages and interuptions . on the other hand if training is the method of choice it must be done with correct timing and care as not to stress her at the wrong time because it WILL have an effect and usually not positive .
if you don't believe this look up on the internet, i think he is on ,x, instagram, reddit and such... he goes by the name of "Autopotomus" and when you see his plants you will understand why . one pound plus autoflowers
F'N huge!!! anyway your gardens are pretty just thought there is room for way more potential
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