Day 21 (2/26/19): Top dressed with Aurora Innovation's Uprising Grow and water pH'd to 6.3. Also gave a good feeding of compost tea yesterday. I am by no means an expert but I'm pretty sure I see white pistils popping through on Dulcie and "balls" popping through on Adhira. I will keep Adhira going until I am certain it's male. Blossom still shows no signs of sex (which I'm hoping means it's a female since I've heard they usually take a little longer to reveal themselves). Adhira is 5in, Blossom is 9in, and Dulcie is 6in.
Day 25 (3/2/19): Having some problems with humidity. I live in an *extremely* humid area so I figured this was going to be a problem come the start of spring time. I bought a dehumidifier and it is working but not as well as I would like it to. Without the dehumidifier, the humidity is usually around 78-80%. With it, it goes down to about 62%. Which from what I've read, is still way too high. Probably going to have to invest in another. On the plus side, Blossom might be sprouting female pistils? They are very small but I'm hopeful that's what they are lol.