From/Desde: 07/07/18 || To/Hasta: 13/07/18
From day/Desde día: 36 || To day/Hasta día: 42
-----WEEK SUMMARY-----
I'm very proud of how the Lemon is growing, it's an awesome strain, she's developing many very well defined colas, next week i will top her to let her reinforce and focus on the many colas that she already has, also to control the height a bit, as it should not be observed from the street, and she's getting taller and taller.
Esta semana ya me siento orgulloso de como está creciendo la Lemon, es una genética maravillosa. Está produciendo muchas colas muy bien definidas, la semana que viene le haré un topping para que refuerce y se centre en las colas que ya ha creado, también para controlar un poco la altura ya que no debería poder verse desde la calle y está cogiendo mucha altura.
@Guigas,Yes, it would be nice, and i should have done it. Sadly if you look at the dates you will see that the lemon was harvested last October, and growed along 2018 summer. Anyway, thanks a bunch for your advice!!. Green Regards!!!