The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Gorilla Cookies Auto… PART 2

2 days ago
Grow Box 9000
Carbon Filter
Room Type
weeks 3-6
weeks 5-6
weeks 6
Grow medium
Promix BX
Grow medium
8 L
Pot Size
2 L
Week 1. Vegetation
a month ago
5.08 cm
19 hrs
27 °C
100 PPM
65 %
24 °C
21 °C
24 °C
2 L
0 L
45.72 cm
Feb 19 Got 4 more of these girls in seedling stage, 3 are identical in development and 1 is looking like it may die, cotyledons appear to be yellowing slightly and it hasn’t grown at all since breaking surface. For the first 2 weeks I am leaving the blurple 100watt phlizon, then switching to the 150watt viparspectra. Beginning of week 2 I will add slight airflow within the box with a small fan. Also thinking of using scrog net this round. Let me know thoughts and opinions!
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Grow Questions
XanHalenstarted grow question a month ago
leaves of these seedlings look weird, almost looks like light discoloration, but they also seem to be leaning toward the middle of the box for more light. Also, the perlite is turning orangey/brown, just got a new light and dont have much experience with LED or growing in general
Setup. Seedling
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AsNoriuanswered grow question a month ago
Havent gre in bx, was using hp . Both are still soils. Preloaded soils. So your ph is too low, bump it up to 6.3-6.5 range. Have good watering cycle, wet/dry rhythm is a must. They will get better if you will adjust this .
XanHalenstarted grow question a month ago
I'm having trouble finding reliable info regarding what to pH my nute solution to, I read that some like to look at it as hydro (technically soilless), and others view it as soil (due to being preloaded). So 5.5 - 6 or 6 - 6.5? HELP have done full grow using 5.5-6, peep the grow.
Setup. Substrates
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question a month ago
It's about the type of fertilizer you use, not the physical substrate that holds the water. The charge that comes with BX or HP bales is ~1EC. It's very low and it'll be exhausted the first week, so it really does need fertilizer from day one despite the charge of elements. I'd suggest shooting for 6. this gives a little leeway on each side if things go wrong. If you go a couple tenths lower or higher, nothing bad will happen and you stay near the acidic end of a good range which should improve results compared to more alkaline pH. If you treat it as a soil and use 'soil' fertilizers, 6.5-6.8 is what you want because it helps with availability of N, which is not necessary for ingredients that provide N in hydro/soilless fertilizers. The molecules that deliver N need microbes and other forces to break it down to be plant available. This difference is behind the 'why' even if i can't explain in detail. The ingredients for soilless fertilizers are 100% dissolved and 100% plant available upon going into solution.
Week 2. Vegetation
a month ago
5.08 cm
19 hrs
24 °C
480 PPM
63 %
21 °C
21 °C
21 °C
2 L
0 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.33 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.33 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.33 mll
Feb 23: Introduced lite feed, learned about pH when using this media and I’ve been going to acidic, 6.2 is the new target. Started with 4 all popped, one didn’t make it past a short cotyledon and died. Wet towel wicking in a cup and a cup of dechlorinated water open managed daily keeps steady 50-65 rh no problem. XS1500 set to 20%, 320 ppfd at the canopy. Feb 24: Dialed in VPD for veg, 3 open water containers and one towel wicking water from another cup, keeps rh at 70 - 75, and the small space heater set to 27C outside of the box, keeps the inside of the box at 70 - 75F. Feb 26: upped to 420ppfd, upped to 477ppm from 350ppm (Feb 24), (base dechlorinated tap water at 180ppm), 60 - 65% RH and 70 - 75F stable. Feb 27: Added a pic of a side by side of old grow at the same stage, differences between what I'm doing differently include: More light intensity and light of a more useable spectrum (FS), dialed VPD (just learned about this recently and my environment allows for easy manipulation), and I've been a bit more liberal with the nutrients (lite feed vs. 1/2 lite feed). Feb 28: Noticed some weird wrinkling/warping of the edges of the fan leaves near the base. Thinking its light as I had ppfd of 450-475 at canopy. I saw no reason to bring it down if there were no signs to, brought it down a hair to about 400-430. They have been tolerant of nutes and light so far on the heavier side, i wanna push these girls as far as I can without detriment.
Grow Questions
XanHalenstarted grow question a month ago
Could this be light related? Otherwise not stunted, check out diary for more info. Everything has been dialed, but running nutes and light on the higher side.👊 Thanks for the help!💪👽
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AsNoriuanswered grow question a month ago
Nothing too worry, would say bad air circulation ( roll down excess of pot like a sock, they dont need that wall with stagnant air inside ) and maybe heat, maybe slight underwater. Would not stress at all.
Week 3. Vegetation
24 days ago
5.08 cm
19 hrs
25 °C
520 PPM
60 %
21 °C
21 °C
22 °C
2 L
0 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 3
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.33 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.33 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.33 mll
Mar 02: So I cut down the sides of the pots to increase airflow near the base of the plant, I did this to hopefully address the curling/warping near the base of the leaf working outwards. Not certain this is the issue but starting there, if anyone has any idea what it is and what could be causing it let me know in the comments. I will upload pics of each plant to week 3 outlining this. and added laminated sheets of paper and cut slits with a hole for the stem to come thorough to allow better light penetration to the lower canopy. Going to begin LST on the larger 2 of the 3 in the next couple days. Mar 05: Tucking leaves and daily LST adjustments, snipped lower bud-sights (from the lowest node) which i didn't do last run. 450-500 ppfd, 500ppm nutes (2ml p/gal each part), 75-85F temp, 50-60% RH. next update will outline how they took to the minor defoliation.
1 comment
Used techniques
Grow Questions
XanHalenstarted grow question 24 days ago
What can be causing this, visit week 3 of the attached grow to see what i have already done to try to address this.
Leaves. Other
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All_our_small_plantsanswered grow question 24 days ago
Hatte ich auch schon, bei mir war es wegen dem Licht. Waren noch zu empfindlich am Anfang und habe es etwas gedimmt nach ein paar Tagen wurde es besser. Und nach 2 Wochen habe ich es dann wieder hoch gedimmt. Hast du ein Messgerät um die Licht Stärke zu messen? Wenn nicht nutze die handy app Photone die kann dir eine. Richtwert geben von dem was du gerade hast. Ist zwar nicht 100% genau aber sie tut das was sie soll
Week 4. Flowering
19 days ago
10.16 cm
19 hrs
24 °C
700 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
22 °C
2 L
1 L
43.18 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 0.66 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.66 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 0.66 mll
Mar 8: Looking good, lst, increased feeding volume, increasing ppm and ppfd, introducing monsterbloom when stretching halts. Mar 9: Explosive growth in the last 24hrs. The green coated garden wire I use for lst, the plants basically outgrew the training I did the day prior and came back to almost upright plants😂. Re-situated them, increased ppm to 800 (5ml per gal each part), increased light intensity. These girls are strong, great strain. Mar 10: Spread out the chutes, tucked some leaves, snipped a couple troublesome ones. Increased light intensity a touch, will check PPFD tomorrow. Added calmag 3mL/gal, upped trio to 2.5mL/gal, sitting at 940ppm, no signs of burn or slowed growth. Increased feed volume to 500mL/day, will do a 1/2 concentrated feed every other week. Mar 11: Ppfd is 600-700 at the canopy, today gave a lighter 740ppm feed to the 2 bigger ones, the other was still a bit heavy. Did some defoliating and LST maintenance. Also removed another humidity source, starting to slowly bring it down to 50-55% from 60ish Mar 14: The training seems to have payed off; they seem to have taken their final “form” if that makes sense, as far as their structure goes. They got like 6-8 main tops on each plant, and they look like my week 7 - 8 pictures as far as size goes. The new light, increased liberality of nutrients, and the amount of experience I gained from the first run of this strain has definitely payed off. Can’t wait for them to stop stretching and start incorporating some monsterbloom, I wanna see how fat and dense I can get these bad girls 😈 lol.
Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
12 days ago
15.24 cm
19 hrs
24 °C
750 PPM
55 %
21 °C
21 °C
22 °C
8 L
2 L
30.48 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.321 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 1.321 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.321 mll
Mar 15: Looking good, keeping rh down has proven difficult with 3 in a 2x3x4ft box, blasting intake and exhaust with 2 fans inside. Otherwise good, did a 1/4 feed to use up stores and salts. Mar 16: Looking good, dialed back in RH, Temp lowered a couple degrees, no oscillating fan so I adjust the position every day. Want to start using MonsterBloom for some fat buds but don't wanna start too early. Also need info if incorporating run-off feeds is necessary if i do occasional 1/4 dose feeds. Slowly dialing back grow nutrients, and upping bloom. New light has made 100X difference. Mar 18th: Will be increasing of volume per feed over the next week to 1 - 1.2L per plant, or until I get 10% run-off. keeping concentration of feed around 800ppm, No signs of deficiencies or toxicities yet, though colour of leaves may be a tad dark, no signs of slowed growth. Increased PPFD to 750 - 940 at the top of the canopy. Mar 21: Going to start counting days not weeks, its been 36 days since they popped, so just over 5 weeks now, I was a bit ahead. Explosive growth, still playing the "increase volume of feed until I get 10-15% runoff" game, at 1L now, will up to 1.25L for todays feed. decreasing FloraGro by .5ml/gal every feed till I get to 1 - 1.5mL/gal. increasing FloraBloom by .5mL/gal every feed till I get to 7 - 7.5mL/gal, or until I see P or K toxicity, whatever comes first. That being said if I get runoff today and its 300 ppm over input, i will flush with a mild feed until I get proper output/input ppm ratio. PLEASE, IF YOU ARE READING THIS, IF YOU SEE ME DOING SOMETHING WRONG, OR IF THERE IS A BETTER WAY, COMMENT OR DM ME 😭😂💪
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1 comment
Used techniques
Grow Questions
XanHalenstarted grow question 12 days ago
Is this clawing, or just droop, (pots fairly dry)And why can’t I get RH below 70% with more than adequate ventilation, I’m recalibrating my hygrometer in the meantime.
Leaves. Curl down
Setup. Ventilation
All_our_small_plantsanswered grow question 12 days ago
Hi also auf den ersten Blick sieht es nicht so aus als ob es welche wären sie hängen wahrscheinlich nur runter. Aber mann erkennt es wahrscheinlich besser falls sie stärker werden und dann habe ich hier ein paar Tips wie du die Ursache findest Jüngere Blätter zeigen häufig schneller Stresssymptome, wenn es zum Beispiel ein Problem mit der Nährstoffaufnahme gibt. Ältere Blätter können ebenfalls betroffen sein, insbesondere wenn die Ursache ein länger anhaltendes Problem ist, wie Überdüngung oder schlechte Bewässerung. Ich würde noch einpaar Tage abwarten bis du was unternimmst.
XanHalenstarted grow question 10 days ago
When should i begin supplementing with MonsterBloom, I'm in the second week of flower, and I'm using GH Trio and CalMag. peep the pics to show flowering status as of now, and peep the attached diary for more info. also, should I be watering till runoff at least once in a while?
Buds. Other
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Feeding. Other
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00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 10 days ago
is it soilless? Yes, it is important. And stop doing wahtever it is you think a "1/4" dose feed is.. sounds like incomplete irrigation to me. This will train roots to grow superficially as they turn toward greater moisture at the top due to the ncomplete irrigation. Watering is simple. Don't overthink it. 1) fully saturate with10% runoff (in soilless). If in soil, a minimal runoff barring any leaf symptoms is fine. This is so you don't leach off all those amendments you paid for in the soil, but you still want the entire thing to get wet. This is not "overwatering" 2) wait for appropriate loss of wait or 'dryback' -- not really about drying and more about the plant drinking. Rinse and repeat... If you get any droop, that is indicative of a poorly constituted substrate and nothing else... shouldn't see droop unless running a shit ton of water through th esubstrate and drowning the roots for 5-10 minutes or more. (not referring to a slow drip that takes 10-15mins to complete the task -- limits compaction doing this. this is not a large volume of water, just slow) If making it more complicated that that, it's probably more about OCD-type behaviour than any benefit from it. in soil if you run into a buildup in the substrate, extra runoff can help dilute that, but it's a reaction to a problem observed and not just done randomly. Flushing is stressful and slows the plant down, so tehre should be a good reason to do it. You paid for that soil, so you should minimize washing the nutrients down the drain that came with it. Promix Bx is essentially soiless after 5-7 days. It does come with a basic pre-charge of nutes around 1EC. A plant will exhaust that very fast. I use BX or HP - whichever is cheaper at the moment, but also add enougghvermiculite to bring the sphagnum peat moss to perlite+vermiculite to 50/50 (or 1:1, whichver you prefer). This is results in a better gas:water mix. Youou should rarely have to flush with a soilless growing method. That means you aren't adjustingn your formula based on what the plants tell you and overfeeding them for long periods of time. The 10% runoff maintains a consistent resulting EC of nutesin your substrate. This consistency is the primary benefit of soilless along with the nutes being 100% available to the plant the moment they are added. Any symptom seen is 100% caused by your formula and nothing else. (assumes it is ph-balaced. that should be common sense). This eliminates a multitude of other potential cuases to any symptom seen - making diagnosis an dfixing the problem easier -- plus, you should be able to avoid that particular problem in the future with a more optimized formula going forward. keep nutes of not only concentration given but also ratio of each nute.. or elemental ppm of each.. fertiization is a culmination of everything you've done since it was planted, and not just last night or last week.
Week 6. Flowering
2 days ago
22.86 cm
19 hrs
24 °C
650 PPM
50 %
21 °C
21 °C
22 °C
2 L
2 L
25.4 cm
Nutrients 4
TriPart Micro - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Micro 1.057 mll
TriPart Grow - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Grow 0.528 mll
TriPart Bloom - Terra Aquatica
TriPart Bloom 1.321 mll
Mar 24: Watering till runoff now... runoff ppm was 2500+... Will be using very mild nutes to flush over 1 - 3 feeds... or until I am near my input. Mar 26: Continuing to use 650ppm feed with bloom focus, 2L per plant gives 15% runoff... Runoff ppm is still very high... I wanted to check pH of runoff but the color is so vibrant i cant use the pH drops to view color, need to get a pH probe. Plants are thriving, no issues at all. the extra fan fixed the post-water droop. One plant is bushy and has the most bud sites, One is the smallest but has the most uniform structure, this one has the biggest buds and thickest stalk, One is about in the middle of the 2.
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Used techniques
Grow Questions
XanHalenstarted grow question 2 days ago
Watering till runoff now... runoff ppm was 2500+... Will be using very mild nutes to flush over 1 - 3 feeds... or until I am near my input, does this sound like an ok idea?
Other. General questions
Setup. Strain - Autoflowering
Feeding. Other
00110001001001111Oanswered grow question 2 days ago
promix with some added perlite -- essentially soilless after first 5-7 days. Nearly identical to what i use, too. Runoff will be different from what the substrate is. If you weren't religiously gettign 10% runoff before, you definitely had some buildup. If the plants aren't showing any major issues, just get some extra runoff well beyond 10% the next couple fertigations and it'll bring it down to a proper equilibrium. Your plants are a bit lush, so maybe a water-only with 10% runoff for a couple irrigations is in order. i'd do it slowly vs a 'flush' just so you don't go too far the other way. If the plant was in more dire condition, a flush would be warranted. If you see the plant start to progress a bit lighter, go to a normal fertigation with 10% or more runoff shortly after that. The advantage of soiless growing and 10% runoff is not that the resulting nutrient charge is exactly what you fee, but rather that it simply remains consistent. you'll chase your own tail trying to get runoff to be exactly what you feed. that is not necessary. Consistency is what allows for formula adjustments to take effect in a predictable way. Get some symptoms? adjust formula and it'll almost immediately change the reslting ratio and concentration of nutes in the substrate... maybe 80-90% transition the first 10% runoff and ~100% by 2nd. Initial runoff will read higher than what is actually in the substrate. I never bought a TDS probe. Don't need one. Read plant, adjust formula and stick to 10% runoff or more religiously. The plant dictates how much N/P/K/Ca/Mg/S it needs. Fine tuning of the formula is 100% from observing the plant and adjusting to what it says. When your formula works for 99% of genotypes, it's a good formula. The idea that these plants are picky stems from esoteric, imbalanced fertilizer formulas... some plants may handle it, but more than a few will not. Don't blame the plant. blame the formula. probably need 70-80% of N in flower compared to vege phase but otherwise fairly consistent levels of other nutrients have great results.
XanHalenstarted grow question 16 hours ago
Does this stage look right to start using monsterbloom 1-2 times fer week?🙏👌🙌 They handle very well to aggressive feeds, runoff was 4000ppm, not a single sign of overfeeding, That issue has been resolved, want to beef up the cake.
Buds. Other
Other. General questions
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Organomananswered grow question 10 hours ago
I would never use or recommend anyone give their plants a product with those numbers IS insane. 0-13-14 is about maximum and then only about every 10 days. Artificially pumped up monster bloom type buds end up massive and taste like shit, but don't give you the satisfacton, flavour or quality you should be looking for. Forcing plants with excessive feeding may get you "product", but if you want smooth smoking and tasty buds, slowly slowly is the way to go.


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Spike_KCanGcommentedweek 54 days ago
Nah. We‘d rather wait until your next grow question and shame you in the comment section, before we DM you that you’re doing something wrong 🤓
Spike_KCanGcommented2 days ago
Comment by Spike_KCanG photo #1
XanHalencommented2 days ago
@Spike_KCanG, LOOL......
Comment by XanHalen photo #1
Herikuscommentedweek 2a month ago
Hey there! Cute little ladies you have over there! Watch out for that light intensity and light distance in Week 4-5, caused me some issues in the past. Have fun and happy growing 🌱
XanHalencommenteda month ago
Thanks man! This is a new light and never worked with full spectrum LED before, being cautious and monitoring ppfd at canopy as they grow and I increase intensity, going to try to only alter intensity and not distance, as well as dialing in VPD!
zera1337commentedweek 2a month ago
Happy growing brother!
XanHalencommenteda month ago
Thank you 🙏!
HazeLabscommentedweek 2a month ago
Happy growing 🌱 looks good🔥
XanHalencommenteda month ago
Thank you! you too!!
XanHalencommentedweek 324 days ago
curling/warping of the fan leaves, starting at the base, working outwards, progressing...
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