TC_Connoisseurcommentedweek 66 years ago
I will second what @CRiSPrGrow said about adding a Calcium/Magnesium and a silica supplement. With the exception of looking a bit thin and over crowded with branches the plant looks healthy.
I would also be curious to know the brand of nutrient you are using so I can take a look at what it supplies, if it is only an NPK and your soil is not contributing more nutrients then you will be missing a lot of micro nutrients and that may become an issue down the line. You may want to look into a 2 or 3 part cannabis specific growing nutrient and just follow the most basic schedule they offer, and start at 50% of their recommended dose.
Also I would suggest taking off any of those lower branches that are below the rim of the pot you are in to increase airflow and avoid mold potential. A 3-5cm layer of mulch also helps keep your soil grows healthy but remember if your using wood mulch it will take up lots of nitrogen and it would be smart to add just 5-10% more of your base grow nutrient (in example if your using 50% of the recommended then use 55%).
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