Sometimes life gives you little surprises, in this case it was a male plant from an unexpected source. I had assumed that this plant must be feminized, simply because I thought I know it’s source. The assumed sources where two Sundae Driver clones I supplied a friend and he grew outdoors, there were a handful of seeds (6) to be precise in the lb or so my friend grew. Additionally my indoor had gotten a handful of immature seeds so it was easy to assume the Sundae Driver was a potential Hermi. Well I got a male plant so now I question that and have instead Sundaes Best just to distinguish the plants as potentially different.
I quickly ditched my DreamBand Sativa leaning male For this beast. And rethought my idea behind how to pollinate with out contamination of good buds. Well I don’t sell this stuff so I figured a mistake seeds would be ok and went for an incredible year easy system that could even have been relocated to avoid the contamination entirely.
My pollinating “system” was easy, I had my 10”x20” propagating trays and my coco blocks which were 4”x4” spaces 3 wide and 5 can tell the math doesn’t line up on those dimensions but I’m just quoting the product dimensions here...anyways the coco cubes had a hole in them big enough for a root plug to be inserted, well I packed that full of Worm Castings and cloned right into this medium. My results on clones taking root were pretty sad, no Orange Daquiri survived and I lost a couple Dreamband and GSC in the process. But at the end of the day I had enough where I used the Sundae Driver males in the center row and put the female clones on the outside around it and grow these under the dome with the top vents open from root to the end of the male flowering stoped producing. This resulted in about 150-200 seeds of each crossing so I can’t complain about the results.
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5 years ago