Well its nice that when the temp at flower fase goes belaow 18c celcius that when the nice purple auttumn colors are coming out. And it add a lovely color.
If you like the sweet and fruity smell and taste this is the strain for you. But only if you grow organic thats when the taste and smell comes out strong.
I'd say if you have HSO Snow Storm or A N Over Drive then carry on
But if not I'd get 48 hours of darkness under way as soon as possible
She's only gonna loose weight from here with water & She's flushed
Fantastic work with the early training work which has definitely payed of in the bloom stage as we can see with those stunning looking flowers produced 👌
How are things since your last update @RickJames_Mcdank ?
We hope all is well and suspect you have had a successful Blue Kush harvest 👍
All the best ✌️
Another successful Dinafem harvest on the grow diary platform👍
Some beautiful looking flowers produced from our Blue Kush 👌
Thank you for the great diary and enjoy that dank and frosty end product my friend 😏
All the best ✌️