Day 1.Blue Dream popped last night. Looking to see where this leads.
Day 3. She looks extra leggy. The height needs to be adjusted
Day 4 Still going strong and will be a vigorous plant. Wait for it.
Day 7 Still waiting but progress is happening below the soil
@NastyYeti, Yeah , I hear you on that one.. LOL LOL.. I used those clear cups to give me an indication of root development.. Also that's why I kept them in those spiderman cups.
@MRTHC, I see. I was having a hard time differentiating in that pic. You’re right blue dream has a long flowering time. Use your best judgment my friend.
@MaryJaneUSA, Thnaks for the heads up ,., I have taken newer pics yesterday which I will post but the tricomes on that pic look clear.. not even cloudy.... Started a very weak feeding around .9 EC. Next week will be the hard flush. From past trials this strain goes until day 65-70