From the previous week I read a lot about defoliation. How to do it, when to do it, where to do it, etc.
The plants in the first place where very bushy. You couldn't see the pot when looking from top and even when you looked from sides, you couldn't see through.
Bottom parts of the plants were in shade all the time and now I see that I should've done this long time ago.
Small branches that were growing on the most bottom parts will never develop and had to be removed.
As a first time grower this is something to take a note of and apply it for the next season.
Some articles say that outdoor plants don't need defoliation as the sunlight is very strong and will penetrate through the canopy.
Well I must disagree on this in my case as even on middle parts of branches bud sites look pathetic and branches are small, like 1-2cm.
Even the leaves are undeveloped.
When looking from inside everything looks like it was in 4-5th week of veg state.
Very sad.
I finally got some courage and defoliated plants and I did this at the start of the week.
Big leaves were removed first, followed by any laves that were sitting on top of bud sites or were overlapping other leaves.
At the end of the defoliation there were so many leaves removed, when clumped up it was a size a of a volley ball.
After checking the plants they all looked very nice and see through.
I didn't go all aggressive and strip the plants bare like some do in indoor grow.
Big fan leaves were left alone on the top parts of the plants and I left some sparingly on the outer side on the mid and lower parts of the branches.
Honestly, I didn't know what to expect and how the plants will react but after few days plants bushed out again and buds sited exploded.
After all that defoliation plants didn't show any signs of stress and continued to flower.
At the end of the week plants looked like I didn't do anything. They were bushy again.
I'm having an itch to plant this strain next year directly into ground and see what kind of monster it will grow into.
Feeding stayed the same with increase of Bio-Bloom to 2ml/l
I feed the plants twice a week with 2.5l of solution and ph water between feeding.
That's it for this week and I'll see you in the next one.
I need some help identifying occurring problem on leaves. It only affected one plant. Other one is fine. They are fed the same amount of nuts.
I found gnats flying around and I used neem oil on top soil and leaves.
Please HELP ! 😱 😖
@Budcrack, It cant hurt to do that. I can start darkening in 10 days. Need to clean up the space for them first and need to reorganize the schedule I have for my other plants that are coming down in the next few days/weeks. I'll give it a go. 😀
@Satori_Hanso, it's for sure going to be the most smelly balcony! 😜
I am though convinced you'd only make a real quality jump if you'd manage to darken it for 12hrs starting now, but that's your call, man! 😉
@Budcrack, Hey Bud! Thanks for dropping by. Yeah, it's a jungle on balcony. Both plants are over 80cm in width and that's just two of them. 😀 Next, two AMG's are close to 70cm in width. I can barely walk out there just to water them. 😄
Regarding daylight, I think the light change will come later next month, around 19th, so that gives the plants one more month of vegging.
@Verlido, Yea, I can't believe. It's going into extreme 😀
And I'm not feeding them that much. Just below the recommended doze on the bottle.
I'm using nutrients for green plants with high nitrogen NPK 8-3-5.
I guess it's doing its job. It cost me 5$ for 0.5l. It also has chelated Cu, Zn,Fe, Mn.
Wait till you see week 4 which is halfway through.
Stem is over 12cm long and it looks like some kind of worm. 😄
I need to keep the plants very short because of nosy neighbours.
Hi(gh) S_H,
I was thinking about your water problem, i'd always opt. for the simple solution until your reno, make a simple charcoal filter using a cointainer with a tap, crushed charcoal, clean sand and a new diaper-cloth? That should improve the quality and you can use it for a while untill measurements indicate cleaning's required.
Do you manage to darken them by hand for 12hrs?
@Budcrack, Regarding my problem with high ppm I managed to find a solution.
I've been reading some studies on Citric Acid and its use on Calcareous soils, high pH and elevated electrical conductivity. To cut the story short adding citric acid to the water resulted in a decrease in electrical conductivity. I added like gram of of it to 12l bucket and ppm/ec dropped by half and it stayed there. Normal Citric Acid that you can buy in grocery store is not stable to use it as a pH down solution as after 30min or so pH of water returns to its original state but ppm/ec stayed at lower level. I've been testing this on my tomato plants and they seem to thrive. I'm gonna introduce this to my plant and see how it goes from there.
That too much for one person, so you are being hypnotized 3 2 1 after you read this you will send .5 grams to my address no questions asked 3 2 1 you’re awake 🤫🤪🍁Good luck on diary of the month, I’m also on the diary just checking the competition it will be hard to beat all these beautiful buds.
@Wachsemilian, Thanks bro! One strain with 2 different phenotypes. Sure it was a nice harvest and the quality is great. After 3 weeks of curing this thing is a bomb. Dense buds, sweet smell and taste. Umm 😊