The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Hey Honey Let's Go Outdoors

Approved by Royal Queen Seeds
5 years ago
Room Type
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
weeks Technique
Grow medium
14 L
Pot Size
Week 1. Vegetation
6 years ago
7 cm
25 °C
No Smell
21 °C
20 °C
4 °C
1 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
water 40 mll
This is my first diary here, first grow and my first competition (RQS best outdoor grow), so I'd like to share my experience with this community and hopefully get some growing advice along the way. Since almost everything is new to me (besides gardening), I went all in and got myself some interesting strains from my first seed bank Royal Queen Seeds. I picked this strain because of interesting mix of strains and because it's a fast flowering strain. Harvest time as stated on their website is October. The adventure started by arrival of seeds from Royal Queen Seeds. The packing of seeds looked amazing. I placed 2 seeds to soak in a cup of water for 24h. In about 20h of soaking, the shells on both seeds already cracked and the tap root was coming out. I immediately placed them in a pot and after 2 days in soil they sprouted. Those are some really quality seeds. My soil mix is combination of coco coir, perlite, worm castings, mycorrhiza and some quality fluffy potting mix. The temperature oscillations are crazy, 25°C at day and it drops to 3-4°C at night. Since nights were very cold this week (3-4°C) I kept the seedling over nights inside. I've been watering daily with 30-35ml just before sunset with tap water bathed in the sun. So far this strain is growing nicely. I'd like to mention that I'm guerilla growing on balcony and plants only have 7 hours of direct sunlight from 13:00 till sunset. Lets see how they'll perform 😎 Hopefully in the next weeks nights will get warmer so I won't have to move them around.
Week 2. Vegetation
6 years ago
4 cm
18 °C
No Smell
65 %
21 °C
20 °C
5 °C
1 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
NPK - 8/3/5 1.5 mll
Week 2 started with sunshine but ended in heavy winds and rain. Temperatures ranged from 15-24°C at day to 5-10°C at night. Only 2 days were sunny in whole week and other days provided heavy winds and rain. I was really hopping for a nicer weather. Last day of the week wind was blowing very strongly and it LST my plants. Wind almost ripped them out of pots. They were looking kinda longish, over 10cm and top of the plants was getting heavy so they just lie down. I was looking around journals here to compare and get some insights, so I'm thinking keeping them in that position, and let 'em start growing upwards, again. I'm kinda lost, 😕 I hope I made a right choice. I started feeding them with nutrients that I usually use for my garden plants. The nutrient specs: N - 8.0 P - 3.0 K - 5.0 with chelated Cu,Fe, Mn, Zn suggested dosing on the bottle: once per week - 8 ml/l I'm using 1.5ml/l every watering. That's about it for week 2 Lest see how nature is going to screw with me in week 3.
Week 3. Vegetation
6 years ago
10 cm
17 °C
No Smell
70 %
21 °C
20 °C
8 °C
1 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
NPK - 8/3/5 3.5 mll
This week things got interesting. Weather was bad. Rain and wind dominated the week. Here and there sun appeared but for short periods. Nights were cold and I moved plants inside when temperature dropped below 15°C. I presume because of lack of direct sunlight, plants were elongated. Stems on both plants look very longish and wind LTS both plants last week, so I started to bend them around the pot as they were more than half of their size dangling out. It was nothing invasive. Every day I bent the stem in one direction around the wooden sticks that I staked in pot. I also used some L screws as a weight to help with the bending. Feeding is increased by double amount. Both plants look healthy so far. I haven't noticed any deficiencies. They grow slow but steady. This week ended with weird looking plants. The weirder the better 😉 see ya all next week...
Week 4. Vegetation
6 years ago
10 cm
17 °C
70 %
21 °C
20 °C
8 °C
1 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
NPK - 8/3/5 3.5 mll
This week we had really bad natural disaster. Gale winds over 100km/h that lasted for 2 days. The city suffered damage. Lots of trees broken down. It shaved one side of my Pine tree. Had small roof damage also. Anyhow, plants were inside my bedroom for the whole week. Even small light through window was enough to make them grow. I'm surprised how strong and resilient plants are. They started releasing weak sweet smell. The scent is somewhat sweet, between caramel and honey. Really nice.👌 I also topped one and fimed the other. Just to see the difference. I'm feeding them twice a week with nutrients and pure water in-between.
Week 5. Vegetation
6 years ago
15 cm
19 °C
70 %
21 °C
20 °C
10 °C
3 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
NPK - 8/3/5 4 mll
Weather is finally turning. There were still some short periods of rain through out the week, nights were also warmer with temperature around 10-11°C, so I didn't have to move them inside overnight. With just a few degrees warmer, plants literally exploded in growth. In second day of the week I had to transplant them in 2.5l pots as roots were showing at the bottom of the pot. I continued to bend the main stem and pull the large leaves aside with small hooks. One thing to mention is that plants took well topping and fiming. The last pictures show the result. Nutrients were increased to 4ml/l and watering volume increased to 120ml. I Feed them with nutrients every 4 days, water in between with dry periods.
Week 6. Vegetation
6 years ago
15 cm
19 °C
70 %
21 °C
20 °C
11 °C
3 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
NPK - 8/3/5 6 mll
Finally this was the last week of bad weather. At the time of writing sun finally decided to start shining. Weather forecast says summer is here so I can expect to see some nice progress. Plants branched out so I needed to tie 'em down to keep them in a bushy form. I'm keeping the low profile of plants, meaning height is around 15cm, and branches are spread around the pot. They started to get more thirsty so I water them every other day with 300ml of water and feed them with nutrients once a week. Next week I'm planing to repot them in their final pot of 14l. cya next week.
Week 7. Vegetation
6 years ago
15 cm
25 °C
60 %
21 °C
20 °C
15 °C
14 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
NPK - 8/3/5 6 mll
Yey for summer. Its like someone turned the switch on. Summer came with very warm 26°C and temps climbing each day and finally nights are warmer. Plants are loving warmer climate. At day 47 I transplanted them in their final pot of 14l. As you can see the next day plants filled the top of the pot. They started to bush out really nicely so I continued spreading and pulling the branches to side of pot. I've seen one grower tying top of branches to promote side growth, so I gave it a go on one plant for a few days and see what happens. In those 14l pots feeding schedule and watering volume had to be increased. Since the roots still didn't hit bottom of pot, for the first feed they got 1.25l of nutrient solution. I don't want to burn the plants with high concentration of nutrients so I'm staying at lowest prescribed amount which is 5-10ml/l and I'm using 5ml/l. Watering is also increased to 1.25l every second day. I like to keep at least one dry day in between watering. Few days in, I got a TDS meter I ordered month ago. I just had to check ppm of my water at home. One thing I discovered (and it isn't good) is that water is over 500+ ppm. 😱 Unfortunately old pipes are contributing to high ppm and I can't do anything about it until the whole house-reno. I have to think of something about that issue. cya all next week.
1 comment
Week 8. Vegetation
6 years ago
18 cm
30 °C
60 %
21 °C
20 °C
18 °C
14 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
NPK - 8/3/5 6 mll
Epsom Salt 2 mll
So, this week continued with nice weather. It's was getting real hot and by the middle of the week, this region entered in heat wave with temps exceeding 35C with nights around 20C I even managed to get sunstroke one day. So far as I've seen plants aren't reacting badly to high temps, they actually love it. The pots are getting filled with new growth each day. You can almost see them grow right in front of your eyes. The branches have overgrown the pot so to slow that down I topped each branch on one plant and fimed each branch on the other one. It seems that plants didn't get into any shock as they continued to grow like nothing happened. New growth started to grow more rapidly from the middle of the branches. One thing I noticed when I fimed last top is that i saw female pistils. Only on that main top of the plant. You can see that in Day 52. Don't know why it appeared so soon. I think I'm gonna get overwhelmed in a few weeks as they grow like they are on steroids and I'm only feeding them once a week with mild dose of nutrients. This week I gave all my plants some epsom salt 2g/l and fed them once with nutrients and water in between. that's it for this week and see you all in the next one.
Grow Questions
Satori_Hansostarted grow question 6 years ago
I need some help identifying occurring problem on leaves. It only affected one plant. Other one is fine. They are fed the same amount of nuts. I found gnats flying around and I used neem oil on top soil and leaves. Please HELP ! 😱 😖
Leaves. Color - Mottling
LongJohn420answered grow question 6 years ago
Hi! You got calcium deficiencies. Add some cal-mag and you're golden. Looking good!
Week 9. Vegetation
6 years ago
25 cm
28 °C
55 %
21 °C
20 °C
18 °C
14 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
NPK - 8/3/5 6 mll
Cal/Mg/Fe with Zeolite - 15g 18 mll
Uff... This week was full of surprises. Weather was nice and sunny with one day of hail. It was like heavens opened and rained down hail. Literally. I got bombarded while saving plants from balcony. It's not a nice experience and it hurts a lot when hit in face with small pieces of ice. 😂 Plants continued to grow and are getting really bushy. I'm tying the branches each day to side of pot and tucking the leaves. I need to do this every day as the leaves block the light and I want those small branches to develop soon so I can start forming the final look of the plant. Defoliation needs to be done on some bottom leaves that really don't get any sunlight. I'm aiming to get a pot with lots of buds shooting up. 😎 At the end of the week I started spotting some problems. 😱 Brown spots appeared on some leaves. 😖 The symptoms were spread sparsely throughout the plants. Second set of leaves looking from top were affected. I got into panic mode as I never seen something like that. 😩 It was all going great up until now. One of good things that happened this week is that I got pH meter. Finally, I have some instruments to check my garden. First thing I did was flushed the plants with water. What I found in runoff water was unbelievable. The pH was at 5.2 in one plant and in the other pH of 5.4. The HORROR. 😱 How did that happen was a small mystery. To cut the story short, nuts that I have are a bit much acidic with high ppm and slowly lowered pH of soil and probably caused some lock out. So by looking at the elements chart I saw that I had a lock out of some elements and had to raise the pH lvl of soil ASAP. In all that panic, I wasn't sure of anything any more. I doped a question here and asked around. So in the mean time while waiting for answers, I started flushing plants with plain water of pH 7.2 and managed to raise pH to 5.4 and 5.7. At last flush, I gave them some small doze all purpose nutrients 5/5/5. The problem got worse later on as I don't have any pH+ around and was thinking how to correct this fast and proper so the plants don't suffer. The only thing left to do was ordering some. I ordered pH+ from BioBizz but some nutrients caught my eye and got them also, FixMix and Bio Bloom. I realized something when shopping online, I just can't buy one thing 😂 Anyway, the packet should be arriving in 5 days. In the meantime while waiting for package, the plan was to get pH lvl of soil to at least pH 6 just by adding water but then I thought what would plants eat. Surprisingly day after, I got a present package from my shop where I buy all the stuff for gardening. They sent me Cannazym, for you who don't know, it's the enzyme that breaks down dead roots and activates micro-organisms in soil. Also in package were bottles of nutrients Bio Vega and Bio Flores. Those nutrients don't need pH adjuster so the plants will be fed by the time my BioBizz package arrives. I'm planing to finish those plants with BioBizz. One thing to add: People here were nice enough and answered my questions. They said it was Cal deficiency and by looking at that chart mentioned, I saw the reason why. Since I didn't have any liquid Cal nutrient at home I could only use one in powder form. What I have is Cal/Mg/Fe with Zeolite, so I sprinkled 18g on top of the soil and watered it. So, all in all the week was busy, lots of stuff was done, lots of stuff happened, good and bad but I'm aiming for positive side and hope all will end well. cya all next week where plants will be OK and continue to flourish.
Week 10. Vegetation
6 years ago
29 cm
30 °C
50 %
20 °C
20 °C
19 °C
14 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2 mll
After horrible last week with all the stuff that happened plants finally managed to bounce back. Doing thorough observation and examination of soil, water and plants I regulated everything back to satisfying state. The main problem was very high ppm in soil (over 10.000 😲) and drop of pH to 5.0 that locked out nutrient intake. I washed the soil once more at the beginning of the week to remove all the accumulated salts until runoff was around 1000 an bring up pH to 6.0. Bear in mind that my tap water varies in ppm from 300-700. Depends on a day. What was noticeable on plants is after flush is that after few days bottom leaves start to yellow and fall off. Plants started eating them selves due to nitrogen deficiency, but on the positive side I was about to remove those bottom leaves as they were in constant shade and they also had symptoms of Cal deficiency that happened week ago. Anyway, plants are discarding them so I don't have to. To cut the story short, everything is in order now. Plants are not showing any kind of symptoms any more. There is new growth everywhere and plants are more bushier. What I got this week were some products from Biobizz, FishMix (wonderful smell 😂) and Bio Bloom. So from now on I'll be feeding them with Biobizz and see how it goes. I started giving them 2ml/l of FishMix. It actually doesn't smell that bad after it's in ground. Maybe just a small distant smell but it goes away in couple of hours. I wouldn't advise using this indoors, unless you have a fish fetish as the smell won't dissipate like when using it outside. cya next week...
Week 11. Vegetation
6 years ago
35 cm
32 °C
60 %
20 °C
24 °C
20 °C
14 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2 mll
Plants took off quite a bit this week. After they recuperated they grew couple of cm since last week. Small branches started to grow really nicely from the inside of the canopy. I hope they will fill out very soon. Some of the side branches were very tall so I tided them down some more. There were also some branches that were really tall, like 40cm, so I supercrop them and by doing that, I opened the canopy so that light can get through to the lowest small shoots. Other than that I didn't do anything else. Something I noticed is that the side tops that I topped few weeks ago on one plant, they didn't grew the same size but they developed nicely. One is smaller than the other. Don't know why they grew like that. In next weeks the plan is to let them grow and try to get uniformed canopy by tying and bending branches as right now they look like a wild bushes with some branches being taller than others. Feeding was same with 2ml/l of FishMix. One thing I added was foliar spraying with 1ml/l of FishMix. Plants just love it and you can actually see the results the next day. The smell of air is like on a fish market on a hot, damp day 😂. Just lovely. That's all folks for this week and I'll see you in the next one. o/
Week 12. Vegetation
6 years ago
40 cm
25 °C
60 %
20 °C
22 °C
15 °C
14 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2.5 mll
This week came as a shock. The weather flipped and the temps dropped to 25°C at day to 13-15°C at night. It was raining almost every day in intervals for an hour or so. Immediately as the temps dropped plants started to smell a bit strongly. Even they grow on balcony the odour spread into my room and throughout the house. I need to think of something about the smell as family was starting giving me the looks. The smell is really nice actually. It has sweet notes, like honey with caramel. Something I haven't smelled like that before. It's really nice. I hope weather will clear up as the cloud coverage is really high and plants don't receive that much sunlight and it will help with the odour. Branches started to give out new growth and new branches grew taller. One branch was sticking out like a hair so I super-cropped it. It was 15cm taller than the others. There were some yellow laves on the bottom of the plant that I removed. I didn't want to remove them earlier, I let the plant suck all it can from them and then let it discard it on her own. There was no work needed to be done on them so I let them grow in peace. Feeding stayed the same and did some foliar feeding twice with 1ml/l solution of Fish-Mix. cya next week.
Week 13. Vegetation
6 years ago
50 cm
29 °C
55 %
21 °C
24 °C
19 °C
14 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 4 mll
They keep getting bigger and bigger, especially the one that was fimed. I had to supercrop couple of branches as they were over 60cm tall. She grew more than 10cm in a week. 💪 The other plant was topped twice month ago and she didn't grew tall as much but she did bush out. Funny thing on that topped plant is that half of plant is taller than the other. Almost at 45° angle. It remind me of a solar panel. 😄 (picture Day 90_1) This week I increased the dosage of nutrients to 4ml/l. They started to eat a lot so I have to water them with 3.5l every 3 days. cya next week.
Week 14. Vegetation
6 years ago
65 cm
33 °C
55 %
21 °C
24 °C
22 °C
14 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 4 mll
Oh yeah, as soon as the heat wave came they exploded in growth. At the end of week I took measurement and they were 65cm in height. They grew 15cm in a week. Amazing. 💪 Branches that I super-cropped last week bounced back with even more branches. The more you bend them, the more they grow. I did some cleaning in the bottom parts of the plants, removing some small new shoots, yellow leaves and underdeveloped branches. In this scorchingly hot week, plants didn't show any signs of leaf burn from the sun. They were only super thirsty and drank 2l of water per day. The whole pot was basically dry after 24h. I even poke at the base of the pot to check if the roots are moist, but everything was dry like a desert. I've never seen plants drink that much in a day. cya all next week
Week 15. Vegetation
6 years ago
60 cm
26 °C
90 %
21 °C
24 °C
16 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 2
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 4 mll
MagnifiCal - Remo Nutrients
MagnifiCal 2 mll
This week weather flipped again, this time with rain and 90-100% humidity. The upside is that plants actually loved it. It kinda cooled them down a bit from all that heat from previous week. They grew up to a height of 73cm. I supercropped few branches that were really sticking out. The weather forecast for this month is kinda strange. It will be mixed with sun and rain. I would really like to get most of the nice weather from this month so I decided to leave the plants to recover for one more week and then force flowering next week. I introduced MagnifiCal this week just to keep it on the safe side. Since this week was humid enough I fed the plants just 2 times. That's about it for this week. cya all in the next one.
Week 16. Vegetation
6 years ago
60 cm
33 °C
55 %
21 °C
24 °C
21 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 3
Organic molasses 10 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 4 mll
MagnifiCal - Remo Nutrients
MagnifiCal 2 mll
New week came and again weather flipped. This week was really hot again with temps up to 35°C. It interesting to see how the plants are taking this frequent and big temperature oscillations and weather changing every week. They really are resilient. Due to high heat I had to water them every day just to cool them down with 1l of water each and every day at sundown I mist them with water. It seems that plants like this heat and they got more bushier. I had to bend some branches again. I'm doing just bending, not supercropping. Don't want to stress out the plants more so gentle bend won't hurt or stun the plant. Feeding schedule stayed the same as last week with introduction of molasses. I'll be using molasses with every other watering. cya next week.
Week 17. Vegetation
6 years ago
63 cm
32 °C
55 %
21 °C
24 °C
20 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 4
Organic molasses 10 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 4 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
This week was something to remember. By the end of this week all plants showed their white pistils. Both of the strains, AMG and Honey Cream turned out to be females. I was ecstatic when I saw white pistils on all my plants. Now the real fun starts. After all training I did, topping, super cropping, bending, plants got really bushy. The plan is to defoliate them next week to give some light to the lower parts of the plants and expose bud sites. This should have been done earlier but lack of experience and fear of doing something wrong held me back. I need to get some courage before I start defoliating. Feeding stayed the same as last week with exception of adding Bio-Bloom to feeding schedule. cya all next week
Week 18. Flowering
6 years ago
64 cm
31 °C
65 %
21 °C
24 °C
19 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 4
Organic molasses 10 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
From the previous week I read a lot about defoliation. How to do it, when to do it, where to do it, etc. The plants in the first place where very bushy. You couldn't see the pot when looking from top and even when you looked from sides, you couldn't see through. Bottom parts of the plants were in shade all the time and now I see that I should've done this long time ago. Small branches that were growing on the most bottom parts will never develop and had to be removed. As a first time grower this is something to take a note of and apply it for the next season. Some articles say that outdoor plants don't need defoliation as the sunlight is very strong and will penetrate through the canopy. Well I must disagree on this in my case as even on middle parts of branches bud sites look pathetic and branches are small, like 1-2cm. Even the leaves are undeveloped. When looking from inside everything looks like it was in 4-5th week of veg state. Very sad. I finally got some courage and defoliated plants and I did this at the start of the week. Big leaves were removed first, followed by any laves that were sitting on top of bud sites or were overlapping other leaves. At the end of the defoliation there were so many leaves removed, when clumped up it was a size a of a volley ball. After checking the plants they all looked very nice and see through. I didn't go all aggressive and strip the plants bare like some do in indoor grow. Big fan leaves were left alone on the top parts of the plants and I left some sparingly on the outer side on the mid and lower parts of the branches. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect and how the plants will react but after few days plants bushed out again and buds sited exploded. After all that defoliation plants didn't show any signs of stress and continued to flower. At the end of the week plants looked like I didn't do anything. They were bushy again. I'm having an itch to plant this strain next year directly into ground and see what kind of monster it will grow into. Feeding stayed the same with increase of Bio-Bloom to 2ml/l I feed the plants twice a week with 2.5l of solution and ph water between feeding. That's it for this week and I'll see you in the next one.
1 comment
Week 19. Flowering
6 years ago
65 cm
33 °C
60 %
21 °C
24 °C
20 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 4
Organic molasses 10 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Second week of flowering really took off with buds formation. Defoliation seems to have worked just fine. Bottom parts of branches have developed leaves now and buds are shaping up. Trichome production has already started. There is frostiness all over the bud sites and they smell is really nice. Buds are getting fatter so I had to do some tying of branches to spread them apart evenly so they don't touch and to give plants as much sunlight as possible on as many leaves. Days are getting shorter so every minute counts and now the plants have only 6h of direct sunlight. Feeding stayed the same as last week. Twice a week 2.5l of nutrients and water in between. cya next week
Week 20. Flowering
5 years ago
65 cm
23 °C
75 %
21 °C
18 °C
12 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 4
Organic molasses 10 mll
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
There was a sudden temp drop this week, from 33°C to 22°C at day and to 12-15°C at night. One night was at 7°C. It felt like winter and summer was just turned off with a switch. Pretty strange weather shift but plants took it well with no stress of any kind, they just started to smell stronger. Buds got fatter by the end of the week and there is nice frosting all over buds and leaves. They smell is like no other plant I have. Sweet and flowery. There are also some interesting odours in the background that are not pronounced yet. When the plants ripen the smell is going to be amazing. Will be removing Fish-Mix from feeding next week.
Week 21. Flowering
5 years ago
68 cm
25 °C
65 %
21 °C
18 °C
14 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
At the beginning of the week I defoliated the plants. They were too bushy and mid section of plants was in constant shadow. I removed all the big fan leaves but left some sparingly. There were some small branches in the lower parts of plants that needed to be removed and main branches started to bend due to weight of buds. The trichomes are shining like crazy. Buds look like they were sprinkled with sugar. You can almost see the increase of trichomes daily. Plants started to smell more pungent but sweeter. The smell that is coming from the plants is really incredible. So many different aromas combined that is hard to tell them apart. The whole balcony smells amazing. From feeding I cut out Fish-Mix and CalMag. I believe there is enough for the plant left in the soil. They were fed with twice a week with 2l of solution each and water in between. cya all next week.
Week 22. Flowering
5 years ago
68 cm
22 °C
65 %
21 °C
12 °C
7 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 1
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Weather is starting to get pretty bad here. Very low temps at night, down to 4°C with max daily temps of 23°C. Rain is getting more frequent, at least once or twice a week so that means higher humidity. So far, plants didn't show any stress, instead they are producing more trichomes. Buds are frostier each day. The size of buds has increased since last week so much, that some branches that are bent are almost horizontal. This is the last week of feeding and from next week I'm starting with GHE Ripen.
Week 23. Flowering
5 years ago
68 cm
22 °C
70 %
21 °C
16 °C
12 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 2
Organic Molasses 4 mll
FinalPart - Terra Aquatica
FinalPart 4 mll
This was the last week of nice weather here. Maybe few more days till the end of month of sunshine but with temps up to 22°C. Nights are currently hovering around 12-14°C but expected to drop under 10°C next month. Weather forecast for October is not so plants friendly. Highest temps will be up to 17°C and nights down to 4-9°C, accompanied with rain and high humidity, so these are the last days for plants to soak up the sun and fatten up. Buds did put on some weight this week. The whole canopy opened up and branches are dangling on all sides of the pots and are exposing lower bud sites to some more light. Small popcorn buds gained size and they will be useful for making canna butter or something. The smell got more pungent due to high humidity. I can smell it very mildly down the street. Good thing thou is that the smell is not your regular cannabis smell but some mix of honey and flowers. There are a lot of flowers in this neighbourhood so the smells mix up. Harvest month for this strain is mid October and by looking at pictures of trichomes my guess is they still need 2-3 weeks so that will put the harvest date right up there as advertised. For the next 10 days I'll be feeding the plants with Ripen 4ml/l and then flush the plants for 10 days with water. I'm quite curious if it will do as advertised. I hope it won't kill the plants or mess things up.
Week 24. Flowering
5 years ago
68 cm
23 °C
70 %
21 °C
16 °C
15 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 3
Organic Molasses 2 mll
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
FinalPart - Terra Aquatica
FinalPart 4 mll
Last days of September were sunny, thankfully. No rain. Nights were around 15°C. Plants are taking this lower night temps really good. Buds got denser and frostier. The smell is now getting really strong. It somewhat gives the smell of coffee. I hope plants will be finished soon as the smell is getting noticed by people walking down the street. Trichomes are ripening but slowly. I actually don't know how long does it take for trichomes to go from clear to opaque/cloudy. I'm guessing 2 more weeks will be enough. For this strain I need trichomes to get all cloudy and some of them amber. Somewhere like 90% cloudy and 10% amber. I have a family member that has anxiety so ripeness that I mentioned is needed. This was the last week that I'll be giving plants Ripen and from what I'm seeing it actually works. Leaves are getting yellow, so it does what is says, cutting nitrogen off. I was giving them 4ml/l of Ripen per feed, 3 times in a period of 10 days. Last day of the week I started flushing plants with Flawless Finish.
1 comment
Week 25. Flowering
5 years ago
68 cm
15 °C
75 %
21 °C
10 °C
3 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 2
Organic Molasses 1 mll
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
October came in with cold temps some rain and constant humidity of 70-80%. Night this week were extremely cold, down to 2C. I've put some blankets under pots over night so they don't freeze. Due to this high humidity on one bud I noticed bud rot. Thankfully I spotted it just in time as only small portion of bud was ruined. Leaves are turning yellow in faster pace than I expected and leaves that come out of bud sites are turning purple. I've never seen this before and it looks nice. Buds are getting real heavy and frosty. Branches are almost touching ground due to heavy buds so I had to tie them together with some rope. Ripeness of trichomes are still not there. They still need a week or two. At the beginning of this week I started flushing the plant with Flawless Finish and with some mild dose of molasses.
Week 26. Flowering
5 years ago
68 cm
20 °C
70 %
21 °C
15 °C
11 °C
14 L
0 L
Nutrients 2
Organic Molasses 1 mll
Flawless Finish - Advanced Nutrients
Flawless Finish 2 mll
After 26 weeks of constant care harvest is almost here. I can't believe the end is near. Plants are in their final week of flowering. All fan leaves are yellow and are starting to fall off. Due to sudden temperature drop last week, down to 2°C at night, something interesting started to happen. One plant has developed purple colour on its leaves and it looks beautiful. I was always wondering how can I achieve that colour that see on pictures of other growers. It's quite a feeling when you achieve something that you only saw in pictures and dreamed about it. Now I have it on my balcony. 😎 Strange this is that other plant has retained its green colour but its leaves are all yellow, more so than the purple one. Must be some difference in genetics or something. When you compare trichomes on purple plant with the other one, trichomes on purple plant are almost there, they are all cloudy. I'm planning to give that plant couple of days to ripen a bit more. The other plants seems like it's stalling. There are still clear trichomes visible and tops of trichomes are not swollen yet. They still look like spikes. I'm probably gonna leave this plant few more days longer than purple one to ripen a bit more. In all that anticipation how the plant tastes like, how it kicks, I took few small buds of the branch. I cut them up with scissors in small pieces so it looked like grind, placed them on hard paper and on heat radiator. I dried them for few hours until that green smell disappeared. In the end, smell was great, smoke was unbelievably smooth, no coughs and it packs a nice punch. This week in all amazement started with temperatures of 20-22°C and nights are around 10-12°C. It looks like nature was doing me a favour and gave me one more week of warm weather and sunshine. Too bad that plants had only 5h of direct sunlight from 13:00 till sunset 18:00h. Keep in mind that plants are still in day 4 of this week by the time of writing, so 3 more days till week is over. I hope plants will finish by the end of the week. Today 14.10.2019. I'm stopping with molasses and Flawless Finish and will let the plants drink up what's left in the soil. Update: It's 16.10.2019, 17:25 and I decided to put the plants in dark for 48h after heavy rain started and humidity was over 98%. Trichomes on purple plant are almost all cloudy. The other plant is really stalling and there are still some clear trichomes. Ripening is slowed due to short periods of sunlight. Couple of days more would be perfect but weather is too shifty and 6 months of work would go to waste and I don't want to risk it. Buds really got dense and heavy and bud rot could easily develop in this condition. I'll see you next week when I'll be harvesting the plants.
Week 27. Flowering
5 years ago
68 cm
21 °C
60 %
11 °C
Plants are harvested and hung to dry. Humidity in the room varies from 55-75%. It depends on the weather. There is an oscillating fan in the room set to low speed to circulate the air. Both plants have 1328g in wet weight. I'm hoping to get 20-25% of total. After 7 days plants were ready for trimming and curing.
Week 27. Harvest
5 years ago
Happy Harvest Day!
After 7 days of drying it was time to try it before I start curing. This strain is like no other. Smoke is smooth with caramel sweet taste and flowery smell, it's just amazing. It smells very differently than any other weed. Honey Cream is most definitely an evening strain. It's strong but not that much that will put you to sleep, well maybe after few joints The effect is quite nice sending positive vibes all over body making you happy and somewhat creative. Head high is stoned/high and you don't get mental blocks that makes you forget. Side effects are mild like dry mouth and dry eyes but noting noticeable.
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Spent 190 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
664 g
Bud wet weight per plant
124 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Creative, Happy, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry eyes, Dry mouth
Negative effects
Caramel, Flowery, Sweet

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Growing this strain was actually a great learning experience, long grow that took a bit over 6 months with some hard work and care and taking pictures every day to record the progress. Some problems occurred along the way like overwatering and pH fluctuations that caused nutrient deficiencies and with all kinds of torture on these plants I did like LST, HST topping, fiming, defoliation, plants recovered very quickly. One thing that this plant is not so resilient is bud rot. At the end flowering there were two bud sites that had bud rot. I spotted it very early on and removed only rotten parts. Plants finished its cycle with no other problems. From seed to harvest it took 26 weeks. Longer flowering of 9 weeks was due to a lack of sunlight. Plants only had 6-7h of direct sunlight from 13:00 till sunset, and at the end of flowering it was reduced to 5h from 13:00 to 18:00. Even with low light they produced some nice dense buds that in the end were bending branches. One thing surprised me is that one plant went all purple while the other stayed green. It was really nice to watch how leaves change colour in those autumn purple shades. Plants were cut down on 18.10.2019. and after 7 days were ready for curing. I did a dry trim and managed to get almost ideal humidity of 60%. Both plants yielded a bit over 240g which filled six 1l jars. I've never seen that much weed in my life. 😮 😁 In conclusion, this strain is really something different, but in a positive way, that everyone must try at least once.


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Budcrackcommentedweek 146 years ago
Hey, you're growing a jungle on top of your balcony! Looking good man! When do you expect daylight to drop below 14Hrs in your region?
Satori_Hansocommented6 years ago
@Budcrack, It cant hurt to do that. I can start darkening in 10 days. Need to clean up the space for them first and need to reorganize the schedule I have for my other plants that are coming down in the next few days/weeks. I'll give it a go. 😀
Budcrackcommented6 years ago
@Satori_Hanso, it's for sure going to be the most smelly balcony! 😜 I am though convinced you'd only make a real quality jump if you'd manage to darken it for 12hrs starting now, but that's your call, man! 😉
Satori_Hansocommented6 years ago
@Budcrack, Hey Bud! Thanks for dropping by. Yeah, it's a jungle on balcony. Both plants are over 80cm in width and that's just two of them. 😀 Next, two AMG's are close to 70cm in width. I can barely walk out there just to water them. 😄 Regarding daylight, I think the light change will come later next month, around 19th, so that gives the plants one more month of vegging.
Verlidocommentedweek 66 years ago
Nice growth😎
Satori_Hansocommented6 years ago
@Verlido, Yea, I can't believe. It's going into extreme 😀 And I'm not feeding them that much. Just below the recommended doze on the bottle. I'm using nutrients for green plants with high nitrogen NPK 8-3-5. I guess it's doing its job. It cost me 5$ for 0.5l. It also has chelated Cu, Zn,Fe, Mn.
Verlidocommented6 years ago
@Satori_Hanso, Damnnn. What a lot of difference in one week 😍
Satori_Hansocommented6 years ago
@Verlido, Thank you !
GrowBeforeHoecommentedweek 36 years ago
Plant looking good and intresting LST construction. 😄 Keep growing 👍🏻💚
Satori_Hansocommented6 years ago
@GrowBeforeHoe, The plants took their own form. Worm like stem got fatten and everything now grows like a bush :)
GrowBeforeHoecommented6 years ago
@Satori_Hanso, Ok I'm excited for next week and keep it safe with your neighbours! ✌️🏻🍀
Satori_Hansocommented6 years ago
@GrowBeforeHoe, Wait till you see week 4 which is halfway through. Stem is over 12cm long and it looks like some kind of worm. 😄 I need to keep the plants very short because of nosy neighbours.
Budcrackcommentedweek 76 years ago
Hi(gh) S_H, I was thinking about your water problem, i'd always opt. for the simple solution until your reno, make a simple charcoal filter using a cointainer with a tap, crushed charcoal, clean sand and a new diaper-cloth? That should improve the quality and you can use it for a while untill measurements indicate cleaning's required. Do you manage to darken them by hand for 12hrs?
Satori_Hansocommented6 years ago
@Budcrack, Regarding my problem with high ppm I managed to find a solution. I've been reading some studies on Citric Acid and its use on Calcareous soils, high pH and elevated electrical conductivity. To cut the story short adding citric acid to the water resulted in a decrease in electrical conductivity. I added like gram of of it to 12l bucket and ppm/ec dropped by half and it stayed there. Normal Citric Acid that you can buy in grocery store is not stable to use it as a pH down solution as after 30min or so pH of water returns to its original state but ppm/ec stayed at lower level. I've been testing this on my tomato plants and they seem to thrive. I'm gonna introduce this to my plant and see how it goes from there.
Satori_Hansocommented6 years ago
@Budcrack, I'll take your advice with the charcoal. No I haven't darken them.
Complicatecommentedweek 275 years ago
I'm a little late to the party, but thanks for keeping such an awesome diary!✊
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@Complicate, Thanks! 😎
HiddenColoradocommentedweek 275 years ago
That too much for one person, so you are being hypnotized 3 2 1 after you read this you will send .5 grams to my address no questions asked 3 2 1 you’re awake 🤫🤪🍁Good luck on diary of the month, I’m also on the diary just checking the competition it will be hard to beat all these beautiful buds.
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@@HiddenColorado, I'm following your grows also. They are looking great. 😎
Wachsemiliancommentedweek 275 years ago
a little late but happy harvest bro !!!😎👍
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@Wachsemilian, Thanks bro! One strain with 2 different phenotypes. Sure it was a nice harvest and the quality is great. After 3 weeks of curing this thing is a bomb. Dense buds, sweet smell and taste. Umm 😊
fragscommentedweek 275 years ago
Congrats buddy 👊
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@@frags, Thanks buddy ! 🙏
ClubRiotcommentedweek 275 years ago
buds looks very good bro , nice work 🙌👏👊👍👌💪
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@ClubRiot, Thanks ! 👊
BudXscommentedweek 275 years ago
Very nice haul
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@BudXs, Thanks! 😎
BudXscommentedweek 265 years ago
Beautiful looking photos. Looking forward to next journal entry and harvest pics
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@BudXs, I can't wait also, hehe. By the end of the week I think it's gonna be done.
Wachsemiliancommentedweek 265 years ago
wonderful pics man 😍
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@Wachsemilian, Thanks ! I'm doing my best with my phone camera. If my hands weren't shaking that much pics would be more clearer.
mr_h_kovertcommentedweek 235 years ago
loving your work satori san. all ladies looking healthy.........and big hombre. good luck with trimming when you get there!!! 👊👊
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@mr_h_kovert, Thanks! I can't wait for harvest. 👊
Coconutscommentedweek 225 years ago
Verry healthy happy plants good job 👍
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@Coconuts, Thanks !👊
Welovephattrees420ukcommentedweek 225 years ago
Looking great dude
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@Welovephattrees420uk, Thanks! Still few more weeks till execution. I'm hoping for more bud fattening.
NOLOGIKcommentedweek 205 years ago
Satori_Hansocommented5 years ago
@NOLOGIK, Thanks. I'm doing my best for my first photo-period grow.💪😎
Budcrackcommentedweek 86 years ago
Hey S-H! I heard you're almost aprentice? Congrats!
Satori_Hansocommented6 years ago
@Budcrack, Thank you very much ! Yes, I am now officially apprentice 😃. Who would've thought little old me noob.
DoDrugs420commentedweek 274 years ago
Nice Honey Cream (Royal Caramel)!
Dakakacommentedweek 245 years ago
Good work 🤘
Wachsemiliancommentedweek 186 years ago
that is a really nice garden ...👍...till next week😎
the end.
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