This week was very stressful...for all. Due to insane teperatures (almost 40C in shade during day!!!) combined with my unexpected 3 day absence I am actually happy they survived but there were many dead leaves and it is still not over.
Wish me luck...
@Butrus,ive been living in big cities, and it was like you tell it. to find sleep is very hard if its like this. and i enjoy my old farmershouse very much. sometimes i want to move, but then summer comes, and i know why i live here
@Mrs_Larimar, oh my... 40C, that's insane! But I envy you the sandstone house - I live in one of those communist concrete hutches so 23 degrees is something I dream about when I hallucinate from overheating 😂
@Butrus,we should get around 40 degree for a few days, so ive put all potted plants into the Shadow
and i live in an old sandstone house if its hot outside i sit with a litle freezing toes in my house with lovely 23 degree.
About FIMing autos I would not use it on a fast growing indica strain like LSD but some have and get away with it but most stunt from what I see.
Planning to use it on a Fast Bud sativa which spend longer in veg and flower than the indicas according to what they told me. I am looking for it to bush-out without a lot of LST or topping for a plant I hope to grow outside if weather keeps improving.
@rhodes68, absolutely! I initially even didn't want to FIM it but then I was like...meh, I still have a week or so to get into flowering so I'll give it a try. Well, I was wrong :)
Good luck with your grow 🙏
I wouldn't be concerned, the difference in size looks perfectly ok to me for their age (they can grow this much in just two or three days). In two weeks it might look exactly the opposite. Didn't you ever have a classmate who was always the smallest and then all of a sudden turned out the biggest of the crowd? They are looking perfectly healthy. Just be patient. I know, it's hard 😉
@Buddha2, sure thing, I’ll give them time but still it is somewhat weird that one is ~20cm and the othe is like ~27, I need to consider topping the faster one - that could actually help to make them equal in height and at the same time increase yield on the topped one :)
@VikRik, thanks man! I’m getting very close to finish as trichomes are already turning to amber, thus I won’t feed them anymore and cut them down on Sunday 23. That will be end of 11th week in total, 7th flowering which is actually as I expected 😀
well dont be to disappointed. you got a big lesson. I got the same ( jsut look at my lsd grow. I started to soon, and fooged it up in using anothr bsic soil( i was out of business with my compost soil)and well somehow they dont developed like i would
@Mrs_Larimar, sorry to hear that about your LSD girls. And you're right, I'll take the most out of this run in experiences and I'll take this as a chance to get my feet back on the ground a bit :) The major disappointment comes from higher and higher expectations I had...gotta re-think it and start enjoying the whole process again.
Thanks a lot for your support! 🙏
I'll try to cool the pantry down a bit by keeping it partially opened. Due to the intensive lights the pantry was actually warmer than rest of the flat so I hope it will get the temps down by at least 2-3°C.
Another thing I noticed as I started giving them more water is the soil I chose for this run was a mistake. It is a peat-less mix which holds water really badly. I definitely won't buy that mix again...another lesson learned the hard way.
Nevetheless will keep on fighthing at least for the sake of learning more 😉