Both PPP strains are doing amazing. Fpog is massive. Lst and defoilating constantly.
Moonpie has massive fan leaves going to strip it soon.
Tangie is sad. Hungry and possible rootbound. Trying to get a good feed an a response from her. Shes still stacking tho.
I like to put autos straight to final home and give them in growing stage good amount of Root juice and cal - mag + humic acid to boost vigorous growth. Too much nitrogen in that stage can make flowering stage to take longer to kick in.
Happy growing!
@Thomas, *an xxl auto "xxl" extra extra large like dinafem blue amnesia.
My fpog auto was an s1 of this i think but it flowered too many weeks. Good yield and potent
Starting in a solo cup seems to work best for me. The short wet / dry cycle really helps in building a healthy root zone. After that train in whatever way you like best; for me it's topping with LST
Hi @Thomas! I start my autos into tiny AirPots container (0.5L). This way I'm totally unable to overwater, I can watch the roots progress and find my perfect transplantation day, and they require less space so I can start under a tiny light in a tiny box/closet. Transplanting autos can be risky, but with AirPots the ease of use makes this process stress-less for the seedlings. Hope this will help, keep us updated and happy growing! ๐