Actually there's 3 sixshooters.. but because ofthe bad soil she is not growing as her sisters.. you can see the difference 2 of them is in plagron light mix, the other is in regular gardenning soil.. so i decide to change her soil before the things going bad more.. they are both 12 days old and i topped from the 4th node, and will try mainlining with them.. this is my first attempt for mainlining so it will be great any help all the way through..
and the big sisters shows up calmag def. today i gave them little bit nutes..
they are under 400w hps and in 80x80 tent..
4th girl is (right back) auto ultimate from dutch pasion..I will open her a another diary..
I realized that 4 tabs in 12L is too much, recommended amount is 2 tabs, why i put 4😲😬, really dont know, maybe i was too tired because of work and not concentrated what i am doing..