8/27 Day 44
Finished light defoliation, about 3% of leaf mass, Buds are exposed air can circulate no need for further.
Could not be happier with how things are going after the difficulties of the summer. Further reducing nuet line up, Big Bloom, Kangaroots, will only be used at the beginning of the grow to get roots moving and biology off to a good start. Really thinking a 2 or three part organic feed is all I will need from mid-veg on. So pleased with the Bio-Bizz
No problems nor deficiencies to address
Today's feeding Bio-Grow (1 tsp/gal) Bio-Bloom (2 tsp/gal)
Working on the grow room today to add the smaller 32x32" tent that will serve veg duty from now on, getting a full spectrum 150 true watts LED to mitigate heat and power. No extraction at first wait and see how things go if I need will add a 4" line. Looking forward to next grow starting in a few days :)
The new light for the veg tent :
8/28 Just new pics I had to have em out for clean up as Ceila and Becky are beginning fade and I wanted a closer look.
Increasing the fans a bit as they seemed moister than I would like on the interior. Cant really see any problems at this time
@rhodes68, not a bad ide at all! I've been switchin from 10 to 20 L air pots it makes a huge diference, bigger roots = healthier plants and bigger yields 💚 love the cbd crack!
The gain just from increasing pot size 66% (from 3 to 5 gallon or 19 liter) is remarkable though I will take all the credit I can get :)
It has me thinking about 7 gallon containers
It looks like a a load of Cricket bats, lol.
again, nice to see the CBD side of the plant, maybe I'm too newb to realise theres more, I'm still exploring the site.
CBD variants are something I plan on in the future when I have more experience.
Good work and I look forward to seeing what you have in the future.
Thanks heck I have been down with some bug myself trying to get all the summer grows harvested and dried, still have two more plants to get this week... so thanks :)
Following, off to a good start I see.
The transplant problems is why I use coco fiber starter pots, love em.
Thanks lot of things seem to be coming together, the genetics are just the best with solid bones, I stopped trying to kill them, the 707 soil is performing marvelous, I stopped trying to kill them, Biobizz is just exceeding all expectations on all three grows, I stopped trying to kill them, and 5 gallon pots! (roots roots roots).
All I seem to have to do is be attentive and watch them for feedback. Easy peasy
Wish I could say it was a green thumb man would that be handy. :)
Good luck