**Encontrarás la traducción a español al final de la descripción**
From/Desde: 14/10/19 || To/Hasta: 20/10/19
From day/Desde día: 84 || To day/Hasta día: 90
If you like this week, please hit a like, it costs you nothing! 👊. Thanks in advance 😉!
-----IMAGES & VIDEOS-----
P13: The excess nutrients are beginning to be noticed on the leaves.
-----WEEK SUMMARY-----
Again my unexperience and desire of pushing things to the limits, are returning the play to me. The excess of nutrients at the end of this week is more than evident in most of the leaves of AliceK., in fact, so much that I've entered into panic mode and the last 2 days I've watered her with FloraKleen trying to fix something, although I'm afraid it's too late and I'm going to suffer the consequences.
The continuous waterings of this week have had consequences beyond. Due to the water the humidity in the tent has risen a lot for several consecutive days, and for next week AliceK will have a severe infection of Oidium in the leaves, so severe that in a few days it will colonize the entire plant, despite of the combat actions I've taken. This will inevitably lead me to sacrifice Alice at the beginning of the fattening process 🐖.
14/10/19 DAY 84 - 3 l with All week nutrients -(FloraKleen) & Bloom Nutrition Half Dosed @ (2.1 EC | PH 6.2 | 25.2ºc)
17/10/19 DAY 87 - 4 l with all week nutrients -(Rinho Skin, FloraKleen) @ (2.3 EC | PH 6.4 | 22.2ºc)
19/10/19 DAY 89 - 1.5 l with FloraKleen & Bud Factor-X @ (PH 6.2 | 23ºc)
20/10/19 DAY 90 - 1.5 l with FloraKleen & Bud Factor-X @ (PH 6.2 | 23ºc)
Por favor, si te gusta esta semana dale un like, no te cuesta nada 👊. ¡Gracias por adelantado 😉!
P13: Ya se empieza a notar en las hojas el exceso de nutrientes que he estado aplicando, por ende la planta está empezando a sufrir las consecuencias.
De nuevo mi inexperiencia y mis ganas de empujar las cosas al límite me están devolviendo la jugada con creces. El exceso de nutrientes al final de esta semana es más que evidente en la mayoría de las hojas de Alice k., de hecho tanto que me he asustado y los 2 últimos días he regado con FloraKleen para ver si puedo arreglar algo, aunque me temo que ya es tarde y que voy a sufrir las consecuencias.
Los riegos continuados de esta semana han tenido consecuencias más allá. Debido a los riegos ha subido mucho la humedad en el armario durante varios días consecutivos y para la semana que viene ya voy a tener una infección severa de Oidio en las hojas de Alice, tan severa que en pocos días va a colonizar toda la planta a pesar de las medidas que intente tomar. Esto me llevará inevitablemente a sacrificar la Alice al inicio del proceso de engorde 🐖.
14/10/19 DÍA 84 - 3 l con todos los nutrientes semanales -(FloraKleen) y Bloom Nutrition media dosis @ (2,1 EC | PH 6,2 | 25,2ºc)
17/10/19 DÍA 87 - 4 l con todos los nutrientes semanales -(Rinho Skin, FloraKleen) @ (2,3 EC | PH 6,4 | 22,2ºc)
19/10/19 DÍA 89 - 1,5 l con FloraKleen y Bud Factor-X @ (PH 6,2 | 23ºc)
20/10/19 DÍA 90 - 1,5 l con FloraKleen y Bud Factor-X @ (PH 6,2 | 23ºc)
@SpliffSeeds, This is growing awesome SpliffMate, thanks for pointing me to this genetic. I hope i didn't screw up the grow, at time (Week 6) it's awesome. Thanks for this genetic!!
@@MyrceneDream, Thank you very much MyrceneD!!!, i'm very glad you like the setup and leave a feedback about it 💚.
In feedback for you i will tell you that your New Logo looks awesome too man!, as clean an easy as the training 👊, like a good logo should be 👏👏👌. Green Love! 💚💚💚
@BuddingBudda, Thank you very much for your awesome and kind words. I'm very glad you like what i do for be published in this awesome platform. Thanks again, I really appreciate your words. Green Love! 💚💚💚
@@@MyrceneDream, Thank you very much Bud!!, I'd like it to be my merit, but it's all camera's fault hahahahaha ;), you let'em there, and they'll do all the hard chinese work 💪💪 . Thanks a bunch for the like 🙏.
Green Love! 💚💚💚
@CRiSPrGrow, Haha!, then we're at same point buddy ;)!!. I started to grow 15 months ago, June 2018 😅, impulsed by my girlfriend, as she found a friend that lended us him terrace, to grow :). After that summer, last November i bought a tent and some equipment and started to grow indoors, so in November I will accomplish a year growing indoors. All the best buddy!!.
@Ga4rd2en0er,Thank you very much, she was so wonderful indeed. It was terrible for me to harvest her before the fattening phase, very very discouraging. Next time I will take better care with this genetic. 💚💚💚💚
@@MyrceneDream, Thank you very much Myrcene!, making good videos is hard, I know mines arn't, but I'm still trying to do them better while learning. I appreciate a ton your words bro!, Green Love Buddy 💚💚💚.