Day 37. Heavy defol on the entire canopy last night. QB came today. Watered @ 6.5pH. No nutes yet, but probably soon.
24°C 49%.
I'll include some individual pics tomorrow. Preflowers are happening for a few days now. The stink is *real*. God, I love it. But I hooked up the carbon filter for anonymity's sake. Funny thing- I forgot that I connected it. Woke up like, 'Hmm...? Is everything ok? Why doesn't it smell like a dank skunk got hit by a truck?! ... Oh, right.'
Things are good.
Day 39. First flower feeding. Some veg nutes, and very low flower nute dose. Hoping to ease the transition. Hope nothing goes wrong. 97ppm, so yeah...going slow with nutes. GSC and Tangie are my sativa dominant hybrids, so they got 1/2 strength compared to the others.
Additionally today they all got 1.5L (50% more). Things are still good, I hope. VPD is between 1.35 and 1.4 throughout the tent (got an IR thermometer today). 🙂
Day 41. Stronger feed today.
340ppm. 19.1°C. pH6.6.
@Avital, I don't think you could hurt then with this technique unless you're brutal or leave it in too long. But mine grew so much despite the ponytail that it would've come out anyway after 1.5 days.
It's really low stress. Try it out! :)
@Avital, thanks for checking out my diary and asking!
Ponytailing is a *very* temporary technique. There's more about it on AFN, but basically the idea is to tie the top couple of fans *and* apical meristem which in turn exposes the lower nodes.
You can't really leave the ponytail in tho...because the top growth will force it's way out of the tie *or* you'll wind up inadvertently topping. Don't get scared of it tho. It really is less stress than bending and tying down. You just have to re-tie it daily until your satisfied with the under-nodes' growth.
Pruning fans would have a similar effect (exposure downstairs), but I'm not ready to prune.
@Fast_Buds, happy to oblige! The first Gorilla Glue was a complete dud, but the second took. Fingers crossed that it looks as nice as the Tangie'matic!